Stardew Valley is a very complete game that might take players hundreds or even thousands of hours of gameplay to exhaustively explore. Finding every item in the game is a combination of skills, curiosity, and luck, and even then, players might have missed some of the rarest objects in Stardew Valley.
Some of the most coveted items in the game have become iconic precisely because they are incredibly hard to find. Getting them might get players some clout on the internet, but it also might take patience and a lot of effort. However, players can also simply follow some shortcuts — sometimes.
10 Ostrich Eggs Get Players a New Animal on Their Farmhouse
Ostrich Eggs Can Be Placed on Incubators To Get More Ostriches
How to Obtain Ostrich Eggs in Stardew Valley:
- Solving Journal Scrap #10 on Ginger Island.
- From Rare Chests in Volcano Dungeon.
If players haven’t gotten around to exploring Ginger Island, they probably haven’t encountered the rare yet very profitable Ostrich Egg. There is a pretty easy way to obtain this valuable egg by solving a Journal Scrap on Ginger Island. This leads players to a specific digging spot in Volcano Dungeon that produces an Ostrich Egg. If players use this Ostrich Egg in the incubator, they can get more Ostriches, which will also generate more Ostrich Eggs.
However, if players lose this egg, replacing it is almost impossible. The odds of getting another Ostrich Egg from the rare chests in the Volcano Dungeon are extremely low, and some players even prefer to start a new file to get the Ostriches. Ostriches are totally worth it. Not only do these creatures look amazing roaming around the farm, but their eggs can be sold for 600g to 1,440g. What’s more, one single Ostrich Egg yields 10 Mayonnaise in the Mayonnaise Machine, which can be sold from 1900g to 5320g, depending on the egg’s quality.
9 Magic Rock Candy Is the Best Food in the Game
This Item Allows Players to Go Through the Mines Swimmingly
How to Obtain Magic Rock Candy in Stardew Valley:
- Dropped by the Haunted Skulls in the Quarry Mines
- From Mystery Boxes
- Trading 3 Prismatic Shards to the Desert Trader on Thursdays
- Prize Machine
- 1 Reward from the Museum
- For 250 and 300 Calico Eggs at the Desert Festival

How to Get Through Stardew Valley’s Skull Cavern
Stardew Valley’s Skull Cavern can be a daunting trial, especially for a game most play to relax, but getting through it doesn’t have to be scary.
The Magic Rock Candy is a beautiful treat that not only surely tastes delicious but also adds multiple buffs to the player. With a +2 Mining, +5 Luck, +1 Speed, +5 Defense, and +5 Attack, it is the perfect item to explore any of the mines in the game, especially their dangerous versions.
However, Magic Rock Candy is very hard to procure. Sure, players probably have encountered a couple during their journey in Stardew Valley. For example, they can get one as a 22nd reward from the Prize Machine or as a reward for donating 90 items to the Museum. But except for these unique cases, there are very low odds of getting this candy from Mystery Boxes or monsters.
8 Prismatic Shards Are a Crucial Acquisition in Stardew Valley
A Rainbow-like Mineral Players Use to Complete Many Endgame Challenges
How to Obtain Prismatic Shards in Stardew Valley:
- From Mystic Stones in Skull Cavern, the Mines, the Quarry, and Volcano Dungeon
- From meteorites (a rare event)
- Iridium Nodes
- Omni Geodes
- Mystery Boxes
- Dropped by Serpents and Mummies
- Statue of True Perfection
The Prismatic Shard is the hardest mineral to find in Stardew Valley. However, it is a necessary item that totally improves the game experience. Players will require Prismatic Shards to obtain the Galaxy Sword, unlock the Movie Theater, get rid of unwanted children, enchant tools at the Forge, complete the Museum, create unique items of clothing, and, for some other interesting Easter eggs in the game.
Most players won’t even encounter a Prismatic Shard until around their third year in Stardew Valley. The first Prismatic Shard usually appears in the Skull Cavern, as it has plenty of Iridium Nodes and Mystic Stones, especially on the higher levels. If players go to Skull Cavern with Luck boosts and plenty of stairs, they will probably find at least one Prismatic Shard in the day.
7 The Arcade Systems Are a Fun & Aesthetic Addition to the Farmhouse
For Mini-Game Lovers Getting the Arcade Systems in Their Houses Is a Must
How To Obtain the Arcade Systems in Stardew Valley:
- The Junimo Kart cabinet can be obtained after beating the Junimo Kart progress mode in The Stardrop Saloon
- Journey of the Prairie King can be obtained after beating Journey of the Prairie King in The Stardrop Saloon
By now, most players are surely familiar with the Arcade systems located in The Stardrop Saloon. Both of these machines are actually playable, and they contain two mini-games: Junimo Kart and Journey of the Prairie King. However, both games aren’t exactly easy to beat.
Junimo Kart sees a Junimo on a roller coaster skipping obstacles from world to world, while Journey of the Prairie King is a top-down shooter. If players get to the end of the line in one of these games, the next day they will receive a letter containing the arcade machine to put in their homes. Since these games are so challenging, most players don’t even know they have the option to acquire these rare Stardew Valley items.
6 The Weird Statues Are One of Stardew Valley’s Most Random Easter Eggs
??Pinky Lemon?? ??HMTGF?? and ??Foroguemon?? Make an Excellent Addition To The Farm
How To Obtain the Weird Statues in Stardew Valley:
- ??Pinky Lemon?? appears after adding a Duck Mayonnaise to a hidden box in Gus’s back room.
- ??HMTGF?? appears after adding a Super Cucumber in a hidden box in a small garden behind Clint’s blacksmith business.
- ??Foroguemon?? appears after adding a Strange Bun to Vincent’s toy box in his bedroom.

10 Best Kept Secrets In Stardew Valley
Mixing things up throughout the game, Stardew Valley’s best-kept secrets unlock eye-opening revelations and add extra fun to a player’s day.
The weird statues are secret furniture in Stardew Valley that is extremely difficult to find without outside help. The problem with these statues is that people would have to go around Pelican Town doing very creepy or random stuff, like adding a suspicious edible item to a child’s toy box. However, once people know exactly what to do, they’re really easy to find.
The three statues, ??Pinky Lemon??, ??HMTGF??, and ??Foroguemon?? aren’t exactly pretty, but they are a great item for a Halloween-themed farm or people with a particular aesthetic. What’s more, they are a cool flex because not many people know about them.
5 The Auto-Petter Makes Ranching So Much Easier
Ranching Without the Auto-Petter Wastes a Lot of Valuable Time
How To Obtain the Auto-Petter in Stardew Valley:
- It can be purchased for 50,000g at JojaMart after completing the Joja Community Development Form for those who chose the Joja Route.
- From Golden Mystery Boxes
- From Skull Cavern Treasures Chests
- In the Dangerous version of The Mines
The Auto-Petter is an amazing item that makes life incredibly easier for those with a lot of animals on the farm. Simply putting an Auto-Petter in the barn will make sure that all the animals are properly petted every day, which only leaves the farmer to pick up the goods and keep the Silo well stocked.
However, most people don’t even know about the existence of this item because it is only available for purchase when players take the JojaMart route, which is not people’s favorite option. To get an Auto-Petter for players who chose the Community Center route, they will need a lot of luck and hours of gameplay.
4 The Leprechaun Shoes & Hat Require Lots of Patience & Luck
These Items Make a Very Iconic Outfit
How To Find the Leprechaun Hat & Shows in Stardew Valley:
- Leprechaun Shoes are dropped by passing trains.
- The Leprechaun Hat can be obtained on Spring 17, from a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow in the Cindersap Forest.
The Leprechaun outfit is pretty rare because most players don’t know where to find it. Most of them, stumble accidentally upon them. It is hard to find the Leprechaun Shoes because the train doesn’t drop interesting things most of the time — only materials like wood or ores — so most players end up ignoring it, which turns out to be a great mistake.
On the other hand, the Leprechaun Hat requires players to explore Cindersap Forest on a very specific date, giving players only one chance each year to get this iconic hat. However, both pieces of clothing are pretty outstanding, and once players know about them, they do everything they can to obtain them.
3 The Iridium Krobus Statue Is An Adorable Decoration
Surely Krobus Will Appreciate It If He Is the Player’s Roommate
How To Obtain the Iridium Krobus Statue in Stardew Valley:
- Fishing in the ocean in front of the Sewers in Cindersap Forest.
By now, many players may have tried to fish in the ocean bit in front of the Sewers, but it is too far and the hook usually doesn’t reach the ocean. However, with a little boost, players can actually fish there. All they need is a level 15 in the fishing skill, which can be acquired when reaching level 10 and adding a +5 boost. The +5 boost, however, can only be added with a Seafoam Pudding cooked with Qi’s Seasoning.
Once players have the 15 level they simply have to stand as close as possible to the ocean and fish there. The first thing they fish will be the Iridium Krobus, which is an excellent decoration. This is one of Stardew Valley‘s best-kept secrets so far, and not so many players know about it.
2 The Tea Set Is Incredibly Hard To Get
Might Seem Ordinary But Everyone Wants It
How To Obtain the Tea Set in Stardew Valley:
- Receiving it from a Secret Gift Giver during the Feast of the Winter Star.
- After year 25, buying it from the Traveling Cart for 1,000,000g.

20 Fastest Ways To Make Money In Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley has priorities beyond profit, players need a steady cash flow to fund other endeavors, and Patch 1.6 offers even more opportunities.
For such an ordinary piece of furniture, the Tea Set is ridiculously hard to get. Players only have one chance a year, and it entirely depends on luck. Some players say they got it in their first year playing Stardew Valley and they didn’t even know it was so valuable. In the meanwhile, other players spend several in-game years before seeing the coveted furniture item.
The good thing is that after a short 25 years, if still players haven’t gotten the Tea Set for the Feast of the Winter Star, they might stumble upon the item at the Traveling Cart. Players who want to give up and are playing on a PC can simply obtain the Tea Set with the Item ID code.
1 The Living Hat Is The Rarest Item In Stardew Valley
An Iconic Piece of Clothing that Will Take Years and Years To Find (Probably)
How To Obtain the Living Hat in Stardew Valley:
- Dropped by Wilderness and Iridium Golems
- Cutting weeds
There isn’t an article harder to find in Stardew Valley than the Living Hat. This is a plant-like hat that makes the player look like they’re growing a bush on their heads. It doesn’t have any special features, but of course, its rareness has made it the most sought-after item in the game.
The Living Hat can only be obtained from Wilderness and Iridium Golems or from cutting weeds. However, it is infinitely easier to find it by killing Wilderness Golems. These creatures only appear in Wilderness farms or in other farms after offering a Strange Bun to the Dark Shrine of Night Terrors in the Witch’s Hut. However, it might take thousands of Wilderness Golems to get the hat as it only has a 0.01% chance of drop (or 0.02% chance in the case of Iridium Golems). Good luck!