Half-Life 3 fan game Project Borealis gets new teaser trailer

It seems that the Half-Life 3 fan game Project Borealis has risen from the dead. A few days ago, the team behind it released a new teaser trailer for its prologue. And not only that: This prologue will be released in fall 2024.

From what I understand, Project Borealis will continue to use Unreal Engine 4. And while we've seen a few other HL3 games, this one is said to be one of the best – if not THE best. The game is based on the Epistle 3 script released by Half-Life writer Marc Laidlaw.

The last time we heard about Project Borealis was in 2020, so it may have taken a while, but we'll finally be able to play a demo of it soon.

The team released a tech demo for Project Borealis back in October 2018. Unfortunately, this tech demo is no longer available for download.

Once again, I'm pleasantly surprised by this teaser trailer. I thought this HL3 fan game had been quietly canceled. But apparently I was wrong.

As I said, the team will not release the game's prologue until fall 2024. At the moment, there is no estimated release date for the full game. I also don't know if they can finish it. I don't want to be too harsh, but if we get a prologue after 4 whole years, it's safe to assume that's the only thing we're getting. Unless the developers use this demo to expand their team.

Of course I will post a download link for the demo as soon as it is available. Until then, enjoy the trailer below!

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