The world of Grey’s Anatomy has always been a story of characters navigating through love and friendships as they help patients. Although the primary goal of every Grey’s Anatomy character has been to excel as a surgeon or win a Harper Avery award, the real magic is definitely in the bonds. The eminent medical drama has seen many characters come and go, but the friendships that have been forged have made the show special.
The viewers have been treated to various friendships, from the more obvious ones to pairings no one saw coming. The beauty of friendships among the characters in Grey’s Anatomy lies in them being fully dedicated to the other person. They go to extreme lengths to prove they can rely on each other even with their own lives. Fans have loved some of these unexpected friendships and seek more of these genuine equations on the show.
Updated on August 17th, 2024 by Christy Mathew: The friendships made on the show are some of the most memorable bonds on the show that are adored by fans. This list has been updated to include 5 new entries and rearrange the ranking of friendships that are more impactful than the others. There is an addition of some prominent moments as well in every equation that shape these bonds further.
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15 Richard & Alex Were More Than Professional Pals
Richard Taught Alex Several Lessons

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- Richard Webber has always looked out for Alex Karev as one of his own.
- Alex received amazing wisdom and lessons from Webber.
When the going gets tough, it’s the friends that offer support that make all the difference. Richard Webber was one of those kinds of people to Alex Karev. Even though he had talent, his story lacked a narrative. The duo were not the focus before, but they eventually developed their relationship after Richard stepped down as Chief.
Richard taught him the skills needed to survive in the surgical world and mostly acted like the father figure Alex lacked in his life. The two shared a relationship that wasn’t forced and felt like something they needed. Richard Webber was one of the few people Alex wrote letters to and bid a proper goodbye, proving his importance to him. However, their friendship wasn’t as impactful as the rest of the equations on this List.
14 Maggie & Amelia Were Like Sisters
Amelia Reassured Maggie About Their Friendship
- Although they weren’t related, Maggie and Amelia became sisters through love and care.
- They had each other’s backs more than Meredith had theirs.
Amelia and Maggie came together because of their mutual relationship with Meredith Grey, and despite the latter being sisters by blood, Amelia and Maggie developed a stronger bond. Both Maggie and Amelia had their differences, but their love for Meredith brought them closer, and they developed one of the best friendships on the show. The two women not only performed their roles of being sisters and aunts to perfection but also found a person to rely on in their time of need.
Amelia and Maggie confided in each other about their worries and shared happy moments while sticking to each other through tragedy. They elevated the status of female friendships on Grey’s Anatomy, which fans have come to admire. They confided in each other’s company when life seemed to kick them down and found an unexpected solace in each other.
13 Teddy and Cristina Went Through Hell in Friendship
Cristina Endured Torture for Teddy
- Cristina worshiped the ground Teddy walked on and respected her as a human being and as a surgeon.
- Teddy was falling apart seeing her best student leave the program.
It is safe to say that Cristina has given fans a lot of friendships to cherish as her equation with Teddy was one that was unique and emotional. Teddy was brought to Seattle as a gift for Cristina from Owen, only to find out that Teddy loves Owen. However, despite their differences, they always understood each other’s passion for cardiothoracic surgery. Their friendship included them being super proud of each other and being the other’s favorite.
However, when Cristina operated on Henry, Teddy’s husband, she was tortured by Teddy every day for two weeks. Cristina had to go into every Operating Room with Teddy and repeat the exact procedure to her multiple times. She was doing that with a heavy heart but recognized it was what Teddy needed at the moment. They had praise for each other at the end of every adversity as they defended each other, making this friendship fiercely loyal and life-changing for both of them.
12 Callie & Addison Became Soul Sisters
Addison Helps Callie Realize her Sexuality
- Their mutual care and love for Mark Sloan brought Callie and Addison close initially.
- Addison had a profound place in Callie’s life throughout the show.
Addison Montgomery became the female iteration of what Mark Sloan was to Callie. Even though they did not meet in the ideal circumstances, the two quickly bonded over their mutual love for twisted humor. The two women did not need to have a friendly bond where they could hug everything out. Like Cristina and Meredith, they only needed the reassurance of having someone when they wanted good advice or a reality check.
Callie and Addison made low-maintenance female friendships in the show stand out and proved that some connections don’t need to be too pronounced. Addison helped Callie in some very tight spots, including helping her realize her sexuality while Callie was by Addison’s side when her brother was hospitalized. Their bond became one of the reasons why fans appreciated Addison’s character, even after she departed from the main cast.
11 Miranda and Derek were Silent Supporters of Each Other
Bailey Had Derek’s Back When he Failed

10 Grey’s Anatomy Stars Who Left the Show (& Where They Went)
Here’s why these fan-favorite Grey’s Anatomy characters left the show and what they have been up to in the time since leaving Grey Sloan Memorial.
- Miranda and Derek have shared wonderful moments of wisdom and concern for each other
- They were there for each other in times no one knew they were falling apart.
Derek and Miranda had a beautiful equation with each other as they saw each other in their lowest moments in life. Miranda praised Derek Shepherd as a surgeon as well as a human being. She saw Derek having a difficult day and had a silent but beautiful moment in the elevator in Season 2 when he was falling apart. Her simple gesture of just stopping the elevator by sensing how hurt he felt at the moment and being with him until he felt okay, was appreciated by fans.
This moment was mirrored in Season 6 when Miranda lost George and was trying to keep it together. However, in a similar elevator moment, Derek knew Miranda needed some time and he stopped the elevator this time. Even in the early seasons, Miranda shared wisdom with Derek about crucial situations in the character’s life. They were each other’s silent supporters and probably the only people who let each other fall apart freely in each other’s presence.
10 Owen & April Were an Inspiring Bunch
Owen Brought Back April After She Left
- April and Owen shared a beautiful bond that extended beyond mentorship.
- April had Owen as her “person” in the show.
Owen Hunt had this uncanny talent of seeing the good in others and always giving them second chances. He saw a lot of potential in April, even when she was kicked out of the program and failed her board exam. He brought her back and transformed her into a great trauma surgeon who wasn’t afraid to be ambitious. Hunt had a lot to do with April’s personality shift and always felt that he had to look out for her.
Hunt wanted to bring out the best in his surgeons and train them to think outside the box. Fortunately, he did exactly that with Kepner, and along the way, she became his rock. From going to her farm and bringing her back to asking her to be his best man at the wedding, Owen and April enjoyed the kind of friendship that everyone deserves to have. Their bond was strong enough to deserve the tenth position in this hierarchy.
9 Jackson & Mark Were the “Plastic Posse”
Mark Defended Jackson’s Decision to his Mother
- Mark Sloan took Jackson under his wing and became his mentor and friend.
- Mark loved Jackson and only took time to teach him.
Although, at first, their relationship seemed more like that of a mentor and a student, it later blossomed into a deep friendship. Mark was the kind of support to Jackson that every intern or resident deserves. Mark was both a teacher and a friend to Jackson who knew when to be hard on him and when to appreciate him. Mark not only helped Jackson find his passion but also stood up for him against his mother for choosing plastics.
Their relationship is sometimes a bit of a father-son or brotherly connection, but in truth, they were the kind of support that helped them grow into the people they became. Mark truly wanted nothing more than to see his star pupil excel, and he did. Jackson was particularly sad when Mark died, as he not only lost a great teacher but his greatest supporter as well. This loss was one of the saddest episodes in Grey’s Anatomy that has shaped the series and impacted fans as well.
8 Mark and Derek are the Epitome of Male Friendships
Derek Could Forgive Mark for his Past Mistakes
- Derek could forgive Mark for one of the biggest betrayals of his life.
- They had each other’s backs through thick and thin.
Mark and Derek were best friends before Addison, Derek’s ex-wife, cheated on him with Sloan. However, after coming to Seattle, Mark put in efforts to reconcile with Derek and got through to him eventually. Their friendship was stronger than ever as they had each other’s backs and were never shy to advise each other. When Derek was the Chief, Mark showed him support and he used to be pretty possessive about Derek.
Their fun back and forth was something fans looked forward to in every episode. Derek stood by Mark when he had a baby with Callie. Derek and Mark’s friendship comes to an abrupt end with the plane crash, where Derek, even after being injured, tries his best to save Mark. Even after going through a difficult time, their friendship survived time and time again.
7 Cristina and Izzie’s Friendship Proved Powerful
Cristina Saved Izzie’s Life

10 Best Grey’s Anatomy Couples, Ranked
Grey’s Anatomy thrives on balancing medicine and drama and across its 20 seasons. The show features plenty of couples with some better than others.
- Although bittersweet, Cristina and Izzie’s friendship was one of the most impactful ones.
- They started as friends who barely cared about each other.
Izzie and Cristina were not always the best of friends but chosen moments in their relationship proved otherwise. Although Izzie decided to tell Cristina about her cancer diagnosis because she was a robot, it was a little harsh. However, this phase in the show proved Cristina is anything but a robot. Her persistence in getting Izzie to fight for her life rather than giving up was commendable.
Izzie contrasts her reason for telling Cristina by making her the maid of honor at her wedding, proving to fans that Cristina is honorable. Although their friendship has been complicated throughout the show, this story arc brought them close enough to respect each other in ways they did not before.
6 Richard & Bailey Were Each Other’s Rocks
Bailey Ditched Her Wedding to Help Richard
- Richard and Miranda shared a unique father-daughter-like bond.
- They both pushed down their problems for each other constantly.
It’s safe to say that Richard Webber was every character’s father figure to those who had none in their lives. He was this silent mentor and like a “shepherd” who went about the hospital helping misguided sheep find their true calling. Miranda Bailey was exceptional, but when she was an intern, she was judged for her looks and gender and it was Richard who encouraged her to be who she was and continue to strive for the top position.
The most beautiful thing about their relationship was that they never pampered each other unnecessarily. They told each other the harsh truths that, otherwise, no one would have been able to say to their faces. There was a certain father-daughter element to their relationship that made the audience wish that the duo would always be there till the end. This mentorship equation shaped Bailey to be one of the best characters in Grey’s Anatomy.
5 Arizona & Alex had a Life-Changing Friendship
Arizona Defended Alex Multiple Times
- Arizona mentored and gave Alex the direction he needed to be a good doctor and a mature person.
- Alex looked out for Arizona all the time.
Alex Karev wasn’t everyone’s favorite surgeon, and people had their reasons. He was a playboy, had attitude problems, and simply did not handle what life threw at him well. Although initially, Arizona was skeptical about him, his dedication and swiftness to becoming a pediatric surgeon turned her into a supporter. She not only became the mentor he needed but also became that person on whom he could rely.
She honed his skills and helped him grow into the person he needed to be on top of being a successful doctor. Alex wasn’t a big fan of Arizona’s happy-go-lucky attitude at first, but he understood her mission to save the tiny humans, and he just eased her into his orbit. Arizona Robbins brought out the best in him and was the force behind turning him into a good surgeon and a good person.
4 Cristina and Dr. Thomas’ Friendship is Underrated
Dr. Thomas Helped Cristina Care About Others

10 Best Grey’s Anatomy Cliffhangers, Ranked
Almost immediately after Grey’s Anatomy’s first episode, fans were hooked on its non-stop drama and hospital action, including iconic cliffhangers.
- Cristina could not confront her traumas but Dr. Thomas helped her through it
- Dr. Thomas was proud of the little time he spent with Cristina
Cristina goes for a detour after the plane crash in Season 9 in the same hospital as Dr. Thomas, who was previously seen as her board examiner. Her equation with Dr. Thomas starts out, with her seeing him as an ancient surgeon who cannot keep up with the latest technological developments in the field of surgery. However, after being put into his service, Cristina finds an unexpected solace in this new friend and starts respecting his skills. The friendship was short-lived and one of the sweetest on the show.
Dr. Thomas never forced her to share anything about her life, especially after the plane crash, but their bonding began when he shared his story. Cristina found a connection with him and basically, said he was her Meredith in Minnesota. She had his back even when he was being pushed into retiring, becoming one of the most underrated friendships on the show. While Dr. Thomas praised Yang till the very end and deemed himself “honored” to have been her mentor.
3 Callie and Mark Shared an Unconditional Friendship
Mark Got Bailey to Convince Callie to Get Married
- Mark and Callie transformed their relationship from casual hanging to a meaningful friendship.
- Callie and Mark had the most sorted friendships of all.
The ortho and the plastics attending may have hooked up a few times, but there was never anything romantic between them. When Callie realized she was bisexual and wanted to be in a relationship with a woman, Mark supported her wholeheartedly, and their casual relationship turned into a deep bond of friendship. The duo never held their physical relationship against each other, even when Callie got pregnant with Sofia.
Mark was incredibly supportive and caring toward Callie’s decisions and had her back through thick and thin. It was extremely heartbreaking for Callie not to have Mark there to see Sofia grow up after she lost him in the plane crash. They were in each other’s comfort zone and had zero expectations from each other to meet certain “standards,” which made their friendship completely unconditional. Unlike some of the controversial couples in Grey’s Anatomy, Callie and Mark’s friendship evolved into an endearing and drama-free relationship.
2 Meredith & Alex Became Each Other’s Most Reliable Person
Alex Got Witnesses for Meredith to Win Her Case
- Meredith and Alex understood each other the best and supported one another till the last moment.
- Alex was her truest friend in times of adversity and went above and beyond for her.
It’s safe to say that Alex Karev became Meredith Grey’s “person” after Cristina left to print hearts with Dr. Preston Burke. Alex and Meredith didn’t immediately become friends, but Meredith always had a soft spot for him and tried to look out for him. She knew Alex was genuinely good at heart, and his attitude didn’t make it easy for others to get to know him. But Meredith was the first person that Alex started opening up to in the beginning, turning her into his silent supporter and helping him whenever he was in a difficult situation.
Although their friendship saw some tough moments, like Alex snitching on Meredith for getting her out of the Chief Resident race, the duo stayed strong. They were the last two original interns standing when everyone else left or died. Both Alex and Meredith had each other’s backs through thick and thin, especially from Alex going to extreme ends to convince a judge to look at Meredith’s file for adoption to him bringing all her former patients so she could win the case. They survived together and became stronger as individuals and as friends. Their deep friendship made Alex’s sudden departure even more conflicting, adding to the most confusing storylines in Grey’s Anatomy.
1 Meredith & Cristina Are the Epitome of Healthy Female Friendships
Cristina Chose Meredith Even At Gunpoint

10 Biggest Inaccuracies in Grey’s Anatomy, Ranked
Grey’s Anatomy is one of the most beloved medical TV dramas of all time, but even it’s not immune to medical inaccuracies.
- Meredith and Cristina had the best chemistry in Grey’s Anatomy.
- Cristina and Meredith would do anything for each other.
Cristina and Meredith’s friendship inspired the show’s most popular analogy and concept: being someone’s person. They were each other’s “person” from the get-go. They have had the most inspiring and healthiest female friendships on the show to this day. The duo shared the same ambition of being the best, but most of all, they understood each other without asking too much from one another. The only time they did enter into a complete deadlock was when Cristina thought that Meredith had “let up” and that her goal was now divided between her and her children.
However, one of the best things about their friendship was how low-maintenance and fulfilling it was simultaneously. Meredith and Cristina never needed each other to be physically present and they never had to fully use their words to communicate something because they just looked at each other and that was it. They’ve always needed that one person who would understand them completely without being afraid to tell the truth. That is why they are the most beloved friendships in this hierarchy as well as on the show. Seeing them part ways was one of the saddest character exits in Grey’s Anatomy.