THE Garfield comic strips bring back a lot of nostalgia for fans, especially during the holidays. As one of the best comic strips still around today, Autumn reminds many readers of all the Halloweens they've spent with their Garfield characters.
Whether it’s outlandish costumes or outlandish nightmares, creator Jim Davis sure knows how to warm the hearts of Halloween-themed parties. Garfield comics. Some of the most iconic Halloween comic strips to date come from Garfield series itself. As fans settle into the cooler autumn weather, Garfield Comics are once again a way for families to enjoy the holiday season with their loved ones.
10 Jon's toaster is haunted
Or maybe Garfield just got greedy
Jon Arbuckle constantly finds himself in ridiculous situations, usually at the hands of his cat, Garfield. This dynamic duo constantly trades hilarious banter in nearly every comic strip. Their relationship is part of what makes fans love the Garfield comic book series so much.
This comic only takes the tenth place in the ranking, mainly because there are many more iconic comics Garfield comics published for Halloween. Compared to other Halloween Garfield comics, this comic strip is reasonably boring. However, it is still much funnier than others Garfield strips that did not make the list.
9 Garfield is consistently unamused
He didn't bother to get scared
Garfield often sits in front of the television when he is not busy tormenting his family. His ability to be comical, even when he is doing practically nothing, is one of the reasons why Garfield is considered one of the best comic book pets of all time.
It's not the scariest ghost movie I've ever seen.
Halloween Comics from Garfield series never fail to make fans laugh out loud, even when the jokes are pretty simple. Character creator Jim Davis has created a character that always brings a smile to the faces of readers, even when he is indifferent and bored. These simple moments are the kind of moments that fans know Garfield comics for.
8 This ghost destroys a peaceful bonfire
Good thing Garfield ate all the snacks
Jim Davis's unique art style is exemplified throughout the Garfield comic strip series. In this strip, however, Davis takes the extra step to demonstrate his talent by designing the ghost that destroys their campfire in a different way, completely outside of his wheelhouse.
Moments like these remind readers that Davis is a talented artist, capable of working far beyond what the Garfield comics require. Readers will also find that this comic strip is woven with the subtle implication that Garfield ate all the marshmallows at the campfire, which wouldn't surprise anyone considering Garfield's love of all kinds of food.
7 This mask is hilariously scary
Davis is a spectacular illustrator
For a couple of years, this terrifying green mask would become one of the best recurring gags associated with the Garfield Halloween Comics. First appearing in the early 1980s, this disgusting mask would be used for years to signal to fans that Halloween comic strips were on the way.
Due to scheduling times, some Halloween-themed comic strips came out a little before Halloween itself. Sometimes, Davis would even write multiple Halloween comics to cover the entire week leading up to Halloween. Since Davis has a very busy schedule for the Garfield comics, no wonder Halloween strips went destined to become a tradition for the popular comic book series.
6 Garfield and ghosts don't get along
This ghost gets a little morbid
True fans know that Garfield regularly gets into fights with any character who can get him to talk for more than a few minutes. This poor ghost makes the bad decision to approach Garfield and ultimately pays the price, as Garfield is not afraid of traditional ghostly specters.
One interesting thing about this comic is the reference to death. Although the reference is the punchline and is lighthearted, creator Jim Davis steadfastly avoids mentioning death under any circumstances in the Garfield comics. When it comes to characters making threats, Davis usually opts to make those statements wacky and funny rather than macabre and serious. This moment in Garfield The series strikes some fans as a departure from Davis' usual writing style.
5 Jon and Garfield take a dangerous detour
This Halloween comic series has stuck in the minds of fans
On certain occasions during the Garfield series, creator Jim Davis created entire subplots centered around Halloween. This storyline featuring Garfield and Jon staying in a haunted mansion was one of the first of its kind, ushering in a whole new era of Garfield Halloween themed comics.
For days, these comics kept readers captive as fans wondered what would happen to Jon and Garfield in this haunted house. Keeping a plot going for even a handful of strips is difficult, but the spectacular art and subplot kept fans excited, easily earning the fifth spot on the list.
4 This Garfield Halloween Comic Is Just Insane
Davis has really thought of everything
THE Garfield comics are easily considered among the best comics still around today. Part of that is that creator Jim Davis never seems to run out of ideas, from the sentimental to the absurd. This Garfield The comic is one of many in which Odie, Jon Arbuckle and Garfield appear to swap body parts.
Davis draws inspiration from all areas of his life, including “cat videos on the Internet,” as he said in a 2018 interview with GoComics. Perhaps new media introduced as Garfield The series inspired Davis to create a comic so disturbing that it became memorable to fans.
3 Garfield never gets tired of scaring Odie
Unfortunately, his actions have consequences.
Garfield and Odie have been at odds ever since the adorable dog joined their family in 1978. One of the best recurring gags in the entire series Garfield series was the lengths to which Garfield would go to shock, scare, or surprise his canine companion. This comic strip is no different.
We are approaching the enchanting hour when the forces of evil creep into me.
However, in most comics, Garfield almost never faces consequences for his actions. Usually, Garfield gets away with it, while Odie gets in trouble for whatever trouble Garfield gets him into. In this comic, however, Garfield's face remains with his disgusting little fangs, a deserved payoff for scaring Odie on Halloween.
2 Garfield's first spooky comic is absolutely terrifying
These crazy illustrations are perfect for a fantastic Halloween
This comic strip is the first Halloween-themed comic to appear in the Garfield comic book series. True fans can tell that this is one of the older comics, based on the old designs of Garfield and Jon that appear in this comic, plus the fact that Liz is not Garfield's doctor in this strip.
For the first ever Halloween comic strip, Davis did a spectacular job coming up with a clever and unique idea to entertain fans. Garfield really does a number on this comic, with his face legitimately terrifying readers and himself. Fans are not surprised to see Garfield get scared out of his mind by the unsettling way he can contort his face and body in this strip.
1 These Halloween Strips Have Legitimately Creeped Out Fans
Garfield lost everything in these comics
In this terrifying comic book series, Garfield faces the truth. After years of taking Odie and Jon for granted, he is faced with the brutal reality that he would not be able to survive without them. This would become a major turning point in his character, as readers would begin to see more romantic moments with Garfield from that point on.
This comic strip easily takes the top spot on the Halloween list. It's easily one of the most memorable Garfield plots of the entire series, and fans consider it one of the darkest moments of the entire Garfield franchising.
First introduced in the comic book series by Jim Davis, the Garfield franchise follows the adventures of Garfield the cat, Odie the dog, and Jon the human.
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