It's been eight years since Suicide Squad has debuted, but director David Ayer is not done trying to release his original director's cut. Once reconciled to the fact that his vision would never see the light of day, Ayer has taken to social media to champion his version of the film, which he insists is better. He's including a newly designed poster as part of his campaign, as he tackles the project with a bang. For him, walking away from this project is “harder than quitting smoking.”
Ayer expressed his frustration with the theatrical release of Suicide Squad in 2016. He says Warner Bros. made extreme changes to his original cut and shifted the focus from a much darker, more serious narrative to a lighter one with much more comedy. According to Ayer, This was a change that followed the disappointing box office results of Batman vs Supermanwhere the studio was afraid of releasing yet another superhero movie that would flop.

David Ayer Explains Why His Suicide Squad Cut Is One of the Best Comedies Ever Made
David Ayer explains why the director's cut of DC's Suicide Squad is far better than the theatrical version.
Ayers's Relentless Fight for His Sight
The director claimed that his version of Suicide Squad features hours of unused footage that significantly alters the tone and depth of the film. He said the changes to his edit weren't just disappointing; they were emotional. Ayer has previously described altering his film as “like watching someone you love get fucked by someone you hate,” indicating his frustration with the studio's meddling.
However, the theatrical version of Suicide Squad received mixed reviews from critics and audiences due to its messy editing and tonal issues. Ayer has always stated that if his cut were to come to light, people would consider it a classic in the superhero genre. This was coupled with a constant presence on social media where Ayer remained adamant that his version of the film be released.
As recently as earlier this year, he complained that James Gunn and Warner Bros. were ignoring him, while Ayer said he was frustrated because he hadn't seen any progress. But Ayer never gives up on his cause, saying it is a deeply personal project that means a lot to him.
While Ayer's passionate campaign has been applauded by fans, the real question now is whether his Suicide Squad is much better than what finally hit theaters. The theatrical cut received mixed reviews, and many are skeptical that the footage will ever be of any quality. That said, Ayer’s persistence speaks to his belief in the value of the original vision and his desire to finish a project that had a significant impact on his career.

Suicide Squad Director Tackles Superhero Fatigue and How to Revitalize the Genre
Director David Ayer discusses what's missing from superhero movies in the current era, sharing his tips on how to combat “superhero fatigue.”
At this time, Warner Bros. has not made any official statements regarding the release of Ayer's director's cut. The fate of this much-debated version of Suicide Squad remains as vague as ever, but Ayer's campaign has at least kept the debate alive.
Source: David Ayer / X