One Piece Chapter 1123 “The Void Fortnite” Recap and Spoilers

The following contains spoilers for One Piece chapter 1123, “The Void Fortnite,” now available in English on Viz.


  • Chapter 1123 introduces Elbaph after the closing of the Future Island arc, promising new adventures for Luffy.
  • Dr. Vegapunk's flashback reveals his total defiance of the World Government and his bizarre sense of humor.
  • Despite Luffy's escape, the World Government manages to make some gains, leaving the Final Saga with very high stakes.

Chapter 1123 of A piece marks the clear conclusion of the overall Future Island/Egghead story arc in the manga, and this may give longtime readers some familiar feelings. With so many distinct story arcs in A pieceFans have gotten used to the bittersweet feeling of saying goodbye to a particular island and its characters so that Luffy and his friends can move on, like leaving Alabasta with the help of Mr. 2 and leaving Wano in good spirits after Kaido's downfall. Now the same thing is happening for Future Island, though not in exactly the same way.

Overall, the departure from Future Island in chapter 1123 is partly a feeling of relief as the Straw Hats escape, and partly a feeling of dread as the Final Saga continues. This is because while Luffy and his friends have achieved a narrow victory by escaping the wrath of the Five Elders, The World Government is stronger than ever and Dr. Vegapunk's flashback sequence helps remind fans how serious the danger is. Chapter 1123 also provides some hints of Dr. Vegapunk's fun and sentimental side, as what will likely be his final flashback unfolds.


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Chapter 1123 Closes the book on Future Island, setting his sights on Elbaph

It's time for Luffy to visit the Norse island that once saw Big Mom.

Chapter 1123 with the giant pirates sailing towards Elbaph.


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Chapter 1123's effort to wrap up the Future Island arc and set up the next story arc has both positive and negative implications, with the positive ones being more obvious. Like several chapters before it, it's scattered here and there A pieceThe manga of, “The Void Fortnite” is a bittersweet chapter that clearly marks the end of a story arc, so A piece can take a little break before starting the next arc. On many levels, chapter 1123 is pretty routine and just functional as a closing chapter, but it also feels a little different. The Future Island arc ended up being remarkably crowded and busy, with the battle against the World Government warriors and Dr. Vegapunk's video message creating a chaotic narrative that somehow felt slow and fast at the same time. It almost felt unfocused, so having chapter 1123 focus primarily on Luffy's departure feels like a serious change of pace.

With the Future Island/Egghead arc now over and the chaotic retreat concluded, the story can slow down for a moment and get fans excited for what's to come. That's part of the fun of wrapping up a A piece story arc, with the story moving into a new story arc and setting to shake things up once again. In the case of chapter 1123, Luffy can expect to finally visit Elbaph, the legendary land of who A piece fans have only seen it in flashback sequences so far. Fans have gotten a glimpse of the Norse-inspired land with flashbacks to Big Mom's childhood, but that hasn't done much to expand the lore and geography of Elbaph. When Luffy and his crewmates visit Elbaph, it's no doubt A piece will aggressively expand on that island and the role its people will play in the coming war against the World Government. It is already clear that all the Titans are on Luffy's side, so Luffy can trust that they will give him refuge while the World Government continues to make its moves.

Chapter 1123's flashback examines the details of the last two weeks of Dr. Vegapunk's life.

It was his Fortnite void after he erased his memories

Chapter 1123 with York greeting Vegapunk.

While chapter 1123 spends a few pages showing Luffy and the giant warrior pirates sailing away from Future Island and finally relaxing after escaping the wrath of the Five Elders, most of this chapter is actually dedicated to a flashback of Dr. Vegapunk. Yep, A piece Readers have seen a few flashbacks from that character, like his tense conversation with Clover about the Void Century, and fans have certainly heard a lot from Dr. Vegapunk's video message, but the story isn't done exploring the brilliant doctor's backstory just yet. What's strange about Dr. Vegapunk's multi-page flashback in “The Void Fortnite” is that not many of the details are actually brand new – most are a review and rehash of what fans already know about Dr. Vegapunk and his dire situation regarding the evilness of the World Government. That said, there are still a few noteworthy details for fans to take note of in this flashback.

Dr. Vegapunk's flashback lasts two weeks, hence the “fortnite” in the chapter title, which begins with a strong suspicion that someone is secretly betraying Future Island, such as secretly siphoning the power of the Mother Flame and falsifying data to hide the traitor's actions. Dr. Vegapunk first suspects Lilith, but after several days, Vegapunk and two of his Satellites determine that the real traitor is York, something A piece fans surely already know this. Dr. Vegapunk chooses not to confront York about it, instead keeping his awareness of her betrayal a secret while continuing his work as usual. This includes his effort to move Emet the Iron Giant with the energy of the Mother Flame, among other projects. Eventually, Vegapunk and the two trusty satellites launch their plan to contain the damage and challenge the World Government.

Dr. Vegapunk installs the video transponder snail into Emet, the Iron Giant, and secretly records his message, then takes the radical step of wiping his memory and that of his two trusted satellites. This way, there is absolutely no chance that Vegapunk's plan can be discovered and stopped before Vegapunk relearns his plans and discoveries. The plan works as planned, and not even York, CP6, or the Five Elders can stop Vegapunk from transmitting his message as planned. The flashback, in short, shows how thorough and determined Dr. Vegapunk can be when challenging the World Government and ensuring that the truth of the world can be found.

Dr. Vegapunk's flashback has some personal quirks

Vegapunk's sense of humor is pretty solid.

Chapter 1123 with Vegapunk erasing his memories.


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It's clear that the main purpose of Dr. Vegapunk's flashback sequence is to demonstrate how dedicated he can be when fighting to protect his work, but that's not all. On a more fun and personal note, The flashback sequence also shows some of Dr. Vegapunk's personal oddities, such as when he immediately suspects Lilith of being the traitor of Future Island simply because “she's evil.” The Satellites didn't think so, and Vegapunk was proven wrong when he and his Satellites discovered that the real traitor was York. A piece Meanwhile, fans have discovered that while Lilith is the “bad” Vegapunk, her heroic side is not to blame for the Straw Hats or Vegapunk's problems.

Meanwhile, the flashback also showed Vegapunk writing a note to his future self after his memory wipe, and he actually ended one sentence with “LOL.” A piece The world lacks computers and smartphones to chat like this, and such humor is quite rare in this manga, but there is no doubt that author Eiichiro Oda wanted to have fun with this little gag, and it is not an immersion-breaking element at all. Vegapunk himself found it a bit strange, though.

Dr. Vegapunk's final personal quirk is the most substantial one in that flashback. It was revealed that when Vegapunk was preparing to die during the battle for Future Island, he met Sanji and expressed his fond wish that the Straw Hats would be the ones to find Gol D. Roger's famous One Piece treasure. It was a rare moment where Vegapunk spoke purely from the heart, without the need for science or experiments, and showed how much faith he had in the Straw Hats to do the right thing with the world's most important artifact.

Chapter 1123 is more bittersweet than it seems

The World Government Has Made Great Conquests, Despite Luffy's Escape

Chapter 1123 with the satellites talking to Vegapunk.


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At first glance, “The Void Fortnite” is a happy book-ending chapter for the Future Island arc, and in many ways it is. However, fans should also keep in mind that the villains have made some serious strides, and that helps keep the tension and stakes high as this phase of the Final Saga comes to a close. Luffy hasn’t directly defeated his enemies, he’s simply evaded them, and if that's the best it can do with Gear 5 AND the incredible help of Emet, the iron giant, then the situation must be desperate. Luffy will be hunted throughout the New World and will have to fight these powerful enemies again at some point, and without the benefit of Emet. Luffy can rest easy for now aboard the Titans' ship, but that feeling of relaxation may not last long.

There's also the fact that the World Government still has their hands on a sample of the Mother Flame and at least one of the Ancient Weapons, the terrors of the mysterious Void Century. Dr. Vegapunk's flashback helped reinforce this sense of dread and danger, because if Vegapunk erases his memories and prepares for his death to quell this threat, then Luffy and his friends are going to be in trouble the next time they resume their never-ending battle against the World Government. Luffy has won for now, but the battle is far from over and the weapons are bigger and badder than ever.

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