How to Play Multiplayer Ocarina of Time with Friends


  • Ocarina of Time Online
    is a modded version of the N64 classic that allows players to play with up to four friends.
  • Playing
    multiplayer is as simple as downloading the Mod, the OOT Mod Loader, and setting it up along with an emulator and legally dumped ROM of the game.
  • While there are limitations and some commonly experienced bugs,
    Online Multiplayer is an enjoyable and interesting way to play one of the greatest games of all time.

Classic action-adventure title The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is not a multiplayer game — at least, not in its original form. In 2019, a group of modders attempted to turn the famous adventure game for the N64 into a co-op game. The Ocarina of Time Online was a project organized by a group of modders who moderated and altered ROMs available online so that multiple players could play the game.

However, searching for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Online is a tough process following the Mod’s beta-test period in 2019. Modding an old N64 game to play Ocarina of Time Online might seem like a difficult task, but once you know how to mod your ROM and access the proper server, you should be able to play Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Online with a group of friends.

Updated by Benjamin Vieira on August 12, 2024: The Legend of Zelda is one of the most classic and beloved video game franchises of all time. While it has had many installments, Ocarina of Time has always been highly ranked as one of the best games in the series. Therefore, many fans are always looking for ways to play it with each other. This article has been edited to CBR’s CV standards.

How to Download Ocarina of Time Online

A ROM Release is Required

Steps for Downloading and Playing OOT Online:

  1. Download an N64 Emulator that supports .r64 or .n64 files.
  2. Download a ROM of Ocarina of Time by dumping it from a legally acquired copy of the game.
  3. Download the OotModLoader and create an online lobby to join with others who have the mod installed.

To play the Ocarina of Time multiplayer mod, gamers need a ROM of the original release of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, along with an N64 emulator program. There are several emulator programs available, but one that supports a .r64 or .n64 file is what players need. Due to there being multiple versions of the Ocarina of Time, players also need a clean version of 1.0. Getting the ROM also requires dumping it from an official cartridge to legally use it. Dumping a ROM can be a little difficult, so following in-depth instructions and using the right equipment is key.

Then, download the OotModLoader to create an online lobby and play Ocarina of Time Online multiplayer with friends. Other players must have the mod installed and have a 1.0 version of Ocarina of Time downloaded to enjoy the multiplayer in Ocarina of Time Online. Once all players have it open, up to four people can enjoy the Ocarina of Time multiplayer. From there, other mods can be simultaneously installed with OotModLoader, including graphical upgrades. Unfortunately, these tend to make the mod unstable.


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Troubleshooting The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Online

There are a few Common Issues Encountered

The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time Shadow Temple Entrance

Common Issues Players Encounter When Setting Up OOT Online

How to Fix The Problem

Multiple OOT Mod Loaders Open at the same time.

Force Stop all of them in the task manager, then reload the program.

All players may not be on the same server.

Open OotModLoader-config.json in Notepad and find “isMaster”. If it says “True” after the colon, replace the text with “False.”

The OOT Mod Loader may not have downloaded Bizhawk.

Manually extract them into the general mod folder where other mod files have been downloaded.



Is Tears of the Kingdom’s Ganondorf the Same Ganon from Ocarina of Time?

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A few common issues might occur when trying to play Ocarina of Time Online. It is possible to have multiple Ocarina of Time Mod Loaders open at the same time. If this happens, simply go into Task Manager and Force Stop all of them before starting the mod up again. Other issues can occur with the Mod Loader itself. In this situation, players need to go into the folder for OotModLoader and open up OotModLoader-config.json in Notepad. Find the part written as “isMaster,” and if after the colon it says “True,” replace it with “False.” If there is still any trouble with the Ocarina of Time Online mod and its gameplay, make sure that every player is accessing the same server. Using the same Notepad for reference, ensure the Master Server IP and Master Server Port are identical in OotModLoader as they are in the OotModLoader-config.

Another problem that players might experience when playing Ocarina of Time Online for the first time happens if the OotModLoader hasn’t downloaded Bizhawk. Bizhawk are zip files included in the downloaded folder of OotModLoader. If they do not automatically download, extract them into the general mod folder where any modding details have previously been extracted. This should be done automatically the first time the mod is booted, but it does not always happen.

How Good is The Ocarina of Time Online Multiplayer?

While There Are Some Bugs as With Any Fan-made MOD, OOT Online is a Fun New Way to Experience Zelda’s Most Influential Title

Sheik and Link play their instruments in The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

  • There is a limit to how cooperative MODs are.
  • Players share the same items.
  • Modding both expands and limits gameplay.


The Legend of Zelda: Which Game is the Best to Start With?

With so many The Legend of Zelda games, it can be tough to know which Zelda game to start with. Ocarina of Time is a fantastic choice.

Sadly, things get a little problematic regarding the actual mechanics of Ocarina of Time Online. While all the players share the same equipment, they are essentially playing their own solo version of the game. If all players are in the same dungeon, this means that should one player complete it before the other, the other player will be kicked out of the dungeon. Thus, the cooperative nature of Ocarina of Time multiplayer mod has a limit.

Due to how the multiplayer function works, it’s possible for one player to fetch items for the other player trying to complete the dungeon. Since players share the same items, this means they can finish parts of the dungeons with minimal backtracking, since players simply use each other to blaze their path. This makes Ocarina of Time Online slightly easier than the regular version of the game. At the same time, it isn’t quite the same as a full-blown multiplayer Zelda experience, as is the case in The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures.

Other troubling issues include sound bugs and graphical glitches. These can occur when a player’s fellow Links levitate in the air instead of properly mounting the horse Epona. Even with the troubleshooting, the game will crash somewhat frequently for reasons that are hard to determine. More than likely, it’s simply due to trying to force a multiplayer option out of a game that was never meant to have such a feature. Some players have stated that the game still won’t load properly for them even when doing everything right. Ultimately, while the Ocarina of Time multiplayer mod is fun, it is limited by the game data that it is modding.

The Various Ports of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Nintendo 64


What Did Each Zelda Game Do Best?

From quirky gimmicks to industry-wide innovations, The Legend of Zelda franchise has a lot of amazing details and features across all of its entries.

The original release of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came out worldwide on November 21, 1998, for the Nintendo 64. The game was developed alongside other “killer apps” for the console, including 3D collectathon platformer Super Mario 64. Sadly, the more involved sense of exploration and large amount of content pushed the game back, causing it to miss its intended release schedule as a launch title for the N64. Following complaints about the game’s delays and the lack of major first-party titles on the system, the game finally came out by the end of 1998. Pre-ordered versions had special golden cartridges, which evoked the classic gold cartridges for the Zelda games back on the Nintendo Entertainment System.

There were actually multiple versions of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time released on the Nintendo 64, though gamers were mostly unaware of this. The changes between the versions were mostly minor, mainly changing or fixing graphical errors, as well as glitches in the gameplay. Another notable change involved the music in the Fire Temple, which initially contained samples from an Islamic religious chant.

GameCube, Virtual Console, and 3DS

Link rides Epona in the promo art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

  • It was first released in The Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition.
  • It had its first solo release on the Wii.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D was released in 2011.

The first release of Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo GameCube was through the compilation The Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition. This version emulated the original version of the game, though with a much higher graphical resolution. Likewise, a separate version of this port and a more difficult post-game iteration titled Master Quest were made available for players who pre-ordered The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. 2003 also saw the game ported to the Chinese gaming console the iQue Player, which itself was based on the Nintendo 64.

In 2007, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time made its way to the Virtual Console on the Nintendo Wii, with a five-minute demo also being available to unlock in the Nintendo fighting game crossover Super Smash Bros. Brawl (also released on the same console). Following the Wii’s replacement with the Wii U, the game was added to that system’s Virtual Console in 2015.

An all-new version of the game came out in 2011 called The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. This was an upgraded port released on the Nintendo 3DS handheld console that is — in the eyes of many Zelda fans — still the definitive way to play the classic game. Beyond the enhanced graphics and 3D gimmickry, it also contains the newer dungeons introduced in Ocarina of Time Master Quest. As part of the credits’ music, it also finally added a remixed version of the classic theme for the Zelda series, which was notably absent from the original release.

Nintendo Switch Online

Link catches the Hylian Loach in Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

  • The Nintendo Switch has a built-in N64.
  • Nintendo Switch Online + is required to access it.
  • The controls are different from the original N64.

As of 2021, Nintendo Switch owners who are subscribed to Nintendo Switch Online + have the option to play the original version of Ocarina of Time on the system’s N64 emulator. Not only that, but the game’s beloved sequel, Majora’s Mask, is also available to play through the service.

This is the classic version of the game as it was released on the N64, so it’s a great way to experience what made the original game so beloved. However, because the Switch controller is mapped differently than the N64 controller was, some of the controls can be a bit difficult to get used to at first. This is especially true for players who come directly to this game from BOTW or TOTK, because OOT was created in an era before manual 3D camera controls and dual analogue sticks were the norm in gaming. That aside, the emulated version of OOT on the Switch is still a great option for new players who are curious about what classic Zelda is all about, or longtime fans in want of a quick nostalgia fix.

Ocarina of Time Online

Link standing on a pedestal in the Ship of Harkinian's unofficial port of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

  • Ocarina of Time Online is available on Microsoft, Linux, macOS, and other Nintendo consoles.
  • Ocarina of Time Online is multiplayer.
  • The 3DS version of the same is still the most popular.


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Beginning development in the early 2020s, Ocarina of Time Online (also known as Ship of Harkinian) was an experiment to see how the game would run “natively” on Microsoft Windows. The game came about months after the original version’s files had been “decompiled” and released, allowing modders to reconfigure it as they saw fit. Beyond the Ocarina of Time multiplayer mode, some of the other elements seen in Ship of Harkinian (a reference to the infamous Zelda games on the Phillips CD-i console) include improved aiming and other upgrades.

Since its initial release, Ocarina of Time Online has also been brought to Linux, macOS, and even newer Nintendo consoles such as the Wii U (which now has defunct online features) and the Switch. Many fans actually consider the game to be superior to the version of Ocarina of Time released through the Switch’s online service. Currently, Harbour Masters (the group behind the mod) is working on a similar mod for the sequel, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. Though it might be the definitive version of the game (that title is still held by the 3DS version), The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Online/Ship of Harkinian is still a love letter to the classic title’s formula that showcases the dedication of the fandom.

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