Two Point Museum will open its doors to visitors in March 2025

If I took my kid to a dinosaur museum and the gift shop and aisles were full of Sonic merchandise, I think I'd be a little confused. I think that makes the inclusion of items like the pre-order bonuses for the Two Point Museum — along with Knuckles staff costumes and Sonic-themed interactive exhibits — a pretty strong additional incentive not to pre-order.

But at least the next manager game in the sprawling second universe now has a release date: March 4, 2025.

To be fair, Sonic is a relic that should be in a museum. Watch on YouTube

Two Point Museum follows Campus and Hospital in offering a spiritual successor to the Bullfrog vein of management games. That means a cool core of financial efficiency, with a loose layer of light satire and absurdity on top, while providing money-making entertainment for your traveling clientele to enjoy. It’s a winning formula now as it was in the ’90s: Ed praised the “relaxed joy” in his Two Point Campus review, and Nic found a healthy patient in his 2018 Two Point Hospital review.

In this latest construction project, you'll build a museum with a distinctly natural history focus, with exhibits showing dinosaur bones, ocean fossils, and the like. There are also some new systems that seem to fit the theme. As a museum curator, you'll send relic hunters around an increasingly revealing world map to retrieve goods, like a looting employee of the British Museum, and your exhibits can be leveled up to create more “Buzz,” encouraging visitors to make larger donations.

More information about pre-order bonuses and the various editions can now be found on the Steam page.

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