My Hero Academia Season 7, Episode 18 Review

My Hero AcademySeason 7 of is about to come to a close, and if the season's final episodes are any indication, then the long-awaited battle to defeat All For One is gearing up to reach its climax. As the series' terrifying supervillain slowly ages backwards, his raw power grows stronger, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake that threatens to not only upend Japanese society, but also tear countries around the world apart. Only Deku and his allies stand between All For One and world domination, and if Season 7, Episode 18, titled “It's a Small World,” is any indication, that's a lot easier said than done.

While My Hero Academy Season 7 won't be the end of the series' narrative, “It's a Small World” makes it painfully clear that the show is rapidly approaching its conclusion. Unlike some of the lackluster episodes earlier this season, episode 18 exudes an urgency that underscores just how dangerous the fight against All For One has become, while also offering a glimmer of hope for a brighter future.

The Hero Society makes a last desperate stand

Season 7 Episode 18 picks up the heat on the battle against All For One, and like previous episodes, it's an all-out effort that pits the villain against a host of Japan's strongest heroes. However, while All For One's rapid de-aging made for an entertaining watch, the villain is now in his twenties (at his prime), so his powers are likely stronger than ever, leaving only a handful of characters capable of withstanding his attacks for more than a few seconds. With high-profile heroes like Endeavor, Todoroki, and Deku busy elsewhere, an unlikely mix of characters are forced to step up and delay All For One from claiming Tomura Shigaraki's body, even if just for a few more seconds.

That said, the absence of My Hero Academyis exactly what makes episode 18 one of the highlights of season 7. “It's a Small World” revolves almost entirely around the show's supporting cast, as the unsung heroes of Japanese society fight tooth and nail to stop All For One from reaching his destination, and at first glance, these characters seem completely outclassed. As impressive as heroes like Fumikage Tokoyami, Mount Lady, Hawks, and Red Riot are, none of them stand a chance of defeating All For One, at least not alone. Luckily for the heroes, They have one weapon that All For One will never be able to wield alone: ​​teamwork..

It's not just Izuku Midoriya. Those who watched their friends walk away from the fight and chose to stay on the battlefield, or those who had no choice but to stay… There are still people here fighting. – Unnamed News Reporter

My Hero Academy has always made it clear that teamwork, community, and empathy are at the epicenter of hero society, and nowhere is this more obvious than in “It's a Small World.” Even with All For One's godlike abilities on display before them, none of the series' supporting cast, including Mineta, who receives what is arguably his best scene in MHA during the episode's tail end — falter in their commitment to the cause. This widespread display of courage isn't even a senseless act of martyrdom, and not just because it manages to delay All For One for a few more precious moments.

The path that All For One blazed comes back to bite him in the end

Due to All For One's rejuvenation, Season 7, Episode 18 marks the first time the villain is at the height of his powers since his heyday several decades earlier in the series. This begs the question: will there be anything different this time? Well, if the most intense scene in “It's a Small World” is any indication, then the world's toughest villain might be in for a rude awakening.

Mount Lady, Fumikage Tokoyami, and Gigantomachia (who joins the fight against All For One after realizing he's been used by the villain) aren't necessarily the main trio fans expected to see fight All For One in “It's a Small World,” nor are they the characters fans expect to ultimately defeat the supervillain. That said, The trio serves as a nice microcosm for the world of superpowered individuals. —a world that has been directly influenced by All For One for many decades. From Mount Lady, a serious high-ranking hero, Tokoyami, a sullen UA student tutored by the Hero Association's most morally gray hero, and Gigantomachia, a bonafide supervillain, All For One faces opposition from all corners of the Hero Society.

The last time All For One was at the height of his power, he began a reign of terror that cast a dark cloud over not only Japan, but societies across the world. Eventually, a series of individuals — the bearers of One For All — inspired each other to oppose All For One, but in the end, even the strongest of these characters (All Might) was unable to eliminate the threat posed by the supervillain. However, this time, It's not just individuals who oppose All For One; is the entire society of heroes, including the villains who previously served All For One.

There have been a handful of episodes in My Hero Academy Season 7 that felt like missed opportunities, but as far as episode 18 goes, it doesn't fall victim to this trend. In fact, “It's a Small World” does a fantastic job of highlighting the long-term effect All For One has had on hero society.and, thanks to the spectacular performances of several characters, they managed to delay the arrival of the villain for precious moments.

On a related note, the mediocre production value of My Hero AcademySeason seven was a bit of a sore point for some fans, and while that doesn't change too in episode 18, it's definitely an improvement over the low points of season 7. Dark Shadow fans will no doubt be pleased with the Quirk scenes his mind-blowing attacks are a great way to highlight what might be Tokoyami's last great moment in the series. Even All For One himself takes note of Dark Shadow's incredible potential, nearly claiming the Quirk before leaving the battlefield.

The only notable misstep in Season 7, Episode 18 is an out-of-place flashback depicting an interaction between Mina Ashido, Red Riot, and the Sludge Villain early in the conflict, which still stayed true to the characters even if it did cause a bit of a jarring transition mid-episode. Regardless of this brief detour, “It's a Small Word” is a much needed showcase for some of My Hero Academythe supporting castand should give fans hope that the final three episodes of season seven will be exactly what they're hoping for.

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