Pokémon Trainers Must Evolve At Night

Pokémon is full of inventive species who evolve in seemingly unusual ways. Pikachu can only evolve into a Raichu when exposed to an evolutionary stone, while Kadabra can only evolve when traded with another player. The world of Pokémon thrives on these different evolution methods as they add variety to the gameplay.

Sometimes the real world has an impact on the in-game evolutions of certain species of Pokémon. The time of day is a major factor for many Pokémon, and while not always explained too well, certain species can only evolve at night.

Updated on August 7, 2024, by Robbie Robinson: Even though there’s a growing number of Pokémon, only a handful evolve at night. Most players will want to evolve their Pokémon, even if it’s only for the Pokédex. This list has been updated to include the types of these Pokémon’s evolved forms and their abilities and to get this article up to current CBR formatting standards.

13 Ursaring Evolves Into Ursaluna Through Unique Ways in Legends: Arceus


Ursaring in battle in the Pokémon anime.

Native region:

Johto (Teddiursa, Ursaring), Hisui (Ursaluna)

Debut Pokémon games:

Pokémon Gold and Silver (Teddiursa, Ursaring), Pokémon Legends: Arceus (Ursaluna)

Evolutionary line:

Teddiursa (1st stage), Ursaring (2nd stage), Ursaluna (3rd stage)

Evolution method:

Use a Peat Block on an Ursaring during a Full Moon (Pokémon Legends: Arceus), Use 100 Teddiursa Candies on Ursaring during a Full Moon in Night Mode (Pokémon GO)


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Teddiursa had long been just a single evolution line. Since its debut in the Gen II games, Teddiursa and its evolution, Ursaring, have been very popular with fans thanks to their bear designs and Ursaring’s available move pool. In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Ursaring finally got an evolution, Ursaluna.

Ursaluna’s Abilities:

  • Guts or Bulletproof
  • Unnerve
  • Mind’s Eye

As of now, Ursaring can only be evolved into Ursaluna in Legends. However, a Bloodmoon Ursaluna can be acquired in The Teal Mask expansion for Scarlet and Violet. To evolve an Ursaring into an Ursaluna, expose it to a Peat Block during a Full Moon. One way to acquire a Peat Block is by completing Request 86 “Gone Astray… in the Icelands,” which rewards a Peat Block. To evolve Ursaring into Ursaluna in Pokémon Go, feed Ursaring 100 Teddiursa Candies and trigger the evolution during a real-world Full Moon.

12 Milcery Evolved Into Several Forms of Alcremie


Native region:


Debut Pokémon games:

Pokémon Sword and Shield

Evolutionary line:

Milcery (1st stage), Alcremie (2nd stage)

Evolution method:

Spin the player’s character for ~30 seconds while Milcery is in the party and holding a Sweet to evolve into Alcremie’s Rainbow Swirl form

This Cream Pokémon Milcery, introduced in Sword and Shield, is a friend to any chef Trainer. Known for its sweet fragrance, Milcery is made from particles in the air that form into a sentient drop of cream with bright white eyes and tiny nub arms.

Alcremie’s Abilities:

While Milcery technically evolves during the daytime, several of its evolved forms can only be achieved at night. Milcery evolves into Alcremie after being given a sweet to hold and spinning in certain directions during the night or day. Notably, the Rainbow Swirl form can only be attained at night.

11 Eevee Into Umbreon Debuted the Night-Time Evolution Method


Native region:

Kanto (Eevee), Johto (Umbreon)

Debut Pokémon games:

Pokémon Red and Green (Eevee), Pokémon Gold and Silver (Umbreon)

Evolutionary line:

Eevee (1st stage), Umbreon (2nd stage)

Evolution method:

Level up Eevee at night with high Friendship (mainline Pokémon games), Use 25 Eevee Candies, 10km as a Buddy, and Night Mode (Pokémon GO)

While Eevee is known for its many evolved forms and the varying circumstances in which they can be achieved, the Dark-type Umbreon can only be obtained by leveling up an Eevee at night. Umbreon was the perfect Pokémon to represent the introduction of nighttime to the franchise.

Umbreon’s Abilities:

Evolving Eevee into Umbreon isn’t as simple as just being at a certain level at night. It needs to hit a certain level of friendship, which can take players a long time to build. Introduced in Gen II, Umbreon has become one of the more popular Eevee evolutions among fans over the years, due to it looking like a household pet and having an intriguing move-set. To evolve Eevee into Umbreon in Pokémon Go, the player must first walk 10km with Eevee as their Buddy Pokémon. Then feed it 25 Eevee Candies and trigger the evolution in Night Mode.

10 Rockruff Evolves Into the Werewolf-Like Midnight Form, Lycanroc


Rockruff looking outside in the Pokémon anime.

Native region:


Debut Pokémon games:

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Evolutionary line:

Rockruff (1st stage), Lycanroc (2nd stage)

Evolution method:

Level up Rockruff to Lv. 25 at night (mainline Pokémon games), Use 50 Rockruff Candies and Night Mode (Pokémon GO)


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The Puppy Pokémon, Rockruff is the embodiment of cute and strong. As its name suggests, Rockruff is a Rock-type Pokémon, but its cute design leads some players to mistake it as weak. Rockruff is a great companion for early game battles, and it showed off its tenacity under Ash Ketchum’s watchful eye in the Pokémon anime.

Lycanroc’s Abilities:

  • No Guard
  • Keen Eye or Vital Spirit

Rockruff has three evolutions that depend on the time of day (and the game they are in). Rockruff can only evolve into Lycanroc Midnight Form during the night in the Moon and Ultra Moon games. To evolve Rockruff into Midnight Form Lycanroc in Pokémon Go, feed Rockruff 50 Rockruff Candies and trigger the evolution in Night Mode.

9 Greavard Evolves Into Houndstone to Lean Into the Ghostly Motif


Ghost-Type Pokémon Greavard sticks his tongue out in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.

Native region:


Debut Pokémon games:

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Evolutionary line:

Greavard (1st stage), Houndstone (2nd stage)

Evolution method:

Level up Greavard to Lv. 30 at night (Pokémon Scarlet and Violet)

Greavard is one of the recent additions to the Pokémon franchise, appearing in the Gen IX games Scarlet & Violet. The Ghost Dog Pokémon is adorable and playful, generally loving humans’ company. Yet this cute dog has an inadvertently sinister side that perfectly represents its Ghost typing.

Houndstone’s Abilities:

Able to drain the life force of those near it, Greavard can be evolved by leveling up at night, starting at level 30. Greavard evolves into Houndstone, and while it may look more menacing than its previous form, it’s still a loyal and loving Ghost Dog Pokémon. Houndstone is a good boy and one of the stronger Pokémon from Scarlet and Violet.

8 Amaura Becomes More Aesthetically Dazzling as an Aurorus


Amaura looking off into the distance in the snow in the Pokémon anime.

Native region:


Debut Pokémon games:

Pokémon X and Y

Evolutionary line:

Amaura (1st stage), Aurorus (2nd stage)

Evolution method:

Level up Amaura to Lv. 39 at night (mainline Pokémon games), Use 50 Amaura Candies and Night Mode (Pokémon GO)

The first fossil Pokémon to require a nighttime evolution, Amaura is a Rock and Ice-type, a combination that didn’t exist outside its line until Hisuian Avalugg was introduced in Legends. Amaura is found as the Sail Fossil in the Gen VI games, X and Y. This Pokémon is based on the sauropods, which were long-necked dinosaurs, like Littlefoot from The Land Before Time. Specifically, this evolutionary family is inspired by the Amargasaurus.

Aurorus’ Abilities:

After reviving this long-extinct Pokémon from its fossil, a Trainer must level it up to 39 at night to evolve into the much larger rock and ice sauropod, Aurorus. Aurorus is a formidable Pokémon to take into battle, but it suffers from numerous weaknesses due to its Ice typing. To evolve Amaura into Aurorus in Pokémon Go, feed Amaura 50 Amaura Candies and trigger the evolution in Night Mode.

7 Chingling to Chimecho Continues the Night-Time Trend from Gen II to Gen IV


Three performing Chingling lined up in the Pokémon anime.

Native region:

Sinnoh (Chingling), Hoenn (Chimecho)

Debut Pokémon games:

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl (Chingling), Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (Chimecho)

Evolutionary line:

Chingling (1st stage), Chimecho (2nd stage)

Evolution method:

Level up Chingling at night with high Friendship (mainline Pokémon games), Use 50 Chimecho Candies (Pokémon GO)


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Introduced an entire generation after its evolved form in the Diamond and Pearl games, Chingling is a small bell filled with psychic abilities. Shaped like a ball with tiny arms and legs protruding, it has a mouth with a red orb inside that produces the bell noises it’s known for.

Chimecho’s Abilities:

Rather than simply leveling up into an evolution, Chingling has two requirements to evolve. The first is that it must be nighttime. The second is for the Trainer to have a high friendship value with Chingling. This allows Chingling to evolve into Chimecho, a Pokémon best known for its time alongside Team Rocket’s James in the anime.

6 Sneasel to Weavile is Another Gen IV Night-Time Evolution


Native region:

Johto (Sneasel), Sinnoh (Weavile)

Debut Pokémon games:

Pokémon Gold and Silver (Sneasel), Pokémon Diamond and Pearl (Weavile)

Evolutionary line:

Sneasel (1st stage), Weavile (2nd stage)

Evolution method:

Level up Sneasel at night while it holds a Razor Claw (most mainline Pokémon games), Use the Razor Claw on Sneasel (Pokémon Legends: Arceus)

A vicious Pokémon with sharp claws, Sneasel is an Ice and Dark type based on a cat and a weasel. Sneasels use their claws to climb trees and have a habit of eating the eggs of other Pokémon like Pidgey. Sneasel evolves when leveling up at night, but they have the caveat of needing a held item, Razor Claw, to evolve into Weavile.

Weavile’s Abilities:

Legends: Arceus introduced the Hisuian form of Sneasel, but its new Pokémon evolution Sneasler is an alternate 2nd-stage species that is obtained by evolving during the day, keeping Johto’s Sneasel and its conditions for becoming a Weavile mostly unchanged. The only difference comes from exposure to a Razor Claw rather than being leveled up while holding it.

5 Gligar Crosses Generations to Evolve Into Gliscor


Native region:

Johto (Gligar), Sinnoh (Gliscor)

Debut Pokémon games:

Pokémon Gold and Silver (Gligar), Pokémon Diamond and Pearl (Gliscor)

Evolutionary line:

Gligar (1st stage), Gliscor (2nd stage)

Evolution method:

Level up Gligar while it holds a Razor Fang at night (most mainline Pokémon games), Use a Razor Fang on Gligar at night (Pokémon Legends: Arceus)

Gligar is a Ground- and Flying-type Pokémon that resembles a bat mixed with a scorpion. It glides around using its blue wing-like membranes with claws attached to the top. While it has large fangs, Gligar enjoys berries, indicating it could be omnivorous.

Gliscor’s Abilities:

  • Hyper Cutter or Sand Veil
  • Poison Heal

Introduced in Gen II, Gligar and several other Pokémon received evolutions in the fourth generation. Gligar’s general rule for evolution sees it evolving at night when leveling while holding the item Razor Fang. Like Sneasel, its method of evolution changes in Legends. In Legends, the Razor Fang can be used on Gligar at night to evolve into the more powerful Gliscor. Gliscor’s Poison Heal ability is one of the better abilities for Pokémon.

4 Galarian Linoone Gives the Hoenn Family a Galar-Exclusive Evolution With Obstagoon


Galarian Linoone with its tongue out in Pokémon Sword & Shield.

Native region:

Hoenn (original forms; Zigzagoon, Linoone), Galar (Galarian Forms, Obstagoon)

Debut Pokémon games:

Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (original forms; Zigzagoon, Linoone), Pokémon Sword and Shield (Galarian Forms, Obstagoon)

Evolutionary line:

Zigzagoon (1st stage), Linoone (2nd stage), Obstagoon (3rd stage)

Evolution method:

Level up a Galarian Linoone to Lv. 35 at night (mainline Pokémon games)

Originally introduced in the Hoenn region, Linoone was the evolution of Gen III’s early route Normal-type Pokémon Zigzagoon. Reintroduced in Galar for the Gen VIII games Sword and Shield, Galarian Linoone adopted the new dual-typing of Dark and Normal.

Gliscor’s Abilities:

  • Pickup or Gluttony
  • Quick Feet

Along with Zigzagoon, Galarian Linoone also received a punk-rock makeover to its creature design, including a long tongue and a black star on its eye. With a type and design change, Linoone needed further evolution, which it got. Linoone evolves into Obstagoon at level 35 when it’s nighttime.

3 Cubone to Alolan Marowak Gives it a Unique Dual-Type


Cubone on a sandy patch in a grassy field as it appears in Pokémon Origins File 2: Cubone.

Native region:

Kanto (Cubone, original Marowak form), Alola (Alolan Marowak)

Debut Pokémon games:

Pokémon Red and Green (Cubone, original Marowak form), Pokémon Sun and Moon (Alolan Marowak)

Evolutionary line:

Cubone (1st stage), Marowak (2nd stage)

Evolution method:

Level up a Cubone to Lv. 28 at night (mainline Pokémon games)


30 Pokémon With The Fewest Type Weaknesses

Knowing a Pokémon’s type weakness is one of the best ways to get a leg-up in battle, but some Pokémon have fewer type weaknesses than others.

Possibly one of the saddest Pokémon in the entire franchise, Cubone has been a fan favorite since its introduction during a major story event in Lavender Town in Red,Blue, and Yellow. Every Pokédex entry for this Pokémon notes that it cries every night and wears the skull of its dead mother on its head.

Gliscor’s Abilities:

  • Cursed Body or Lightning Rod
  • Rock Head

While a normal Cubone evolves into Marowak at level 28, a Cubone from the Alola region can evolve into the Fire- and Ghost-type Alolan Marowak at the same level. Of course, the catch is that the process must happen at night.

2 Rattata and Raticate’s Alolan Cousins Evolve at Night


Two Alolan Rattata in the Pokémon anime with a purple background.

Native region:

Kanto (original forms), Alola (Alolan Forms)

Debut Pokémon games:

Pokémon Red and Green (original Kanto form), Pokémon Sun and Moon (Alolan Forms)

Evolutionary line:

Rattata (1st stage), Raticate (2nd stage)

Evolution method:

Level up an Alolan Rattata to Lv. 20 at night (mainline Pokémon game)

Another Pokémon to receive a full makeover in terms of design and typing, Alolan Rattata goes from being the first early route Normal-type to a Dark- and Normal-type. The biggest differences between a classic and Alolan Rattata are the color change from purple to black and the inclusion of a fancy mustache.

Raticate’s Abilities:

  • Gluttony or Hustle
  • Thick Fat

These Rattata are like rats in the real world since they live in urban locations. Alolan Rattata, much like their classic counterpart, evolves at level 20, but it can only do so during the night.

1 Snom to Frosmoth is a Straightforward Night-Time/Friendship Evolution


Snom going after a ball in the Pokémon games.

Native region:


Debut Pokémon games:

Pokémon Sword and Shield

Evolutionary line:

Snom (1st stage), Frosmoth (2nd stage)

Evolution method:

Level up Snom with high Friendship at night

While Snom’s name looks like snow misspelled, it’s a combination of the words snow and worm, which easily defines this endearing Bug-type Pokémon. As a particularly weak larva Pokémon, Snom disguises itself as icicles using its iced back formed by eating snow.

Frosmoth’s Abilities:

Despite their weak nature, Snom are voracious eaters, only satisfied by large amounts of food. Because Snom is generally fearful, they won’t evolve until the bond with their Trainer has developed. Snom evolves into Frosmoth when leveled up at night with high friendship.

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