Dragon Ball Z‘s Goku is known for his incredible transformations and stellar Saiyan strength, but he’s also responsible for some insightful advice. It’s easy to get lost in DBZ’s exaggerated chaos and spectacles. However, the people on the opposite sides of these energy blasts and the values they represent matter most.
Goku is a well-defined character who isn’t embarrassed to wear his heart on his sleeve. Goku speaks his mind, which can sometimes be remarkably naive, but his core values never waver. Goku’s courageous words of wisdom help punctuate some of the Dragon Ball franchise’s most memorable moments.
Updated by Alex Roush on August 22, 2024: Dragon Ball is the fifth highest-grossing anime franchise, and with five anime series and over 20 movies, fans have heard many iconic Goku quotes. This list has been updated to include additional entries, enhance the reader experience, and fit current CBR formatting guidelines.
20 “Anyone Who Tries To Hurt My Friends…”
Dragon Ball Super, Episode 130: “The Greatest Showdown of All Time! The Ultimate Survival Battle!”
Anyone who tries to hurt my friends…is gonna pay!
In the Tournament of Power, Jiren threatens to hurt Goku’s friends in the bleachers. Goku, who has reached the Perfected Ultra Instinct, attacks Jiren and takes him down with the Supreme Kamehameha. Before Goku can finish him off, he is suddenly overcome with weakness and is unable to defeat Jiren.
This quote from Dragon Ball Super highlights the value Goku places in friendship. However, some fans argue that, despite his outspoken loyalty, he often acts selfishly. Many fans of Dragon Ball argue that Goku has poor parenting skills, as exemplified by his frequent absence from his sons’ lives. Goku makes many decisions throughout the Dragon Ball franchise that end up benefiting the greater good but are at the expense of his friends and family in some way. He has many more memorable lines, which lands this quote last on this list.
19 “I’m Going To Renovate Your Face.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 275: “Deadly Vision”
I think I know how to get that smirk off your ugly mug. I’m going to renovate your face.
Dragon Ball Z is no stranger to great one-liners, and this might be one of Goku’s best. In Episode 275, “Deadly Vision,” Goku and Vegeta fight Super Buu inside his own head. First, the Saiyans weaken Super Buu by saving their three sons Piccolo Jr., who Buu had previously absorbed.
Goku says this memorable one-liner right before fighting Super Buu, and he was definitely not exaggerating. The ferocity of his words is quickly matched by his actions, teaming up with Vegeta to take down Buu. Although the foes have a difficult time working together, they are able to use the Combined Energy Ball against Super Buu. Unfortunately for the duo, the move fails to do any extensive damage and only angers their powerful enemy.
18 “You Had the Fiery Will of a Saiyan.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 86: “The End Of Vegeta”
You had the fiery will of a Saiyan. Please share that with me now, because I need it.
Goku and Vegeta have one of the best rivalries in Dragon Ball Z, but they also deeply respect each other for different reasons. Vegeta, critically injured by Frieza, uses his last dying breaths to urge Goku to defeat his rival. This is the first episode that Goku and Frieza are face-to-face, but certainly not the last.
After Vegeta succumbs to the injuries he received from Frieza, Goku decides to give him a proper burial, saying these moving words to Vegeta as he fills the makeshift grave. The pair had a contentious relationship, but this emotional farewell is exactly what viewers would expect from Goku. This episode is also among the most impactful from Dragon Ball Z, with multiple quotes from it ranking in this list.
17 “Did You Show Me Mercy?”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 104: “Frieza Defeated!!”
How many people begged for their lives at your feet and you killed them anyway? Did you show me mercy when I asked you to spare my best friend, Krillin?
As one of the most notorious fights in Dragon Ball Z, Goku versus Frieza lasts an exhausting 19 episodes before concluding in Episode 105, “Mighty Blast of Rage.” In the penultimate episode, Frieza falls victim to his own attack and is sliced in half by an energy disc. Frieza begs Goku to save his life, and Goku refuses, using this quote as his reasoning.
Goku ends up giving some of his energy to Frieza to spare him his life, showcasing his empathy and willingness to follow his moral code. Frieza ends up attacking Goku from behind, and Goku is forced to kill Frieza in self-defense. Later on, it is revealed that Frieza actually survived this, as well as the following explosion of Namek. The fight between Frieza and Goku was so iconic that it actually has multiple quotes on this list.
16 “Welcome Back, Vegeta.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 101: “The Last Wish”
Welcome back, Vegeta. I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t bury you that deep after all!
In the Frieza Saga of Dragon Ball Z, Frieza shoots Vegeta through the heart with a Death Beam, and the injuries kill him shortly after. Goku buries Vegeta with a heartfelt ceremony before heading off to fight Frieza. But when watching Dragon Ball Z, viewers are reminded not to take character deaths too hard, because their deaths may not be permanent.
While Goku fights Frieza, Vegeta is inadvertently resurrected by Mr. Popo, who wishes to bring back all Frieza’s victims on Planet Namek. This iconic line is the first glimpse viewers have at what is to come in the rest of the series: a freshly-reignited rivalry between Vegeta and Goku as Vegeta tries to compete with Goku’s Super Saiyan state.
15 “With Enough Hard Work.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 30: “Goku Vs. Vegeta”
Even a low-class warrior can surpass an elite, with enough hard work.
One of Dragon Ball’s most engaging character dynamics is the friendly rivalry that exists between Goku and Vegeta. These two first meet on a combative collision course where it seems like death is the only way to resolve their feud. Vegeta is so confident in his superiority over Goku that he gloats about his regal Saiyan status and how Goku is a disgrace to their people.
Goku doesn’t let Vegeta’s criticisms break his spirit and he instead counters with an optimistic proclamation that he can still defeat Vegeta, regardless of his status, because of his hard work and endless determination. This emphasizes Goku’s signature optimism, which continues to guide him through the entire Dragon Ball franchise. It’s inner strength and courage that defines an individual rather than the labels that society – or villains – put on them. While this quote is a great representation of their rivalry, there are definitely more interesting interactions between the duo, so this quote lands in 15th place.
14 “Your Energy Level Is Decreasing With Every Blow.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 103: “Pathos Of Frieza”
Your energy level is decreasing with every blow. In fact, you’re not even a challenge to me anymore.
Goku’s arduous battle against Frieza on Planet Namek remains one of Dragon Ball Z’s most memorable battles. Both Goku and Frieza pull out all the stops during this clash and not even Planet Namek itself survives their sheer power. Goku’s scathing words here put more salt in Frieza’s wound and reiterate just how much the tables have turned during their encounter. Frieza begins with the definite advantage, but Goku’s Super Saiyan metamorphosis just puts him on a completely other level of power.
Frieza won’t give up, but Goku’s astute reading of the situation further shames the villain. He’s regressed from a feared warrior into a desperate antagonist who can barely defend themselves. Goku’s intuitive words hit even harder once Frieza attempts one final coup to take out the Super Saiyan, only for his razor-sharp energy discs to slice himself in half, rather than their intended target. It’s the end of a galactic tyrant who’s been endlessly feared.
13 “Your Spree of Hatred Will End at the Hands of a Saiyan.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 102: “Duel On A Vanishing Planet”
It’s you who should be afraid because your spree of hatred will end at the hands of a Saiyan, like you’ve always feared!
There are still several episodes of conflict between Goku and Frieza that follow “Duel on a Vanishing Planet” before their momentous battle finally comes to an end. However, the writing is already on the wall at this point and Goku’s Super Saiyan transformation helps him properly dominate the villain. Frieza has spent the majority of his life manipulating Saiyan warriors to do his dirty work and he barely even recognizes them as people. Saiyans are the lowest of the low in Frieza’s eyes, which makes his defeat by one all the more ironic.
These circumstances aren’t lost on Goku and he takes this opportunity to hammer this point home to Frieza. Goku reinforces that an existence where Frieza was more kind and accepting towards those who are lesser than him could have ultimately avoided him this grim defeat. It’s crushing to Frieza that he’ll lose to a Saiyan, but Goku’s words also foreshadow the Saiyan supremacy that’s about to take place in the universe. The people who Frieza has underestimated the most are about to become the absolute strongest.
12 “I Ain’t No Hero of Justice or Anything Like That.”
Dragon Ball Super, Episode 130: “The Greatest Showdown of All Time! The Ultimate Survival Battle!”
The truth is…I ain’t no hero of justice or anything like that.
Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Power is a vicious battle royale between the strongest fighters from across the multiverse where the cost of failure is erasure. Goku and the rest of Universe 7 quickly stand out from their competition, but Universe 11 – specifically Pride Trooper, Jiren – emerges as their greatest target. The Tournament of Power’s big showdown boils down to an aggressive battle between Jiren and Goku, who’s recently acquired unprecedented strength thanks to his Ultra Instinct transformation. Jiren tries to gain the upper hand by launching a surprise attack at Goku’s friends, which only sets off Goku and ignites his true killer instinct and fighting spirit.
Goku’s words here to Jiren are chilling in the sense that he strips himself of any heroic qualities like honor or justice. At this moment, Goku is simply someone who cares about his friends and is irate that their safety has been jeopardized. It’s easy for Goku’s character to get lost in the shuffle of his many godly transformations, but it’s dialogue like this that properly reminds the audience that he’s a friend first and a Super Saiyan second.
11 “I Am the Hope of the Universe.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 96: “Explosion Of Anger”
I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace.
Super Saiyan transformations have become par for the course in Dragon Ball, but it’s been difficult to top the heights of Goku’s inaugural Super Saiyan transformation during his feud against Frieza. This bold display of power catches everyone by surprise, including Goku. Goku proves that his new powerful form carries more than simply brute strength and that it’s actually a beacon for peace and hope for the universe’s disenfranchised fighters. Goku doesn’t just immediately beat up Frieza once he ascends to Super Saiyan status and he takes the time to proudly inform Frieza that he’s elevated to something greater that’s beyond his comprehension. Frieza is used to doing whatever he wants without anyone ever being strong enough to get in his way.
Goku’s words speak to the contrary and that there’s now finally someone who’s strong enough to help the helpless. Goku’s Super Saiyan transformation hits as hard as it does because of these touching words that accompany it. They also reiterate that a Super Saiyan isn’t simply a deadly tool of destruction and that Goku intends to use this power to defend others and not adopt a tyrannical lifestyle like Frieza’s has done. It’s a beautiful encapsulation of what Goku represents and how he views his Saiyan people.
10 “You Fool!”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 105: “A Mighty Blast Of Rage”
Goku isn’t always the most eloquent with his words. However, there are many occasions where less is more, and only a few effective words can speak volumes. After continually falling short of Frieza’s strength, Goku finally gains the upper hand after he transforms into a Super Saiyan. Goku doesn’t want to kill Frieza, and he gives him every opportunity to walk away from this fight and part ways.
Frieza, however, can’t accept his loss, and he desperately launches one final, futile sneak attack on Goku. “You fool!” is all that Goku can muster to say when he easily counters Frieza and is forced to put him out of his misery. It’s a simple phrase, yet one that speaks to Goku’s forgiving nature, landing it in the middle of this list.
9 “Even Further Beyond!”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 245: “Super Saiyan 3?!”
And this is to go… even further beyond!
Super Saiyan milestones have become one of Dragon Ball Z‘s signature trademarks and Goku typically receives the honor of introducing these new tiers of power. Super Saiyan 2 represents peak power for a long time in Dragon Ball Z, only for Goku to boldly debut a colossal upgrade.
Each Super Saiyan transformation is a spectacle, but Goku screams for more than three minutes as he undergoes this seismic shift. Goku’s lengthy transformation is preceded by him breaking down each level of Super Saiyan to Buu, only to surpass the audience’s expectations. This is a classic Goku moment where he creates genuine anticipation for what’s to come, but without seeming arrogant on the matter.
8 “The Power Comes In Response To A Need.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 156: “Bow To The Prince”
The power comes in response to a need, not a desire.
Dragon Ball Z hits a creative peak during the heroes’ rigorous training for the Cell Games. All the Saiyans turn to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to cram in as much training as possible. During this hard work, young Gohan becomes a Super Saiyan for the first time.
Rather than a transformation triggered by pain and trauma, Goku helps Gohan better understand and channel the energy that courses through him. Goku educates his son on the responsibilities of being a Super Saiyan and that this intense power is activated to help someone surpass their limits in times of crisis.
7 “Goodbye, Vegeta.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 86: “The End Of Vegeta”
Goodbye, Vegeta. You’re not as cold-hearted as you believed yourself to be. A heart of stone can’t shed tears as you did.
Goku goes on to have many more adventures following his time on Planet Namek. That being said, it feels like the end of times during this mission, especially once characters like Krillin and Vegeta begin to die. Vegeta hasn’t fully become a hero when Frieza maliciously executes him.
Nevertheless, Goku can’t help but eulogize the fallen warrior with some kind words. It will still be years until the universe views Vegeta as a true hero, but Goku indicates that he’s viewed Vegeta in this empathetic light for a long time. He gives him a memorial worthy of a prince before going on to end Frieza’s carnage.
6 “Too Uncertain To Have Regrets.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 191: “Save The World”
Sometimes life is too uncertain to have regrets.
Gohan is on the cusp of his teenage years throughout the Cell Games, and he’s forced to prematurely make this leap after Goku passes away. Gohan has the inner strength to defeat Cell, but he’s terrified at this moment and doesn’t know how to carry on without his father by his side.
Goku helps reassure his son during this temporary crisis, even if he’s stuck in the afterlife. Goku’s love for his son transcends life and death. Goku tells Gohan that he can’t feel regret over his death and that it’s time to rise against this evil before more lives are lost.
5 “You Haven’t Figured It Out Yet?”
Dragon Ball Z Kai, Episode 48: “The Angry Super Saiyan! Goku Throws Down the Gauntlet!”
You haven’t figured it out yet? I’m the Saiyan who came all the way from Earth for the sole purpose of beating you. I am the warrior you’ve heard of in legends, pure of heart and awakened by fury, that’s what I am. I am the Super Saiyan, Son Goku!
Goku’s initial transformation into a Super Saiyan during his battle against Frieza on Namek remains one of Dragon Ball Z‘s strongest moments. There’s such fiery animosity between Frieza and Goku, who embody opposite ideals and generations of history. Frieza is flummoxed by Goku’s colorful transformation and still doesn’t fully understand what’s happened.
In Dragon Ball Z Kai, Goku artfully breaks down his metamorphosis and Frieza’s futility in a concise speech. Goku embraces what he’s become, and it’s the perfect introduction to his newly powerful state, which puts it in the top 5 quotes in this list. All the hatred between these two gets distilled down to biting words.
4 “Release It, Gohan! Release Everything!”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 191: “Save The World”
Release it, Gohan! Release everything! Remember all the pain he has caused… The people he has hurt… Now make that your power!”
Dragon Ball Z chronicles Goku’s development as the world’s strongest fighter, but it also teases Gohan’s potential from the very first episode. The fallout of the Cell Games marks the moment when Gohan properly surpasses his father once he ascends to Super Saiyan 2 status.
Gohan still struggles to defeat Cell despite his power boost and the help of everyone on the planet. Goku provides his son with some wise words from beyond the grave that ultimately give him the final confidence boost necessary to eliminate Cell. These are powerful, inspirational words from Goku that become even stronger in the context of a fallen father who tries to get through to his son one last time.
3 “Please, Grant Me My Selfish Request.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 35: “Mercy”
I know it’s not the right thing to do, but please, grant me my selfish request. Let me have another chance to fight him!
Goku and Vegeta’s first fight against each other sets up a brilliant rivalry that lasts for hundreds of episodes. Goku depends on Gohan, Krillin, and even Yajirobe to help survive against Vegeta’s superior Saiyan strength. The battle concludes with Goku and Vegeta both too battered to move, which gives Krillin the opportunity to finish off Vegeta.
Goku begs his friend to spare Vegeta’s life and that they’re better than his murderous tactics. Goku’s pledge to have a rematch against Vegeta is framed in a light-hearted manner considering the Saiyan was trying to kill them all. It’s one of Goku’s first selfless moments in Dragon Ball Z that sets up a lifetime of mercy from his character.
2 “Tell Her That I Had To Do This, Gohan. Goodbye, My Son.”
Dragon Ball Z, Episode 88: “A Hero’s Farewell”
Hey, you put up a good fight, Gohan. I’m proud of you. Take care of your mother for me. She needs you. Tell her that I had to do this, Gohan. Goodbye, my son.
Goku is an incredible hero who usually is able to find his way out of any dire situation, but sometimes his best efforts still fall short. Cell puts Goku in a terrible position where the Saiyan is forced to sacrifice himself for the greater good of keeping his planet safe.
This requires some quick thinking on Goku’s part, and before his departure, he leaves Gohan with a heartbreaking message. Goku accepts that he’s lost this fight and tells his son to look after Chi-Chi during his absence. He also admits that his own reckless attitude is somewhat responsible for all of this and that on some level he should have just listened to his wife and settled down.
1 “Call Me Kakarot.”
Dragon Ball Super: Broly
Goku’s complicated feelings over his Saiyan heritage are one of his greatest struggles over the course of Dragon Ball Z. Over time, Goku makes peace with his origins, and he reconciles with the idea that the work he’s done on Earth has helped rehabilitate Saiyans’ image. Dragon Ball Super: Broly forces Goku to reckon with his past as two Saiyans from the old guard come out of the woodwork.
Broly concludes with the titular Saiyan’s safety and Goku pledges to train with him in the future. It’s significant that Goku tells Broly to call him “Kakarot,” his Saiyan name, rather than Goku. It’s proof that Goku finally accepts his heritage and is proud to be viewed as a Saiyan. Goku has shown tremendous growth since Dragon Ball‘s start, but this simple quotation beautifully encapsulates his entire journey and the incredible here that he’s become, making it Goku’s most memorable quote.