One Piece Characters Who Can Beat Kuzan


  • Despite being one of the strongest characters, there are a few who can beat Kuzan due to their unique abilities and strengths.
  • Characters like Oden, Kaido, Roger, Yamato, Hancock, Law, Luffy, Shanks, Blackbeard, and the Five Elders have the potential to defeat Kuzan.
  • Each character mentioned has specific powers, techniques, or Devil Fruits that give them an advantage in taking down Kuzan in combat.

The Marines are one of the main factions in One Piece. Kuzan was a Marine Admiral, but he left the organization during the timeskip when he failed to become the next Fleet Admiral. He is now one of Blackbeard’s Ten Titanic Captains. Kuzan is a strong Haki user, and he has the power of the Ice-Ice Fruit – a Logia that gives him the power to create, control, and transform into ice. Kuzan is one of the strongest characters in One Piece, but there are a few characters who can beat him.

Most of the characters who can beat Kuzan are pirates, and many of them possess a Devil Fruit of their own. A few high-ranking World Nobles can take him down too. Thanks to the Ice-Ice Fruit, most non-Haki attacks cannot harm Kuzan, but most of the characters who can beat him can nullify his intangibility with their Haki.

10 Oden’s Haki Can Bypass Kuzan’s Intangibility

First Appeared In Episode 910, “A Legendary Samurai – The Man Who Roger Admired!”

Character Name


Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor

Kozuki Oden


Hiroya Ishimaru

Robbie Daymond

Oden was the rightful ruler of Wano Country until Orochi and Kaido seized control. This only happened because Oden spent five years of his life out at sea as a pirate. He met the Whitebeard Pirates when they arrived at Wano, and he became the commander of Whitebeard’s second division. He later joined the Roger Pirates and sailed to Laugh Tale with them.

Oden was one of the few people who could use all three types of Haki, and he was arguably the world’s strongest swordsman when he was alive. Oden’s Conqueror’s Haki could clash with prime Whitebeard’s. Kuzan’s intangibility can be countered with Armament Haki, and Oden would imbue his swords with this Haki. Oden’s slashes could hurt Kaido, so he should be able to cut someone like Kuzan down. Oden survived a direct hit from Kaido’s Blast Breath and Roger’s Divine Departure, so he should be able to power through Kuzan’s ice.

9 Kaido Is Stronger Than Any Admiral

First Appeared In Episode 736, “Sending A Shock Wave – The Worst Generation Goes Into Action!”

Character Name

Current Bounty

Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor



Tessho Genda

David Sobolov


10 Strongest Zoan Type Devil Fruit Users in One Piece, Ranked

Zoan-type Devil Fruits are some of the strongest and rarest tools in One Piece – and its users are just as powerful.

Kaido is the Governor-General of the Beasts Pirates, and he is still considered the world’s strongest creature. Kaido can use all three types of Haki, as well as their advanced applications. His body is nigh-indestructible, and he can enhance this superhuman durability with Haki. Ordinary attacks that have been enhanced with Armament Haki cannot even damage him.

Kaido ate a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that gives him the ability to transform into a massive azure dragon, and he can assume an empowered hybrid form as well. Based on his overwhelming strength, Kaido can break out of Kuzan’s ice very easily, and he can counter Kuzan’s intangibility with Haki. Kaido’s Blast Breath can destroy mountains, so it should vaporize any ice-based defenses. One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda has confirmed that Yonko like Kaido are stronger than Admiral-level fighters like Kuzan.

8 Prime Roger Could Defeat Virtually Anyone With His Haki

First Appeared In Episode 1, “I’m Luffy! The Man Who Will Become The Pirate King”

Character Name

Current Bounty

Japanese Voice Actors

English Voice Actor

Gol D. Roger


Chikao Ohtsuka & Masane Tsukayama

Sean Hennigan

Gol D. Roger was the previous Pirate King, but he did not hold that title for very long. Roger had contracted an incurable illness, so he decided to turn himself in to protect his unborn child. Roger did not possess a Devil Fruit, but he wielded a cutlass called Ace – which is recognized as one of the world’s 12 Supreme Grade Blades. He could use all three types of Haki, as well as advanced Armament and Conqueror’s Haki.

While he was sick, Roger could overpower someone like Kozuki Oden, and he was capable of matching the strength of Prime Whitebeard’s attacks. Roger could go toe-to-toe with Garp when the Vice Admiral was in his prime. Kuzan had a hard time fighting a much older and weaker Garp. If prime Roger fought Kuzan, he would likely kill Kuzan with a single Divine Departure attack – which combines Armament and Conqueror’s Haki.

7 Yamato Can Hurt Admiral-Level Opponents And He Can Match His Ice Powers

First Appeared In Episode 972, “The End Of The Battle! Oden Vs. Kaidou!”

Character Name

Current Bounty

Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor



Saori Hayami

Michelle Rojas


10 Best One Piece Character Designs Post-Time Skip

The Post-Time Skip Era of Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece includes great new character designs with meaningful twists on existing characters inlcuding Luffy.

Yamato might be Kaido’s son, but he is not a ruthless warlord. He enjoys fighting, but he is a kind-hearted individual who wishes to protect Wano. Yamato inherited some of Kaido’s immense physical strength. Yamato can easily match Luffy’s physical strength, and he can knock out an Ancient Zoan user like Ulti with a single blow. He is one of the few characters in One Piece who can match Kuzan’s ice powers.

He ate the Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Okuchi-no-Makami – a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit that allows Yamato to transform into Wano’s wolf deity. It also grants him the ability to generate and control ice. There is a good chance Yamato is immune to Kuzan’s freezing attacks. At the end of the Wano Arc, Yamato demonstrated that he can injure Admiral-level opponents when he attacked Admiral Ryokugyu with his Armament and Conqueror’s Haki.

6 Hancock Should Be Able To Petrify Kuzan

First Appeared In Episode 409, “Hurry! Back To The Crew – Adventure On The Isle Of Women”

Character Name

Current Bounty

Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor

Boa Hancock


Kotono Mitsuishi

Lydia Mackay

Boa Hancock is the current captain of the Kuja Pirates, and she was the only female Warlord of the Sea. She was forced to eat the Love-Love Fruit when she was a slave, but it has become her greatest weapon. This Paramecia gives Hancock the power to turn others into stone if they feel any type of lust or love towards her. Haki does not appear to reverse petrification, meaning Hancock is the only person who can undo it.

Hancock can also turn people to stone if she strikes them with special projectiles. Her physical blows can petrify specific body parts. Hancock can use all three types of Haki, which means she can actually hit Kuzan with physical blows. If Hancock can bypass Kuzan’s intangibility, she can slowly turn him to stone one hit at a time. That being said, she would still need to avoid getting frozen by Kuzan’s Logia.

5 Law Can Fight Kuzan In Creative Ways Thanks To His Devil Fruit

First Appeared In Episode 392, “New Rivals Gather! The 11 Supernovas”

Character Name


Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor

Trafalgar D. Water Law


Hiroshi Kamiya

Matthew Mercer


10 One Piece Characters Who Could Have Been the Best Revolutionaries

Many courageous revolutionary figures appear throughout One Piece, but only a few join the centralized efforts of the Revolutionary Army.

Law is part of the Worst Generation, and he became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea during the timeskip. He relinquished that title when he formed an alliance with Luffy and the Straw Hats. Law ate the Op-Op Fruit, an extremely powerful Paramecia that gives him the power to manipulate anything within a spherical area that he creates. Law can avoid Kuzan’s attacks by teleporting away or swapping places with other people or objects.

Under normal circumstances, Law would try to disassemble Kuzan’s body, but the former Admiral would likely be able to counter this technique with his own Haki. Seastone can nullify Devil Fruit powers, but it can be manipulated by a Devil Fruit as long as the user does not physically touch it. If Law has access to a pair of seastone handcuffs, he can teleport them onto Kuzan’s wrists. With his Logia powers neutralized, Law can use his awakened powers to deal critical internal damage. Law can also use his Devil Fruit to pour sea water over Kuzan, which would negate his Ice-Ice Fruit too.

4 Luffy Should Be Able To Withstand Kuzan’s Ice Abilities

First Appeared In Episode 1, “I’m Luffy! The Man Who Will Become The Pirate King”

Character Name


Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor

Monkey D. Luffy


Mayumi Tanaka

Colleen Clinkenbeard

When Luffy and Kuzan first met, the Admiral effortlessly froze his entire body. Luffy could not use Haki back then, and he had not achieved Devil Fruit Awakening either. Luffy can now use all three types of Haki, and their advanced applications. His Gear 5 transformation can take on Kadio and Admirals like Kizaru. Gear 5 allows Luffy to fight with absolute freedom.

While Gear 5 is active, Luffy can treat Kaido like a rubber toy. Kizaru is a Logia user, but attacks empowered with Armament Haki do not seem to harm him. That being said, Luffy can now injure him. Even if he does get frozen, Luffy should be able to break free with Haki. If Kuzan tries to freeze the entire area, he will not get much of a territorial advantage because Gear 5 Luffy can treat the ice like rubber. Luffy’s Gomu Gomu no Bajrang Gun attack combines advanced Armament and Conqueror’s Haki. This massive attack defeated Kaido, so Kuzan would be crushed if he takes a direct hit.

3 Shanks’ Advanced Haki Can Destroy Kuzan’s Body

First Appeared In Episode 4, “Luffy’s Past! The Red-Haired Shanks Appears”

Character Name

Current Bounty

Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor



Shuichi Ikeda

Brandon Potter

Shanks began his pirate career as an apprentice with the Roger Pirates. He formed his own crew after Gol D. Roger’s execution, and he is now the longest-serving Yonko. Shanks lost his left arm when he saved Luffy from a Sea King, and he does not have a Devil Fruit power, but most pirates and Marines still fear him. Shanks is a Haki master who can use advanced Haki techniques.

Kuzan can use Observation Haki, but Shanks can negate Observation Haki with his advanced Conqueror’s Haki. This technique allows Shanks to hide his presence, which means Kuzan would not be able to react to his attacks in time. Shanks’ Armament Haki can block Akainu’s magma powers, so he can withstand Kuzan’s attacks as well. Shanks took out Eustass Kid and Killer with a single Haki infused slash, so Kuzan’s Logia would offer no protection.

2 Blackbeard Can Nullify Kuzan’s Logia Powers

First Appeared In Episode 146, “Stop Dreaming! The City Of Ridicule, Mock Town!”

Character Name


Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actors

Marshall D. Teach


Akio Otsuka

Cole Brown & Chris Rager


10 One Piece Villains Who Deserve To Be The Final Boss

Many villains in One Piece are complex characters who challenge and sometimes surpass even the Straw Hats, but who is worthy of being the final boss?

Blackbeard became a Yonko shortly after Whitebeard’s death, and he is currently the only known individual with two Devil Fruits. His original Devil Fruit was the Dark-Dark Fruit, which allows him to create and manipulate darkness. He would be able to absorb all of Kuzan’s ranged attacks. The most terrifying aspect of this Devil Fruit is its ability to nullify other Devil Fruit powers. This ability only works if Blackbeard physically touches the other user.

Blackbeard possesses Armament Haki, so he can definitely touch Kuzan. During the Summit War, Blackbeard stole the Tremor-Tremor Fruit from Whitebeard’s corpse. This Paramecia gives him the power to create destructive quakes through any medium. If Blackbeard nullifies Kuzan’s Logia powers, he can destroy Kuzan’s internal organs with a series of quake punches. To make matters worse, Blackbeard can use the Dark-Dark Fruit to pull Kuzan into his nullifying grasp.

1 The Five Elders Can Defeat Kuzan With Their Haki And Mythical Zoan Powers

First Appeared In Episode 151, “The 100,000,000 Man! The World’s Highest Authority And The Pirate Blackbeard”

Character Name


Japanese Voice Actor

English Voice Actor

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn


Keiichi Noda

J.B. Edwards

Saint Shepherd Ju Peter


Yasunori Masutani

Michael Johnson

Saint Marcus Mars


Keiichi Sonobe

Randy Pearlman

Saint Topman Warcury


Masato Hirano

Kurt Kleinmann

Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro


Kenichi Ogata

Kent Williams & Doug Jackson

The Five Elders are the highest-ranking Celestial Dragons, and as far as most of the world is concerned, they run the World Government. In truth, they serve Imu, the mysterious figure who actually rules over the World Government. The Five Elders may be old, but they are all insanely powerful. They all seem to possess Mythical Zoan Devil Fruits, and they have all gone through successful awakenings.

The Five Elders have extremely dark and powerful Conqueror’s Haki, and they all seem to have high-speed regeneration. Even if Kuzan could freeze them, they can easily escape with Haki. Saint Saturn can use his telekinetic ability to freeze Kuzan in place, and Saint V. Nusjuro can strike him down with his Haki imbued blade. Saint Ju Peter can devour Kuzan with his enourmous mouth, and Saint Warcury can disrupt his Logia powers with a Haki empowered roar. While all this is happening, Saint Mars can blast Kuzan from the air with piercing energy beams.

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