Remedy partners with Annapurna to co-finance Control 2 and explore TV and film adaptations of Control and Alan Wake

Remedy is “as excited as the people of Finland” to announce yesterday that it has secured funding for a sequel to Control through a co-financing deal with Annapurna, which is also helping studio Alan Wake take its connected universe “to film, TV and beyond.”

I'm excited to see what the coffee-addicted minds who brought us Threshold Kids might come up with under that enticing “beyond” label, but I'll skip the speculation for now. Here's the summary from Remedy's communications director, Thomas Puha:

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What does this mean for you, our beloved fans? First of all, it means Remedy can make Control 2 exactly the game we want it to be, and we now have an incredible partner who will expand our IPs to other mediums. We will also self-publish Control 2. When I look at all the games in development, the future of Remedy is incredibly exciting. You can count on us to continue to bring you incredible video game experiences.

And here's what Sammy-Sammy Lake-Lake had to say about it. I can call him that because we're friends*:

“I'm absolutely thrilled (yes!) about the opportunity to expand the story of Alan Wake and our entire Remedy Connected Universe into mediums beyond games, and to build it all together as a single, unified vision across games, film, TV, and other mediums, working closely together. I believe Annapurna is the perfect partner for us to make this dream a reality.”

*Not real spouses

But all that means is that AMC won't have an Alan Wake show. “We parted ways amicably because AMC's rights to Alan Wake have expired,” Puha told Games Radar.

Annapurna, of course, are the folks behind games like the beloved space puzzler Outer Wilds, the best stealth game ever made, Neon White, and the one we saw coming to the internet, Stray, all published under the Annapurna Interactive banner. On the other side of the coin, Annapurna has a mixed reputation for looking out for co-developers. A few years ago, People Make Games published a report on “Three Indie Superstars Accused of Emotional Abuse,” all of whom had published games under Annapurna Interactive, and who were allegedly unsupportive during the lawsuits that came to light.

Remedy's most recent game was Alan Wake 2, which as of February had yet to turn a profit. “It's a stylistic tour de force, and one of the most unique and confident horror games in years,” Katharine (peacefully RPS) concluded in her review. “It may not land every beat perfectly, but Remedy's silly and over-the-top sense of humor helps bring some much-needed levity to the genuine thrills and immediate scares.”

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