MHA Strongest Quirks and Their Weaknesses

My Hero Academia is now returning with its 7th anime season here in the Spring 2024 anime season, and fans can’t wait to see more of their favorite heroes and villains fight with their incredible Quirks. By now, the Quirk-based combat system of this anime is well-established, and dozens of My Hero Academia characters have used and combined Quirks in fascinting and powerful ways. But of course, it’s the strongest Quirks that stand out the most.

The most powerful Quirks on the heroes’ and villains’ sides will help decide the outcome of the war against the Paranormal Liberation Front, and some Quirks feel like the product of destiny, such as One For All and its nemesis, the supervillain All For One. Quirks of that caliber can turn a fighter into a battlefield legend, but power like that never comes easy. Even the most potent Quirks have downsides to them, minor or major, and their enemies might exploit that fact.

Update on August 6, 2024, by Antonio Samson: The world of My Hero Academia has plenty of powerful Quirks held by different characters. However, even though they are strong, they all have their weaknesses too. This article was updated to include more Quirks and to meet CBR’s editorial and formatting standards.

The Quirk That Can Heal or Destroy With a Touch

Quirk Name

Current User

Debut Episode


Kai Chisaki



10 My Hero Academia Characters Who Lost Their Quirks, Ranked

Several My Hero Academia characters ended up losing their Quirk one way or another, but at the end of the day, they never lost their fighting spirit.

Kai Chisaki’s Overhaul Quirk is a terrifying ability that allows him to disassemble and reassemble anything he touches at a molecular level. This makes him a formidable opponent in combat, as he can instantly destroy or heal anything with a single touch.

However, Overhaul’s primary limitation is the need for direct physical contact. Chisaki must touch his target to use his Quirk, which makes it vulnerable to long-range attackers or situations where he can’t close the distance. Additionally, the changes made by Overhaul can be reversed by another touch, which can undo his work if he’s not careful.

19 Blackwhip Requires Emotional Control

The Power That Depends on Midoriya’s Stability

Midoriya aiming Blackwhip in My Hero Academia.

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Current User

Debut Episode


Izuku Midoriya


Blackwhip is one of the multiple Quirks within One For All, manifesting as dark tendrils of energy that can be used for mobility and combat. Izuku Midoriya, the current wielder, has struggled to master Blackwhip due to its unique drawback: it requires high emotional control.

If Midoriya’s emotions are unstable, the tendrils become difficult to control, potentially causing collateral damage or endangering allies. This emotional aspect makes Blackwhip a challenging Quirk to master, requiring Midoriya to maintain a calm and focused mindset during intense battles.

18 Foldabody Can Be Difficult to Control

Edgeshot’s Versatile Yet Demanding Ability

Edgeshot raiding the league of villains hideout in My Hero Academia

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“Clash! Class A vs. Class B!”

Edgeshot’s Quirk, Foldabody, allows him to stretch and compress his body into incredibly thin and sharp forms, making him highly versatile in combat. However, the complexity of manipulating his body in such precise ways means it can be challenging to control.

Misjudgments in the transformation process can leave him vulnerable or less effective in battle. Maintaining these transformations for extended periods is also physically taxing, requiring immense concentration and stamina. Thus, despite its impressive utility, Foldabody demands high skill and endurance to be used effectively.

17 Cremation is Painful and Difficult to Control

Dabi’s Flames That Harm Both Foe and User

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“My Hero”

Dabi’s Cremation Quirk is devastating, producing intense blue flames that can incinerate nearly anything. However, the flames are so powerful that they cause severe burns to Dabi’s own body if used excessively. This self-damaging aspect means Dabi must carefully manage the duration and intensity of his attacks to avoid debilitating injuries.

Additionally, the Quirk’s destructive nature makes precision difficult, often resulting in widespread damage that can harm allies or unintended targets. This combination of high risk and destructive power makes Cremation a Quirk that requires caution and ruthlessness.

Shigaraki’s Devastating Yet Unstable Power

Tomura Shigaraki has rubble floating around him.

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Debut Episode



“My Hero”

Tomura Shigaraki’s Decay Quirk is one of the most terrifying abilities in My Hero Academia. It can disintegrate anything he touches with all five fingers. However, Decay’s potency is linked to continuous contact; a brief touch might not result in complete disintegration, allowing targets to escape with only partial damage.

Shigaraki must maintain contact to ensure destruction, which can be a tactical disadvantage in fast-paced combat. Furthermore, the indiscriminate nature of Decay means Shigaraki risks harming allies or his environment if he loses control, adding an element of unpredictability to this deadly Quirk.

15 Explosion Takes A Heavy Toll On The User’s Body

Bakugo’s Nitro-Fueled Strength and its Cost

Quirk Name

Current User

Debut Episode


Katsuki Bakugo

“Izuku Midoriya: Origin”


10 My Hero Academia Characters Who Never Got A Proper Ending

All of the best characters had a worthy sendoff at the end of MHA as they faced the future together, but that party didn’t quite include everyone.

Katsuki Bakugo’s explosion Quirk is powerful, just the kind of flashy power that is fit for a pro. However, even this strong Quirk has serious flaws. The first weakness is that while Bakugo can easily fire off one explosion after another, it takes a while for him to store up enough nitroglycerin for more powerful blasts.

Secondly, the more powerful the blast, the more damage it will incur on the user’s body. Bakugo can’t use too many huge blasts in quick succession, so he built some bracers on his hero costume to control that power and prevent his arms from breaking in combat. That said, Bakugo is willing to remove one or both of those bracers to fool his opponent, such as when he and Deku fought the symbol of peace All Might in a mock battle.

14 Hellflame Makes Its User Overheat

Endeavor’s Fiery Power With Built-In Limits

My Hero Academia: Endeavor looks to the side while his fire quirk is on.

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Debut Episode



“Strategy, Strategy, Strategy”

Hellflame is wielded by Endeavor, the best of the current Pro Heroes. This Quirk is very powerful and very destructive. Hellflame lets Endeavor perform remarkable feats like flying through the air, forging weapons of fire, and moving at blinding speeds. Endeavor can withstand the heat for a while because he has resistance to extremely hot temperatures.

However, Endeavor can only fight for so long before he starts to overheat. The extreme temperature of Hellflame prevents Endeavor from going all out for too long. So, Endeavor sought a wife whose ice-based Quirk could regulate the temperature of his heir, as shown in Shoto Todoroki’s Half-Cold Half-Hot Quirk. However, Endeavor’s first three children, Toya, Fuyumi, and Natsuo, did not inherit Hellflame and the ice Quirk in the ways Endeavor intended.

13 Reflection Has A Limit Of How Much Power It Can Take

Flect Turn’s Reflective Shield and its Weakness

Flect Turn attacks in My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission.

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Debut Episode


Flect Turn

My Hero Academia: World Heroes Mission

The ability to reflect any kind of attack thrown at someone is bound to cause problems every time. This has been the case in nearly every anime that has featured such a power. Flect Turn wields this ability in My Hero Academia‘s third movie, and he came very close to destroying Deku with it.

This power is truly astounding, but the number of attacks it can withstand is limited. Deku realized this and kept unleashing one attack after another. With the right amount of power and a lot of persistence, the Reflection Quirk can be overcome. In a way, fans can interpret the battle of the Reflection Quirk and the One For All Quirk as a battle of wills to see which Quirk would give in first. Fortunately for the world, Reflection gave in first.

12 Permeation Takes Extreme Training To Master

Mirio’s Intangible Power That Needs Precision

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Debut Episode


Mirio Togata

“A Season for Encounters”

The UA student Mirio Togata is a total powerhouse, but it took extensive training for Mirio to become so effective in combat. At first, his Permation Quirk was difficult to control, and Mirio tended to phase through things improperly and get stuck. That made him one of UA’s worst students for a time, and Deku was shocked to hear about that.

Worse yet, Mirio cannot perceive anything while intangible, such as sight and sound. He is both blind and deaf while using Permeation, so he must use intuition and careful planning to find his opponent and attack them. Now Mirio has mastered his Quirk, transforming it from an awkward and messy ability into one of the strongest Quirks in My Hero Academia.

11 Electrification Fries Its User’s Brain

Kaminari’s Shocking Power and Its Side Effects

Denki Kaminari shooting a bolt of lightning at the camera.

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Current User

Debut Episode


Denki Kaminari

“Bakugo’s Start Line”

Denki Kaminari has proven to be a great help many times with his Electrification Quirk, which ranks among MHA‘s strongest Quirks of all. With powers like his, he has the potential to be one of the greatest heroes of all time. He can communicate with his electricity, zap opponents, and even juice up batteries if he wishes.

The Quirk’s major problem is that it fries Denki’s brain anytime he uses too much power at once. He becomes a goofy, unfocused version of himself giving the thumbs-up, making him a total liability in battle when that happens. Fortunately, he can now use support items to focus his power to greater effect, and he has learned to control his Quirk better and respect its limits.

10 Brainwashing Can Easily Be Undone

Shinso’s Control That Breaks With Distraction

Quirk Name

Current User

Debut Episode


Hitoshi Shinso

“Victory or Defeat”


10 My Hero Academia Characters With The Perfect Send Off

As the dust begins to settle with the final chapter of the My Hero Academia manga, several characters get the send off they wholeheartedly deserve.

One of many people’s dreams is the power to command people to do anything. Hitoshi Shinso is already living the dream, as he can brainwash people into following his every command. The major drawback is that Shinso can only take control of someone when they verbally respond to something he says.

While it’s still very easy for unsuspecting targets to fall for it, people who know how his power works can simply remain silent. What is more, this Quirk can be undone easily if the victim is interrupted by an external force — even by something as simple as a tap on the shoulder.

9 Copy Limited Use Of Borrowed Quirks

Monoma’s Ability to Mimic, But Not Master

Quirk Name

Current User

Debut Episode


Neito Monoma

“Cavalry Final Battle”

Neito Monoma of class 1-B can pose a real problem with his ability to copy almost any Quirk, as he showed in the UA sports festival arc. However, there are quite a few drawbacks to this otherwise impressive power. Neito can’t gain as much mastery over a Quirk as the original user if he just copies it for the first time.

Neito also must direct physical contact with his target, and cannot effectively copy Quirks with an accumulation attribute, like One For All or even Eri’s Rewind Quirk. Also, while he can copy more than one Quirk, Neito can’t use them simultaneously and has to actively switch from one to another. At least Neito has recently expanded his Copy Quirk so he can hold four Quirks and not just three.

8 Rewind Is Super Risky To Use

Eri’s Power To Undo That Needs Careful Handling

Eri is in tears as Deku holds her.

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Debut Episode



“Infinite 100%”

Eri’s power has several practical applications and has the potential for great good and great disasters. Eri can undo practically anything — even a human’s entire existence. She can undo Quirks, including the very strongest Quirks, an ability that Overhaul tried to exploit for his own gain.

This power can be used to solve a lot of problems, but if the user is as unstable as Eri, the consequences of a mishap could be staggering. Eri is under intensive care to make sure that she always has her power under control before she does irreparable damage. She has used this Quirk to restore Mirio Togata’s own Quirk in recent storylines, a risky use of Rewind that is paying off so far.

7 Erasure Nullified By Blinking

Aizawa’s Nullification Power with Dry-Eye

Eraser Head activates his Erasure Quirk in MHA

Quirk Name

Current User

Debut Episode


Shota Aizawa

“What I Can Do For Now”

Shota Aizawa’s Erasure Quirk can render even the strongest Quirks powerless. All he has to do is look at his target, and their Quirk will be inaccessible to them. There are two major problems with this awesome power, though. To begin with, Erasure gives Aizawa serious dry-eye, forcing him to blink, which deactivates his power.

Secondly, he is unable to erase heteromorphic-type quirks. This means his power is useless against opponents whose bodies have been permanently altered by their Quirk, such as Spinner and Tsuyu Asui. Recent injuries have lessened Aizawa’s usage of Erasure even more, but as a true pro hero, he will push himself to the limit to use whatever he has left of Erasure and help Deku defeat Tomura Shigaraki.

6 One For All Overloads Unprepared Users

Deku’s Legendary Strength That Demands Readiness

Quirk Name

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Debut Episode

One For All

Izuku Midoriya

“Izuku Midoriya: Origin”

One For All is a truly phenomenal power to the point it feels like plot armor for Deku, its current wielder. It’s so powerful that whoever wields this legendary Quirk has to be physically prepared to handle its sheer energy. When used carelessly, this hurricane of force leaves the user with severe injuries, like smashed extremities.

The user has to be in top physical form; otherwise, the backlash of using One For All will be deadly. Deku has had firsthand experience with this power, and he knows all too well what can happen to him if he’s careless. He can only use small amounts of the power at a time, but using support items do help. Another drawback, if fans can call it that, is the fact that the built-in Quirks will only activate when the previous users’ vestiges will it. Thus, All Might never accessed the likes of Blackwhip and Danger Sense, but Deku has access to them.

5 All For One Requires Physical Touch With Hands

The Villain’s Power to Steal Quirks by Touch

All For One holds up his hand to use the Rivet Stab Quirk.

Quirk Name

Current User

Debut Episode

All For One

All For One

“Listen Up!! A Tale From the Past”


10 Strongest Defensive Quirks In My Hero Academia

Most of the Quirks featured in My Hero Academia are offensive in nature, and certain Quirks have the power to cause large-scale destruction.

The Quirk called All For One is one of the oldest and most effective Quirks to ever appear in My Hero Academia. Its user, also calling himself All For One, can steal other people’s Quirks and collect them. He can also give other people some Quirks from his collection, such as when he gave one to Lady Nagant.

All For One is enormously powerful, effectively being many Quirks in one. Aside from being unable to steal One For All, All For One’s only real flaw is the fact that its user must touch someone barehanded to obtain their Quirk. This means All For One cannot send his minions to simply go steal the most interesting and strongest Quirks for him – he must do it personally.

4 Creation Cannot Make Organic Materials & Requires Detailed Knowledge

Momo’s Inventive Power With Knowledge Limits

Momo Yaoyorozu using her Quirk to make Nesting Dolls in My Hero Academia.

Quirk Name

Current User

Debut Episode


Momo Yaoyorozu

“Encounter With the Unknown”

The gifted girl Momo Yaoyorozu has one of My Hero Academia‘s most flexible Quirks, known simply as Creation. With it, Momo can use up the lipids in her body to generate an item from her bare skin, such as a working amplifier, tracking devices, gas masks, and night-vision goggles.

However, Momo’s Quirk cannot make organic things such as leather, which prevents her from making certain items. Momo must also know the detailed inner workings and material composition of an item before making it, but fortunately, her formidable intelligence largely negates that flaw. The Creation Quirk also has the minor drawback of requiring the user to have some skin exposed, since the created items appear right through the user’s skin. That explains the design of Momo’s hero costume.

3 New Order Only Two Rules At Once

Star and Stripe’s Reality-Bending Quirk with Restrictions

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Debut Episode

New Order

Star and Stripe


The #1 American pro hero, Star and Stripe, has one of the most powerful Quirks in the entire world: New Order. While Star and Stripe is a powerful melee fighter on her own, she is nigh-unbeatable with the use of New Order, which can greatly alter how the people and items around her behave.

Star can verbally declare a new rule for a specified target, and it will take effect. With this incredible Quirk, Star can reshape reality itself, but she can only have up to two items or people under her Quirk’s control at a time. And if she doesn’t know her target’s true name, she cannot affect it.

2 Half-Cold Half-Hot Requires Careful Temperature Regulation

Todoroki’s Dual Power Needs Balance

Quirk Name

Current User

Debut Episode

Half-Cold Half-Hot

Shoto Todoroki

“Bakugo’s Start Line”

Shoto Todoroki bears one of the strongest Quirks in MHA, since it’s really two Quirks in one. By design, Shoto inherited his mother’s icy powers and his father’s fire-based talents, all so these elements can balance each other and not overload Shoto’s body with extreme heat or frostbite.

In theory, this is the ultimate Quirk, but balancing these two temperature extremes is a formidable challenge. Shoto is getting the hang of it, but even so, he’s a long way from using his fire half’s full power because the heat might overwhelm him. Still, Shoto is ready and willing to go Plus Ultra to control his Quirk’s fire half better, as his battle in the joint training exercise showed.

1 Fierce Wings is Vulnerable To Fire Damage

Hawks’ Aerial Mastery Limited by Burn Damage

Hawks uses Fierce Wings against a Nomu in My Hero Academia

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Debut Episode

Fierce Wings


“Japanese Hero Billboard Chart”

The new #2 pro hero, the youthful Hawks, is likely modeled on the character Angel from the X-Men comics. Like Angel, Hawks sports a pair of feathery wings on his back, allowing him to fly with extreme speed and grace. He can also use his sharp feathers remotely to move items around or attack his enemies.

Fierce Wings has a limited supply of feathers, though, so it’s possible for Fierce Wings to be overtaxed. Worst of all, Hawks’ Quirk was badly damaged when Dabi/Toya Todoroki blasted him with fire, doing irreversible damage that has permanently restricted Hawks’ combat prowess. Still, Hawks is determined to use whatever he has left of Fierce Wings to keep fighting the villains until the bitter end.

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