The Maw: what’s new in PC games this week?

Happy this week! I return from holiday to find that Nic, James and the others have been experimenting with the use of Maw-shaped sock puppets to feed the Maw, in the hope that the Maw might form a filial bond with our news-wranglers. Unfortunately, we’ve learned in the process that anything that resembles the Maw behaves like the Maw. The sockpuppets were last seen tunnelling towards Los Angeles, like the sandworms in Dune. Sorry, America! Anyway, let’s have a looksie at the PC game release sheets.

On Monday 29th July, there is nothing but sadness and desolation and desperate SOS messages from Los Angeles. On Tuesday 30th July, there’s The Garden Path, an autumnal horticulture sim whose demo Alice B (RPS in peace) enjoyed, and Space For Sale, in which you build domed houses on unreceptive planets. Also on 30th July, the turn-based Neon Evangelism of Arc Seed, and the early access launch of free-to-play Blizzardy RTS Stormgate. Wednesday 31st July has us managing planes in Mini Airways, organising frog toes in Tidy Cauldron, and breaking bad in Drug Lord Tycoon (See also: Nic’s recent piece on Dope Wars 98). On Thursday 1st August, the chance to play travelling salesman in Thank Goodness You’re Here, from the Untitled Goose Game devs. Alternatively, you could try free-to-play tactics RPG Sword of Convallaria, which appears to be Final Fantasy Tactics plus an undetermined quantity of gacha. And on Friday 2nd August: Motördoom, a horde shooter which is also a Tony Hawk game, Deviator, a metroidvania out to steal Hollow Knight’s lunch, and World of Goo 2, sequel to the Prometheus of indie physics puzzlers, which came out shortly before I got into james gournalism 16 years ago. Time for more sadness and desolation!

It’s possible these are not the week’s best and most interesting games. It’s possible I’m lying, plying the readership with talk of indie comebacks, while quietly sliding a copy of Half-Life 3 into my trenchcoat. Only you, the intrepid gourmand of interactive entertainments, can set me straight. Let us know about any games we’ve missed in the comments, and find our weekly news liveblog below. Have a good one.

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