This article contains heavy spoilers for House of the Dragon AND Fire and Blood.
- Daemon Targaryen's story arc culminates in a prophecy that reveals his fate.
- Daemon agrees to serve Rhaenyra and accepts his role in the story.
- Daemon's visions are intertwined with lore, leading to speculation about his possible transformation into the Three-Eyed Raven or the Night King.
The finale of the second season of House of the Dragon tied up many loose threads, but one conclusion overshadowed all the others: the look at the fate of Daemon Targaryen. His story arc came full circle in the most spectacular way. All season, fans wondered why the Rebel Prince would remain at Harrenhal, plagued by visions and failed recruitment attempts.
For five episodes, Daemon encounters visions of young Rhaenyra, his late wife Laena, his late brother, King Viserys, and even his mother, Alyssa, whom he has never met. Alys Rivers, the mysterious witch of Harrenhal, challenges Daemon relentlessly. She fearlessly questions his motives and mocks his ambitions. When Daemon was ready to give up after his failed attempt to win over the Riverlords, Alys steps in and hands him their loyalty on a silver platter. Daemon's entire character arc seems to be an endless series of disturbing memories, but it has had a great payoff in the end.
The Power of Prophecy: The Magical Tree of Weirwood

How House of the Dragon is Preparing for Season 3
The season two finale of House of the Dragon introduced some gripping story arcs involving love, family, and politics, teasing a dramatic third season.
Halfway through episode 8, Daemon wakes up to see Alys Rivers sitting in her bed in tears. He follows her to the Godswood and sees a small, horned human creature crawling behind the Weirwood tree. Alys gives Daemon a long look, reassuring him that he has come a long way. She asks if he is ready to find out what fate holds for him. Daemon approaches the tree and places his hand on its carved face. The sap of the tree, like a stream of blood, flows into his hand.
A moment later, Daemon sees a face with a wine-stained birthmark, the Three-Eyed Raven, a red comet in the sky, three dragon eggs in a fire, and finally Daenerys Targaryen, sitting on the ground with her three dragon hatchlings. He then finds himself in the throne room with Rhaenyra sitting on the throne. The vision ends with an echoing voice saying, “It's all a story. And you're just a part of it.” He turns to see Helaena. She continues, saying,
The scene then shifts from Daemon to Helaena on a terrace of the Red Keep, overlooking the city. She is wearing the same dress as when she appeared before Daemon, suggesting that there was some form of astral projection where she could communicate with him.
Daemon's fate is finally revealed
When Rhaenyra arrives at Harrenhal to find out if Daemon is still loyal to her, she encounters a renewed Daemon. The Rebel Prince tells her in High Valyrian, “The world is not as we thought it was. This war is only the beginning. Winter is coming.” Daemon knows what is at stake. He understands her path and is willing to sacrifice his life for it. When he kneels to reaffirm his loyalty to Rhaenyra, he says, “I am destined to serve you and all these with me until death or the end of our tale.”
Daemon has made peace with the knowledge that he shouldn't be king. He knows he will eventually die at Harrenhal, as Alys tells him in season 2, episode 3. But in his final vision, he saw himself drowning in the lake. The series has often highlighted the Rebel Prince's darker character traits, but now he has found his true purpose. Yet the implications of this scene are much bigger than that. Two things seem to be confirmed: Daemon is a Greenseer and Daenerys Targaryen is “The Prince/Princess That Was Promised.”
Daemon has never had dragon dreams, indicating that he is not a Dragon Dreamer. He receives this vision of the future when he touches the Weirwood tree.
Ryan Condal has not confirmed that Dany is TPTWP, exclaiming that it is up to George RR Martin to reveal the savior's identity. However, it seems pretty obvious now. Daenerys' appearance in Daemon's vision would be meaningless if she wasn't “the one”. Also, Condal is close to Martin; he must have some insight into Martin's plans for the end of A Song of Ice and Fire.
Daemon's visions are similar to Bran Stark's in game of Thrones. Only Greenseers and Dragon Dreamers possess the ability to see the future in this universe. Daemon has never had dragon dreams, indicating that he is not a Dragon Dreamer. He receives this vision of the future when he touches the Weirwood tree. Some might argue that the Three-Eyed Raven allowed this vision to materialize, but it seems like there is more at play. Alys deliberately leads Daemon to the tree, but Helaena is also present. There must be a connection between these characters that goes deeper. Alys's true identity is still a mystery in the series, just like in the book. Fire and BloodShe could be a Green Seer, a witch, or a character similar to Melisandre, only she serves the Old Gods instead of the Lord of Light.
When the fate of the kingdom is orchestrated by the Greenseers
Helaena's Role in the Dance of Dragons

Every Episode of House of the Dragon Season 2, Ranked
House of the Dragon season 2 has come to an explosive conclusion that leaves fans excited for what might happen next. What are the best episodes of this season?
Helaena is sparsely present in Fire and Blood. In the book, she is grief-stricken after the murder of her son Jaehaerys. Later, Helaena commits suicide, throwing herself out of a window in Maegor's Holdfast. In the series, her character is much more developed. In season 1, the audience saw glimpses of her abilities when her casual observations came true. When Aemond complains to Alicent that he is the only Targaryen child without a dragon, Helena casually says, “You'll have to turn a blind eye.” Later in the story, after Aemond claims Vhagar, he loses an eye in a fight with his nephews. After King Viserys' death, Helaena tells her mother, “There's a beast under the boards.” At Aegon's coronation, Rhaenys breaks through the floor with her dragon Meleys, confirming Helaena's prophecy.
Helaena tells Aemond that he will die in the Gods Eye and we will never see him again, shortly after her appearance to Daemon. Helaena was wearing the same clothes in both scenes, indicating that she was projecting a version of herself onto Harrenhal. He was aware of what was going on. Condal seems to approach magic in this world from a slightly different angle than Martin. Helaena is obviously a Dragon Dreamer, but why would she appear to Daemon in front of a Weirwood tree? She must have some connection to the magic of the Old Gods, the Children of the Forest, or perhaps even Alys Rivers. Dragon Dreamers can see the past, present, and future, but there is no evidence of astral projection. Fans will have to wait for a future season to find out where Helaena fits in, if they ever decide to reveal more details about her magical gifts.
Daemon and the Bloodraven connection
Daemon's vision included Brynden Rivers, the man with the birthmark on his face. In Fire and blood, was known as Lord Bloodraven. Brynden was the son of King Aegon IV, “The Unworthy”, due to his many wives, mistresses, and bastards. One of his bastard children is Brynden Rivers. His mother was Melissa Blackwood, a mistress of the King. Brynden eventually became a member of the Night's Watch. He went on a scouting mission beyond the Wall and disappeared. There are strong indications in the book that Brynden became the Three-Eyed Raven (known in the book as the Three-Eyed Raven). But Bloodraven existed years after Daemon's life, a sign that Brynden is looking back in time when he connects with Daemon.
Daemon also saw the White Walkers and the Night King, who looked suspiciously like him. However, there is no Night King in Martin's books. This character was created by Had showrunner. There is a King of the Nightbut his existence is based on legend. According to tradition, he was the 13th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. According to the tales, he supposedly became the Night King shortly after the Long Night. If the show does include the Night King, it would indicate that Condal will align the House of the Dragon plot with GoT's rather than with Martin's books.
Some fan theories suggest that Daemon could even become one of the first Three-Eyed Ravens or the Night King once he dies. In Fire and Bloodengages in a dragon fight with Aemond. They fight to the death for the Gods Eye. Both fall into the lake. Aemond is found dead, still chained to his dragon, but Daemon's body is never found. How Condal and his writing team will handle Daemon's storyline has yet to be revealed. Hopefully, audiences will get some answers in the coming seasons. Brynden Rivers is expected to appear in the latest spin-off, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Errant Knight, which will air in 2025.