The Woman in the House Across the Street: The Ending Explained


  • The woman in the house opposite the girl at the window
    parody of psychosexual thrillers, offering both suspense and humor.
  • The series unraveled a gripping murder-fact mystery, giving viewers a shocking conclusion.
  • Despite the uncertainty of a second season, the series left an open ending, with the potential for more adventures for Anna.

The woman in the house opposite the girl at the window was a popular series on Netflix in 2022. It followed Kristen Bell's protagonist Anna, a woman traumatized after the terrible loss of her daughter, as she attempts to solve a murder mystery. The woman in the house parodied psychosexual thrillers such as The girl on the train AND The woman at the windowmaking the series both hilarious and suspenseful. However, it also tells a thrilling mystery about murder and reality in itself.

The shocking and satisfying conclusion of The woman in the house across the street rewarded viewers who stuck with the show. The Netflix series left no doubt about who killed Lisa and that the events of the series take place in reality, not just in Anna's mind. However, the final episode also contained a twist that left viewers wanting more. Here's what happened in the finale, plus a look at whether fans will ever get to see more of Anna's adventures.

Updated on August 21, 2024 by Ajay Aravind: The woman in the house opposite the girl at the window is probably one of the longest running horror titles of all time. However, actress Kristen Bell has explained that the series is “a satirical psychological drama” that pokes fun at itself, a bit of self-deprecating humor thrown into a series of horrifying events. Although middling in terms of reviews, the show has garnered quite an enthusiastic fan base. As such, we've updated this article with more relevant information.

The following contains spoilers for
The woman in the house opposite the girl at the window.

Who killed Lisa (and everyone else)?

Murders in the Show

  • Lisa
  • Meredith
  • Mrs. Patrick
  • Black


The Woman in the House has some horrible plot holes

As Anna tried to solve a murder mystery, the first season of Netflix’s The Woman in the House Across the Street revealed more than a few terrifying plot holes.

The woman in the house opposite the girl at the window provides Anna (and the viewers) with multiple suspects for Lisa's murder over the course of the series' eight episodes. At first, she believes that Lisa's boyfriend, Neil, killed her. Anna uncovers evidence that somewhat supports her suspicions, although much of it is fabricated in her mind. Anna eventually comes to believe that Buell, her gardener, is the killer. Anna herself is also a suspect according to the police and Detective Lane, a classic twist in the mystery genre where the detective is under suspicion by the authorities. But to everyone's shock, The killer is Neil's nine-year-old daughter, Emma. The seemingly sweet and innocent little girl murdered not only Lisa, but also her pregnant mother, her teacher, and her father. She also nearly killed Buell and Anna, herself.

Anna's hallucinations, brought on by mixing her medications with entire bottles of wine, were originally intended to cast doubt on what she saw and make her seem unbalanced. Emma managed to frame her by stealing Anna's spatula with her fingerprints, among other things. Anna even had memories of stabbing Lisa, but that was when she stabbed a painting she had done of her while she was drunk. Anna also learns from Douglas that Buell was her first-ever patient and “criminally insane,” not to mention that he had been living in her attic without her knowledge. Buell later says that he did this because he didn't want Anna to be alone in the big, empty house without Douglas around. However, early in the series finale, Anna faces her fear of rain when she sees Buell walking ominously toward the neighbor's house. (He was just returning the mail when Emma tried to kill him.)

The Woman in the House: Ending Explained

The final shot in the finale leaves the story open

  • In an interview with EWActress Kristen Bell said that “people are going to devour this show because it's designed to be watched non-stop, every single scene is basically a cliffhanger.”

The woman in the house across the streetThe ending is a bloody brawl between Anna and Emma. Minutes earlier, Anna had chased Buell to Neil and Emma's house, believing him to be the killer. She finds Buell dying on the floor and Neil on the couch with his throat slit. Anna listens as Emma explains the reasons why she killed several people. She killed her mother because she didn't want a brother. She murdered Lisa because she wouldn't buy candy bars for Emma's school fundraiser. She murdered her father because she got annoyed listening to him ventriloquism all the time because, as she said, “His act sucks.” Emma never explains why she pushed her teacher off a lighthouse, why she stabbed Anna.

The fight is hilariously long, with Emma gaining the upper hand and knocking her out by breaking Anna's saucepan over her head. Emma then calls the police, creating her cover story. As she moves to deliver the killing blow, Anna stabs the little girl with a shard of the saucepan. Douglas bursts in at the last minute, witnessing Anna kill the little girl in self-defense. The scene then jumps to the hospital, where the conversation makes it clear that his presence has exonerated Anna and corroborated her previous testimony. He also discovers that Buell survived.

The series then jumps a year into the future. Anna seems to have recovered from her trauma. She has remarried her ex-husband Douglas and they have another child together. However, things take a different turn when Anna boards a plane to New York. A mysterious woman (played by Glenn Close) sits next to her. However, when Anna goes to the bathroom, she finds the woman dead inside. When she alerts a flight attendant, the body is gone and the woman claims that the seat was always empty. Anna begins to question herself, wondering if she is hallucinating again. However, when she finds the compact the woman was using hidden in the seat, her detective senses are rekindled. She whispers to herself, “Bingo,” and the screen fades to black.

Why The Woman In The House Season 2 May Never Happen

Anna looks worried in the poster for The Woman In The House

The woman in the house across the street Season 2 has yet to be confirmedand that doesn't sound like a good thing for fans who want more from Anna and her unique approach to solving mysteries. The show has always been promoted as a limited series, according to What's On Netflix. However, creators Rachel Ramras, Hugh Davidson and Larry Dorf have certainly created a great connection with The woman in the house Season 2: It created confusion as to whether they had changed their minds about continuing the series.

“So Rachel, Larry and I spent a good two or three days figuring out what season two could potentially be, but we did it a little bit as a joke and just to make sure we knew what the hell was going on, but we'll see,” Davidson told Weekly show in 2022. Ramras added that it will depend on “how much people like” the first season. While the show did break into Netflix's top ten, it was for less than a month. Knowing how brutal Netflix can be about performance statistics, it seems unlikely that the series will ever return. However, with streaming, you can never say “never,” because if Clothes It can come back years after its conclusion, anything is possible.

A second season could pick up right where the first left off, with Anna solving the mystery of the murdered woman in Place 2A. But since The woman in the house was released in January 2022, it's clear that the creative team wanted to leave the miniseries open-ended. Now, more than two years after the show debuted on the service, It looks like Anna's next adventures will take place in the imagination of fans.

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Fans who love miniseries without worrying about when the next season will come out have numerous options on numerous streaming platforms. On Netflix, one of the most awarded miniseries of the year was Beefa meditation on millennial angst executed to perfection by Steven Yeun and Ali Wong. Very similar The woman in the house, Beef is a dark comedy. However, this show quickly shifts tones to create a jarring atmosphere, effortlessly reflecting the internal conflicts that fuel its protagonists.

Another wonderful choice is The Fall of the House of Ushera miniseries by Mike Flanagan based on the horror stories of Edgar Allan Poe. The story is an allegory of capitalism, revealing how the richest people in the world may have amassed their fortunes through the blood and tears of the working class. The Fall of the House of Usher It's also pure horror with exceptional sudden scares, even after the audience realizes the true nature of the supernatural entity manipulating the Usher family.

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