Top 10 Justice League Mysteries

DC fans will find some of the best and most epic superhero battles of all time in the Justice League comics. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the rest of the League saved the world from Brainiac, Darkseid, and the Anti-Monitor in large-scale, multiverse battles. Plus, amidst all this action, the Justice League comics are home to intricate and gripping mysteries that test the League physically, mentally, and emotionally, leaving readers on the edge of their seats.

Who was responsible for the New 52? How did the Guardians characters cross paths in the DC Universe? Who was Darkseid looking for when he invaded Earth? The Justice League comics have asked these questions and more, answering them spectacularly in some of the best Justice League comics of all time.

10 Who devised the plans to defeat the Justice League?

Comic book

Justice League of America “Tower of Babel”


Mark Waid, Howard Porter and Steve Scott

“Tower of Babel” really pitted the Justice League against Batman. It was DC's version of Civil war before Marvel published Civil waronly the League stood almost entirely against the Dark Knight. “Tower of Babel” showed the lengths to which Batman would go to protect the world, even from heroes like Superman and Green Lantern if they had to betray him.

Much of the mystery revolves around who stole these plans and where they came from. The iconic plot was also adapted into the blockbuster film Justice League: Destiny animated film in which Vandal Savage, not Ra's al Ghul, steals the plans and coordinates attacks with the Legion of Doom.

9 Justice League Memory Erasures

Justice League mourns Sue Dibny's death in DC Comics' Identity Crisis

Comic book

Identity crisis


Brad Meltzer, Michael Turner, Rags Morales and Alex Sinclair


The 25 Most Powerful Batman Costumes, Ranked

When Batman has to face a powerful villain or the corrupt Justice League, he's not afraid to give himself an edge by donning a particularly aggressive costume.

Readers have had mixed reactions to Identity crisisOn the one hand, Identity crisis provided a decent mystery; the Justice League solved the murder of Sue Dibny, Elongated Man's wife. More mysteries followed involving Doctor Light, Tim Drake's Robin, Zatanna, and the Justice League.

On the other hand, Identity crisis has tackled many difficult topics, and some fans believe that he could have handled those topics more carefully. Eventually, Batman discovered how many events the League had swept under the rug with mindwipes. Elements of the Identity crisis The adventures are enjoyable, with the mechanics of a master class in detective fiction, but many feel that the resolution is unsatisfactory.

8 Who created the Flashpoint paradox?

Flash speeds through the city in DC Comics' Flashpoint

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Flash point


Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert

THE Flash point miniseries changed everything about the DC Universe… literally. Barry Allen woke up to an unfamiliar world. Aquaman and Wonder Woman were at war, Superman was nowhere to be found, and Thomas Wayne had become Batman.

The first half of the miniseries sees Barry Allen regain his super speed and discover who created this new timeline. Coming soon after Flash: Rebirth, Flash point leads readers to believe that Reverse Flash is responsible. However, readers learn that Barry himself changed the timeline to revive his deceased mother, effectively altering the DC Universe forever after Flash point led to the creation of the New 52.

7 Who reset the DC Universe?

A team of superheroes led by Superman rocket upwards into the lightning in DC: Rebirth #1.

Comic book

DC Universe: Rebirth #1


Starring: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Phil Jimenez, Ethan Van Sciver and Ivan Reis


Wonder Woman: 10 Powers You Didn't Know She Had

Wonder Woman has many iconic powers and abilities, but some of the Amazons' greatest gifts go unnoticed in her adventures in the DC Universe.

DC Universe: Rebirth #1 is one of the best one-shots in DC history. Rebirth marked the end of the New 52, ​​an era many fans were happy to leave behind, and promised a fresh start for DC Comics that ironically revived many elements of the past. Green Arrow and Black Canary fell in love again, post-Crisis Superman and Lois Lane returned, and the original Wally West returned.

Amidst all these returning faces and changes of state, Rebirth #1 slowly revealed who was behind the many changes to the DC timeline. Barry Allen thought it might be Reverse Flash, but Wally West confirmed it was someone even more dangerous. The final pages of Rebirth echoed Doctor Manhattan's speech in Guardians: “Nothing ends.”

6 Justice League meets Watchmen

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Doomsday Clock


Geoff Johns, Gary Frank and Brad Anderson

Doctor Manhattan has been behind nearly every change in the DC Universe, secretly observing the DC world and in particular Superman's impact on DC Comics. Doomsday Clock It was an epic crossover equal parts Justice League and Guardians and a meta-commentary on the importance of Superman to DC and comics in general.

DC Universe: Rebirth #1 teased the arrival of Doctor Manhattan in the main DC Universe, but Doomsday Clock finally revealed how Batman, Rorschach, Manhattan and Superman would share a comic book page and how Ozymandias had left the dying world of Watchmen to join DC's.

5 Grail, Darkseid's daughter

Darkseid's daughter, Grail, with Wonder Woman and her mother Myrina Black in the background

Comic book

Justice League “Darkseid War”


Starring: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson and Alex Sinclair


10 DC Heroes Who Should Never Fight Darkseid

Darkseid is one of the most powerful gods in the DC Universe, and even some of DC's strongest heroes should never challenge him face to face.

Grail first appeared in Justice League (Vol. 2) #40, created by Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok, and served as one of the main antagonists in “Darkseid War”. Grail is the daughter of Darkseid and, ironically, a herald of the Anti-Monitor, a godlike being who opposed her father. Although Grail appeared in the final version Justice League arc, Darkseid first mentioned her indirectly when he invaded Earth in Justice League “Origin.”

Darkseid shouted that he was looking for “her,” but readers wondered who the mighty New God was looking for. The mystery of who Grail was and her intertwined origin with Wonder Woman has since made for a nice bookend to the New 52. Justice League series.

4 Batman and the Three Jokers

Batman as God of Knowledge from Darkseid War

Comic book

Justice League “Darkseid War”


Starring: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson and Alex Sinclair

“Darkseid War” concluded the New 52 Justice League was, but before the Justice League successfully ended the conflict between Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor, they both gained the powers of gods. Batman sat in Metron's Mobius Chair and gained all the knowledge in the universe, including the fact that there isn't just one Joker; there are three.

This mystery began in Justice League (Vol. 2) and has borne fruit in Batman: Three Jokers miniseries. There, readers learned that there were literally three Jokers that Batman primarily encountered during his crime-fighting years. The Villain, the Comedian, and the Clown each represented a different era of DC Comics. Three Jokers He argued that the Joker was more than just a man. He was a symbol, like Batman.

3 Justice League and Justice Society Search for the Legion of Superheroes

justice league lightning saga

Comic book

“The Lightning Saga”


Brad Meltzer, Geoff Johns, Shane Davis, Ed Benes and Dale Eaglesham


The 10 Best Justice League Eras

Now that the Justice League makes its triumphant return after Absolute Power, it’s a good time to look back at what worked during the team’s iconic eras.

Just like Crisis on Infinite Earths changed the DC Universe in 1985, Infinite Crisisits first sequel, changed everything again. Much of the DC timeline had been rewritten, so “The Lightning Saga” was a crossover used to reintroduce the Legion of Super-Heroes. “The Lightning Saga” reunited the Justice League and Justice Society to track down Legionnaires who were stranded in the present.

From Karate Kid to Lightning Lad to Dream Girl, the Justice League slowly found more and more members of the Legion of Super-Heroes. “The Lightning Saga” was part mystery/part fetch quest, sending readers on a journey across the DC Universe, combining three iconic superhero teams from different eras of DC Comics.

2 Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman of Earth 2

The New 52 Earth-2 Superman and Wonder Woman Fight the Parademons

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Earth 2


James Robinson, Nicola Scott, Trevor Scott and Alex Sinclair

The Justice Society of America in the New 52 was younger and more modern. Tragically, these new “Marvels,” like Jay Garrick's Flash or Alan Scott's Green Lantern, only emerged after the apparent deaths of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.

As readers proceed Earth 2discover, one by one, that the DC Trinity is still alive. However, Superman and Wonder Woman return as clones or agents of Darkseid, and the Dark Knight who reappears is not the Batman readers knew. Finding out what happened to the DC Trinity is one of the most enjoyable experiences of reading Earth 2.

1 The Justice League vs. The Center

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DC: The New Frontier


Darwyn's Cook

by Darwyn Cooke The new frontier is one of the best Justice League comics ever. It brought DC's heroes and villains back to the Golden Age and made a strong case for their existence exclusively in this setting. Along with the familiar faces of Superman, Batman, Robin and more from the Golden Age, The new frontier He also introduced a villain called Centro.

The Center is more of a horror villain than a classic comic book villain; it is a telepathic, ancient creature hellbent on destroying humanity's destructive potential. First possessing an illustrator, then various characters throughout the book who challenge the Justice League, the mystery of who, or what, the Center is has been a mainstay of DC: The New Frontier.

The Justice League poses together on the cover of Justice League of America 1

DC Comics

DC Comics chronicles the adventures of iconic superheroes such as Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman and many others.

Created by
Malcolm Wheeler Nicholson

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