The Age of Calamity, ranked by strength

When players were first introduced to the champions of Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wildthey were greeted by ghost stories and a devastating quiet. They encountered stories of death and despair, of how everything fell apart so many years ago. It wasn't entirely hopeless, though, with the descendants of these champions … Read more

The 15 Weakest The Vampire Diaries Characters, Ranked

CW’s fantasy drama, The Vampire Diaries, remains a highly-rated TV drama that still appeals to new and old fans. The show instantly caught the attention of viewers with a plethora of supernatural beings like vampires, werewolves, witches, hybrids, and sirens, who possessed cool magical powers. However, the show also portrayed a few weaker characters. The … Read more

10 Greatest Story Missions in the Entire Red Dead Franchise, Ranked

Video games have been a staple of the entertainment industry for decades, and with each passing year, they only get better and better. But there are those certain few that stand out above the rest; ones that introduce new features, engaging mechanics, endearing characters, and above all an amazing story. Quite a few titles have … Read more