One Piece Characters Who Can Destroy Cross Guild

Cross Guild is one of the many powerful organizations in One Piece, and it uses its military might and political influence to place bounties on Marines. It was founded by Crocodile and Dracule Mihawk, but Buggy the Clown is considered its leader because of an amusing clerical error. Cross Guild is essentially a small army, and it can wipe most pirate crews, but there are a few characters who can destroy the entire organization.

Most of the One Piece characters who can destroy Cross Guild are Yonko-level pirates, but a few high-ranking Marines can also get the job done. Celestial Dragons are known for being quite weak, but a certain elder can wipe out Cross Guild by himself. These characters can destroy Cross Guild because they possess immense Haki, and most of them also have slightly overpowered Devil Fruits.

10 Akainu Can Burn Cross Guild To The Ground With His Magma

First Appeared In Episode 278, “Say You Want To Live! We Are Friends!!”

Character Name

Current Bounty

Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor



Fumihiko Tachiki

Andrew Love

Akainu is the current Fleet Admiral of the Marines, making him one of the World Government’s strongest weapons. He can use advanced Armament Haki and he has the power of the Magma-Magma Fruit. This Logia gives Akainu the ability to create and control magma, and he can transform into magma at any time. This magma can burn through anything, including fire.

During the Summit War, Akainu took out dozens of pirates with an aerial magma barrage. A similar barrage would eliminate most of Cross Guild’s low-ranking members. Akainu killed Ace, another Logia user, with a magma punch through the chest, so he should be able to do the same to Crocodile. Akainu also dealt a near-fatal injury to Whitebeard, a Yonko who was considered the strongest man in the world. Mihawk may be strong, but he is not as durable as Whitebeard.

9 Blackbeard Can Overwhelm Cross Guild With His Devil Fruits

First Appeared In Episode 146, “Stop Dreaming! The City Of Ridicule, Mock Town!”

Character Name


Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actors

Marshall D. Teach


Akio Otsuka

Cole Brown & Chris Rager


10 One Piece Villains Who Deserve To Be The Final Boss

Many villains in One Piece are complex characters who challenge and sometimes surpass even the Straw Hats, but who is worthy of being the final boss?

Blackbeard became a Yonko shortly after the Summit War, and he is the only person in the world who currently possesses two Devil Fruits. He can generate and manipulate darkness with the Dark-Dark Fruit. This Logia allows him to absorb enemy attacks, and it can nullify other Devil Fruits through physical contact. The Tremor-Tremor Fruit allows him to produce powerful quakes through any medium.

Blackbeard and Buggy are rivals, so there is a good chance Blackbeard will attack him and Cross Guild. With enough power, Blackbeard can destroy Cross Guild’s base of operations with a single quake attack. If the base completely shatters, most of Cross Guild’s members and Devil Fruit users will fall into the ocean. Blackbeard’s Logia counters Crocodile’s, and the Tremor-Tremor Fruit should be able to take Mihawk down.

8 Ryokugyu Can Tear Through Cross Guild With His Plant-Based Abilities

First Appeared In Episode 882, “The Paramount War – The Inherited Will Of The King Of The Pirates”

Character Name


Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor



Junichi Suwabe

Matthew David Rudd

Admiral Ryokugyu arrived in Wano after the Onigashima Raid. He wanted to kill Luffy, but he was delayed by Yamato and Momonosuke. In the end, he was scared off by Shanks. Ryokugyu ate the Woods-Woods Fruit, a Logia that allows him to create and control plant life. He can also transform into various types of plant life. Ryokugyu cannot become intangible, but his body regenerates incredibly fast.

Ryokugyu can defeat dozens of opponents simultaneously by producing sharpened tree branches. If someone is pierced by one of these branches, all the water in their body is drained, leaving them in an immobile, mummified state. He used this technique to defeat the remnants of the Beast Pirates, which included Kaido’s top commanders. Ryokugyu can decimate Cross Guild’s ranks in the same manner. Crocodile would be the biggest obstacle, but Ryokugyu can fight him with Haki.

7 Garp Can Flatten Cross Guild Of He Does Not Have To Worry About His Subordinates

First Appeared In Episode 68, “Try Hard, Koby! Diary Of Koby-Meppo’s Marine Struggles”

Character Name


Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor

Monkey D. Garp


Hiroshi Naka

Brian Mathis

Garp has been offered an Admiral position multiple times, but he has refused each promotion. According to him, the Vice Admiral position offers much more freedom. Garp was one of Gol D. Roger’s top rivals, and Whitebeard had a great deal of respect for him even though they were enemies. Garp has lost a good amount of strength because of old age, but he is still one of the strongest characters in One Piece.

He can still hurl cannonballs with his bare hands, and he can hurt a Yonko Commander like Marco with a single punch. During the Egghead Arc, Garp led a rescue mission on Pirate Island, and he destroyed a good chunk of the city with his Galaxy Impact attack. This attack can flatten Cross Guild and most of its members. In a one-on-one fight, Garp should be able to beat Crocodile and Mihawk with his advanced Armament and Conqueror’s Haki.

6 Enel Can Annihilate Cross Guild If he Uses His Logia’s Maximum Output

First Appeared In Episode 167, “God Enel Appears!! Aubade To The Survivors”

Character Name


Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor



Toshiyuki Morikawa

J. Michael Tatum

Enel was the main antagonist of the Skypiea Arc. He ate the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, which is considered to be invincible. This Logia gives Enel the power to create and control lightning, and he can transform into lightning at will. He can move as fast as lighting, and most attacks simply phase through his body. The Rumble-Rumble Fruit also enhances Enel’s Observation Haki. As a result, Enel can predict his opponent’s movements.

Enel’s maximum output is roughly 200,000,000 volts, and he can amplify his strength with his golden ship. Enel can destroy an entire island with his lightning, which means that he can obliterate Cross Guild with a single attack. Crocodile’s sand body would likely turn to glass if it got hit by Enel’s lightning. Mihawk can actually hurt Enel if he can keep up with his Logia enhanced speed. That said, even Mihawk might not survive a direct hit from a 200,000,000-volt lightning strike.

5 Shanks Can Lay Waste To Cross Guild With His Haki

First Appeared In Episode 4, “Luffy’s Past! The Red-Haired Shanks Appears”

Character Name

Current Bounty

Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor



Shuichi Ikeda

Brandon Potter

Shanks is the captain of the Red Hair Pirates, and he is now the longest-reigning Yonko. He does not have a Devil Fruit, but he is one of the strongest Haki users in history. He can use all three types of Haki, as well as their advanced applications. Shanks matched Whitebeard’s Haki with one arm, and he defeated Eustass Kid and Killer with a single Haki slash. Shanks’ advanced Conqueror’s Haki can also nullify the Observation Haki of others.

Shanks has a soft spot for Buggy because they were once crewmates, so he would probably spare him. The rest of Cross Guild would be doomed. Shanks can knock most of them out with his Haki, and he can cut through the Devil Fruit users with his Haki imbued blade. In terms of skill, Mihawk is the better swordsman, but Shanks’ overall power is greater, and he can nullify Mihawk’s Observation Haki.

4 Kuzan Can Freeze Every Cross Guild Member With His Devil Fruit

First Appeared In Episode 225, “The Man Of Pride! Foxy The Silver Fox”

Character Name

Current Bounty

Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor



Takehito Koyasu

Jason Douglas


10 One Piece Characters Who Can Beat Kuzan

Kuzan is one of the strongest characters in One Piece, but there are a few characters who can beat him.

Kuzan was trained by Vice Admiral Garp, and he held the rank of Admiral during the Summit War. He left the Marines during the timeskip because he failed to become Fleet Admiral. Kuzan is now one of Blackbeard’s Ten Titanic Captains, and the argument can be made that he is stronger than the other nine captains combined. He ate the Chill-Chill Fruit, a Logia that gives him complete control over ice.

Kuzan froze most of the Big Mom Pirates when he and Van Augur kidnapped Pudding. Charlotte Cracker is a Sweet Commander with powerful Haki, and he was frozen solid as well. When Kuzan first encountered the Blackbeard Pirates, he froze multiple Titanic Captains as though they were ordinary pirates. Kuzan can freeze every member of Cross Guild with similar ease.

3 Luffy Has Already Defeated Crocodile And Buggy

First Appeared In Episode 1, “I’m Luffy! The Man Who Will Become The Pirate King”

Character Name


Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor

Monkey D. Luffy


Mayumi Tanaka

Colleen Clinkenbeard

Buggy and Crocodile have both lost to Luffy in the past, but they no longer seem to have animosity towards him. That said, they would still use Cross Guild’s resources to destroy the Straw Hats if the price was right. Fortunately, Luffy can decimate Cross Guild all by himself. He can use every type of advanced Haki, and he possesses the power of the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Nika, a Mythical Zoan that gives his body the properties of rubber.

Luffy can crush most of Cross Guild’s forces with Gear 2 and Gear 3. Luffy defeated Crocodile before he had Haki, so he could defeat him much more easily now. Normally, Mihawk would shred Luffy’s rubber body to pieces, but Gear 5 changes that. WhIle in this state, Luffy can treat everything around him like rubber, so he can turn all of Mihawk’s swords into foam toys. Luffy’s Gum-Gum Bajrang Gun attack is the size of Onigashima, and it can squash someone like Mihawk.

2 Kaido Can Oblierate Cross Guild With His Dragon Form

First Appeared In Episode 736, “Sending A Shock Wave – The Worst Generation Goes Into Action!

Character Name

Current Bounty

Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor



Tessho Genda

David Sobolov


Every Yonko’s Strongest Ability in One Piece, Ranked

Each and every Yonko — or Emperor — harnesses incredible abilities, but which one is their respective ace in the hole?

Kaido is the Governor General of the Beast Pirates, and he is still considered to be the world’s strongest creature. Kaido’s body is nigh-indestructible, and he can enhance this durability with advanced Armament and Conqueror’s Haki. Kaido ate a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a massive azure dragon, as well as an empowered hybrid form

Kaido can tear through Cross Guild’s members in his base form, and he can obliterate most of the Devil Fruit users with his hybrid form. His Blast Breath can destroy a small mountain, making it more than capable of incinerating Cross Guild’s forces. Crocodile’s Logia is completely countered by Kaido’s Haki and elemental attacks, and his Conqueror’s Haki is stronger than Mihawk’s Armament Haki.

1 Saint V. Nusjuro Can Cut Through Cross All Of Cross Guild In Matter Of Minutes

First Appeared In Episode 151, “The 100,000,000 Man! The World’s Highest Authority And The Pirate Blackbeard”

Character Name


Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor

Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro


Kenichi Ogata

Kent Williams & Doug Jackson

The Five Elders are the highest-ranking Celestial Dragons, and Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro holds the Warrior God of Finance title. Like the other elders, V. Nusjuro possesses immense Haki, and he seems to be an awakened Mythical Zoan user. V. Nusjuro becomes a colossal skeletal horse when he uses his beast form, and he becomes a semi-skeletal centaur when he uses his hybrid form.

When V. Nusjuro appeared on Egghead, he took it upon himself to defeat all of the Mark III Pacifista units. He eliminated the entire Pacifista army in less than five minutes. V. Nusjuro can imbue his katana with extremly potent Armament Haki, and his slashes have a freezing effect. He can cut through Cross Guild with similar ease. V. Nusjuro can counter Crocodile’s Logia abilities, and his slashes appear to be as strong as Mihawk’s. Neither Crocodile or Mihawk can harm V. Nusjuro, because every injury he sustains rapidly heals.

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