Ranking Orange Piccolo’s Strongest Techniques

Dragon Ball Super has no shortage of powerful characters, but it’s sometimes a struggle for non-Saiyan individuals to stand out among a warrior race with plenty of overpowered transformations and abilities. Piccolo is an essential Dragon Ball hero who has experienced rewarding character development on par with Vegeta’s redemption arc. Piccolo has always been a strong individual, and he’s found unique Namekian ways to bolster his strength through permanent fusions with Nail and Kami. Piccolo has been long overdue for an upgrade, and Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero celebrates Piccolo and Gohan in a major way.

Experiencing incredible growth in this story arc, Piccolo leaves the experience with not one but two transformations courtesy of Shenron. He awakens his potential before ascending one step further and transforming into Orange Piccolo. Orange Piccolo and Gohan Beast are the only characters strong enough to put an end to Cell Max’s rampage. Orange Piccolo possesses remarkable power, but he’s also supported by a wide range of techniques that help him excel in battle, and Dragon Ball fans can’t wait to see how Orange Piccolo fits into the series’ future and what he’ll accomplish next.

10 Piccolo’s Demon Hand Gives Him An Unexpected Advantage

The Demon Hand Allows Him to Extend His Reach to Frightening Lengths


How Strong is Orange Piccolo in Dragon Ball Super?

Orange Piccolo is a game-changing revelation for Dragon Ball Super’s signature Namekian.

Orange Piccolo, as a Namekian, benefits from some powerful techniques that are exclusive to his race. Namekians’ regeneration is a genuine asset that’s helped save Piccolo’s life on multiple occasions. Namekians are also incredibly malleable, their arms stretching to grab, attack, and restrain their targets. This technique is called Demon Hand, and Orange Piccolo prominently uses it during Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero‘s big battle against Cell Max.

The Demon Hand can add energy blasts to the equation, but it’s traditionally a tool that’s designed to bridge gaps between opponents. Its power ultimately comes down to the user and the situation in which it’s being applied. It may not come across as one of Orange Piccolo’s strongest techniques, but it’s absolutely essential in Cell Max’s defeat. Orange Piccolo uses Demon Hand to completely tie up and restrain Cell Max so that he’s unable to avoid Gohan’s fatal Special Beam Cannon.

9 Orange Piccolo’s Demonic Destruction Combines Ki & Martial Arts

Combined With Super Giant-Form, Demonic Destruction Is Brutal

Orange Piccolo uses Demonic Destruction throw on Gohan Beast in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.

Another valuable technique that Orange Piccolo introduces during his Cell Max battle is his Demonic Destruction ability. Similar to his Apocalyptic Burst, Demonic Destruction is a two-handed throwing technique where Orange Piccolo channels incredible energy into his arms so that he delivers a ki-charged slam into the ground. Orange Piccolo makes his Demonic Destruction attack seem particularly dangerous because it’s performed in his Super Giant-Form state, and he’s able to properly humble Cell Max.

Demonic Destruction causes a lot of damage, and it’s a good way to disorient the enemy, but it still can’t compare to any of Piccolo’s extreme energy attacks. No one is likely to die from Demonic Destruction unless Orange Piccolo breaks their neck or spine upon impact. Demonic Destruction receives its official name in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, where it’s one of Orange Piccolo’s strongest attacks.

8 Orange Piccolo’s Super Giant-Form Helps Him Take On Enormous Antagonists

This Form May Have Actually Saved Everyone from Cell Max

Giant Orange Piccolo fights Cell Max in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.

Another signature technique that’s specific to Namekians is that they’re able to grow to astronomical proportions with their Great Namekian – and Super Giant-Form Namekian – transformations. Piccolo makes use of this technique during his battle against Goku in the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, and there’s a genuine advantage to a huge fighter who can simply step on their target or crush them in their hands. That being said, there’s also a danger that Super Giant-Form Piccolo is an easier target for attacks and that he’s less agile than he’d be in his normal state.

Accordingly, Namekians have to be careful with how and when they activate this technique. It’s been so long since Piccolo has been in his Super Giant-Form that Krillin actually has to remind him about this power during Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero’s big Cell Max climax. This technique can be a mixed bag, but Super Giant-Form Orange Piccolo confidently counters Cell Max’s physical attacks and helps the other heroes plan their own retaliation as he holds him back. It’s possible that Cell Max would have crushed Krillin, Android 18, Gotenks, or Gohan if Orange Piccolo didn’t turn to this technique.

7 Orange Piccolo’s Apocalyptic Burst Channels Incredible Power Into A Combative Kick

And it Has the Power to Nullify an Opponent’s Ki

Orange Piccolo uses his Apocalyptic Burst kick on Cell Max's face in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.


8 Things You Didn’t Know About Dragon Ball Super’s Orange Piccolo

Orange Piccolo is still largely a mystery, but there are certain details about it that have already come to light.

Orange Piccolo has really only been involved in one major battle at this point. However, his clash with Cell Max is an exciting opportunity for him to prove what he’s capable of in this superior state. Orange Piccolo’s Apocalyptic Burst certainly sounds intimidating, but it’s actually on the weaker end of his top tier abilities.

The Apocalyptic Burst is a ki-infused kick that hits its target with incredible intensity, while it simultaneously nullifies any of their weaker ki blasts. Orange Piccolo’s initial Apocalyptic Burst kick is followed up by two successive ki-charged kicks and then an energy attack that’s smashed into the enemy’s face. It’s an effective combo attack that temporarily phases Cell Max, but would likely destroy most weaker opponents.

Evil Containment Wave May Not be an Attack, but It’s Still One of Dragon Ball’s Most Incredible Techniques

Dragon Ball‘s Evil Containment Wave is a technique with a strength that’s hard to quantify, but it’s one of the franchise’s most dangerous and powerful attacks. The Evil Containment Wave doesn’t blast an opponent with energy, but it’s instead used to confine wicked individuals in a prison-like container. This tactic was used to imprison Demon King Piccolo for centuries and it’s a strategy that’s used against Future Zamasu as a way to circumvent the villain’s immortality. Bulma records Piccolo performing the Evil Containment Wave as a teaching tool so that Future Trunks can master the technique.

However, Piccolo also utilizes the Evil Containment Wave reversal technique when Kami, in Hero’s body, attempts to use the attack on him during the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. It’s terrifying to consider someone as intimidating as Orange Piccolo using the Evil Containment Wave, but it’s very much possible. It actually would have been a great plan of attack to take out Cell Max if he had a container and sealing tag available.

5 Piccolo’s Thunder Shock Surprise Is An Electrifying Experience

Orange Piccolo Never Uses Thunder Shock, but He Could Very Easily

Piccolo utilizes the Thunder Shock Surprise in Dragon Ball Z.

The Thunder Shock Surprise is a technique that’s actually pioneered by Master Roshi, yet it somehow makes its way into Piccolo’s attack arsenal. It’s a little surprising that the Thunder Shock Surprise isn’t turned to more often, since it’s such a truly dangerous and debilitating attack. The user fires a lightning blast energy wave at their target that leaves them trapped in an electrical field. Then, the technique converts the target’s energy into 20,000 volts of electricity, which can often have fatal consequences. Piccolo turns to this technique twice during his wilderness training with Gohan and the young Saiyan transforms into a Great Ape.

This technique is not technically used by Orange Piccolo, but there’s no reason why he wouldn’t be able to still perform it and have even better results with it. In fact, Thunder Shock Surprise is the perfect technique to use against someone like Cell Max who is a rampaging monster, akin to Gohan’s unstable state as a Great Ape. Orange Piccolo could have restrained Cell Max with the Thunder Shock Surprise before Gohan finishes him off if he weren’t already doing so with his Demon Hand ability. It’s possible that, in the heat of the moment, Orange Piccolo just forgot about this helpful technique, like he did with his Super Giant-Form ability.

4 Piccolo’s Masenko Is A Reliable Energy Blast With Brutal Potential

Gohan Honors His Former Mentor With Masenko Beautifully

Piccolo fires off a Masenko in Dragon Ball Z.

The Masenko is a powerful energy attack that many Dragon Ball fans associate with Gohan, and he’s understandably made it his own and explored multiple variations of the technique. However, the Masenko actually predates Gohan and is initially used by Piccolo in the original Dragon Ball. In fact, Gohan’s first use of the Masenko is against Nappa, following Piccolo’s death, which feels like his way of honoring his fallen mentor.

Energy attacks are plentiful in Dragon Ball and the Masenko is performed by the user putting together both of their hands and releasing a concentrated ki beam from their thrusted palms. Piccolo has a wide range of basic energy attacks between his Eye Laser, Antenna Beam, and Mouth Energy Wave, but the Masenko is superior to them all and capable of greater damage. The Masenko’s strength is largely dependent upon its user, so it’s not hard to imagine Orange Piccolo introducing a new version of the attack – Orange Masenko – and taking advantage of his recent power boost.

3 Hellzone Grenade Allows Piccolo To Bombard His Opponent With Endless Energy Attacks

This Surprising Barrage Is Difficult for Enemies to Recover From

Piccolo fires energy blasts into the air for his Hellzone Grenade attack in Dragon Ball Z.


10 Strongest Dragon Ball Villains Orange Piccolo Could Defeat

Orange Piccolo’s new transformation in Dragon Ball Super makes him stronger than some of the most powerful villains in the series.

Piccolo is a Dragon Ball character who is constantly developing new techniques, and he introduces a particularly powerful ability — Hellzone Grenade — during his clash against Android 17 in Dragon Ball Z. Hellzone Grenade benefits from the element of surprise, and it’s easy to initially mistake the attack’s intentions. Pulling from his previous Scatter Shot energy technique, Piccolo charges and releases multiple energy spheres, seemingly at random. They don’t make contact with the intended target and they instead are suspended in the air.

Piccolo, after he’s filled the sky with energy spheres, commands them to surround and trap the target until they rain down on them and result in mass destruction. It’s a technique that requires incredible ki control, and it’s effective for dire scenarios where Piccolo wants to be sure that he’s overwhelmed his opponent. The Hellzone Grenade helps Piccolo eliminate Universe 10’s Rubalt during the Tournament of Power. Orange Piccolo doesn’t get the opportunity to use Hellzone Grenade against Cell, but it’s still one of his strongest attacks. Orange Piccolo could cause sheer chaos if he uses Hellzone Grenade in his Super Giant-Form state.

2 Piccolo’s Self-Destruction Light Grenade Gambit Is A Explosive Attack

Fortunately, He’s Never Had to Use It

Piccolo gathers energy for his Self Destruction Light Grenade attack in Dragon Ball Super manga.

There are some truly bleak moments in Dragon Ball when hopeless characters make bittersweet sacrifices that will hopefully turn the tides of battle for the greater good. Everyone from Chiaotzu to Vegeta has utilized powerful self-destruct techniques to take out the enemy when victory is otherwise hopeless. Piccolo reaches this point during the heroes’ battle against Planet-Eater Moro in Dragon Ball Super’s manga. Piccolo is desperate to protect the Earth and tries to snuff out Moro before he becomes even stronger. Piccolo develops an upgraded version of his Light Grenade energy attack that’s supposed to trigger his self-destruction and end Moro in the process.

Moro takes out Piccolo before he can activate this technique and, thankfully, the planet is eventually saved by Goku. Piccolo hasn’t successfully activated this technique, so its true power remains unknown, but it must be one of his strongest techniques if he believes that it’d be enough to kill Moro. Like all of Piccolo’s attacks, his Self-Destruction Light Grenade ability would become even deadlier while he’s Orange Piccolo. Ironically, Cell Max triggers a self-destruct sequence of his own, so it’s ultimately for the best that Orange Piccolo doesn’t turn to this tactic here and become an unnecessary casualty.

1 Piccolo’s Special Beam Cannon Is A Dragon Ball Staple

The Destructive Results of the Special Beam Cannon Pass from Teacher to Student

Dragon Ball works hard to give most of its main characters a powerful signature technique that repeatedly aims them in battle, whether it’s Goku’s Kamehameha, Krillin’s Destructo Disc, or Vegeta’s Final Flash. Piccolo’s Special Beam Cannon makes a very early debut in Dragon Ball Z and proves to be strong enough to take out two Saiyans in a single shot. Piccolo has experimented with multiple Special Beam Cannon variations throughout the franchise, such as his Full-Nelson Special Beam Cannon, Special Beam Blast, Double Demon Burst, and the Masenko Beam Cannon, which is a dual combo attack with Gohan. Piccolo elevates the Special Beam Cannon to greater heights in Dragon Ball Super and it’s never been stronger.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero’s finale features Cell Max’s death by Gohan Beast’s Special Beam Cannon, rather than one from Orange Piccolo. This is an extremely cathartic moment and Piccolo is genuinely touched that his student and friend has adopted his signature technique. Gohan Beast beats Orange Piccolo to the punch, but it’s likely that Orange Piccolo will make use of his own Special Beam Cannon in the future. In fact, a Teacher-Student Special Beam Cannon that’s fired in tandem by Orange Piccolo and Gohan Beast to take out Black Frieza would be incredibly touching.

Goku, Vegeta and the gang are posing on the Dragon Ball Super poster.

Dragon Ball Super

With Majin Buu defeated half-a-year prior, peace returns to Earth, where Son Goku (now a radish farmer) and his friends now live peaceful lives.

Release Date
January 7, 2017

Masako Nozawa , Takeshi Kusao , Ryô Horikawa , Hiromi Tsuru


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