Gohan Beast’s 10 Strongest Techniques, Ranked

Gohan has always been one of Dragon Ball’s most compelling characters and Dragon Ball Super has finally helped the hero properly realize his potential. It hasn’t been easy to be a Gohan fan, and he’s faced some frustrating, albeit realistic, character development. Gohan’s inner strength has been teased from Dragon Ball Z’s earliest episodes. He briefly ascends to the series’ strongest character when he becomes the first Super Saiyan 2 fighter. However, Gohan’s interest in martial arts, training, and being the strongest in the universe has waned. He put a greater emphasis on family values and a stable domestic life.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is a revelatory turning point for the series, and Gohan, that tells a story that puts Goku and Vegeta on the backburner, while Gohan and Piccolo may fully step into the spotlight. It’s a triumphant experience that also helps Gohan reach unprecedented depths of power as he transforms into Gohan Beast. Gohan Beast is still a new development that’s being explored and will surely play a major role in Dragon Ball Super’s future. This new version of Gohan still has some excellent techniques that he can turn to during the height of battle.


Gohan Beast is the God of Destruction Candidate Beerus Has Been Looking For All Along

Dragon Ball Super’s Beerus has his sights set on Goku and Vegeta to become Gods of Destruction, but Gohan might actually be the smartest choice!

10 Gohan Beast’s Demon Flash Strike Is A Commendable Way To Defend & Attack Against The Opposition

Gohan Beast becomes Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero‘s main event. However, he surprisingly doesn’t showcase that many original attacks. Gohan Beast’s greatest asset is the phenomenal strength and speed that he brings to Piccolo’s aid. Gohan doesn’t exactly have a plentiful attack arsenal, but one effective technique that he utlizes in the battle against Cell Max is his Demon Flash Strike. Gohan Beast’s Demon Flash Strike is a two-pronged rush attack that highlights the user’s defensive and offensive skills.

The Demon Flash Strike involves Gohan Beast initially blocking the opponent’s attack — which in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero involves an epic punch from Cell Max — only to then retaliate with a powerful kick. This is a great way for Gohan Beast to prove that he’s not only strong enough to withstand Cell Max’s attacks, but that his own abilities can injure the antagonist. Gohan Beast’s Demon Flash Strike has appeared in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 as a Super Skill, but at the end of the day it’s really just a powerful kick. It can’t compete with any of Gohan Beast’s energy attacks, which are designed to cause much greater damage.

9 Gohan Adopts A Classic Gotenks Technique With His Galactic Donut

Gohan releases a Galactic Donut on Moro in Dragon Ball Super manga.

Dragon Ball loves to have its heroes share techniques with each other, which makes quite a bit of sense, considering that everyone is so close. The Galactic Donut is a technique that was initially developed by Gotenks, in his Super Saiyan form, during his battle against Super Buu. Gotenks has one of Dragon Ball‘s most eclectic attack arsenals and his Galactic Donut maneuver, while creative, is actually one of his tamer techniques. The Galactic Donut is a ring of ki energy that the user creates and uses to restrain an enemy as the attack binds them.

It’s extremely advantageous during a group fight where the user’s teammate can then attack the target once they’re confined. Gohan reveals that he’s also learned this technique and uses it during the heroes’ battle against Moro. Ultimate Gohan restrains Moro with the Galactic Donut and then Super Saiyan Goku follows up with an Instant Kamehameha. It stands to reason that Gohan Beast would also have access to this technique and it’s possible that his version of the ability would even be more dangerous, like a Galactic Donut that simultaneously shocks and injures its target while it constricts them.



How Strong is Gohan Beast in Dragon Ball Super?

Gohan Beast is a powerful new transformation, and fans are curious about how strong it is.

8 Gohan’s Thunder Bullet Releases Concentrated Blasts Of Explosive Energy

Gohan gets ready to fire his Thunder Bullet attack in Dragon Ball Super.

Gohan’s Thunder Bullet is a fairly innocuous energy attack, but one that still helps him in battle during his later years in life. Dragon Ball Super‘s Tournament of Power leads to some intense training for its participants and there’s an enlightening sparring match between Gohan and Piccolo and Goku and Tien before the official proceedings begin. One of Gohan’s tactics during this match is his Thunder Bullet attack. This technique involves Gohan charging a concentrated energy sphere in a raised hand that’s ultimately fired from his index finger, like a bullet, and results in an explosion.

Gohan uses the Thunder Bullet to prevent Tien from using his Tri-Beam attack against Piccolo, so it’s possible that its strength is on par with this popular Tien technique. The Thunder Bullet is first named in Dragon Ball Legends and while it’s only been used by Ultimate Gohan, it’s likely still a part of Gohan Beast’s abilities. It’s possible that Gohan Beast can even fire multiple Thunder Bullets in succession, or from several fingers at once, for maximum effect.

7 The Gekiretsu Madan Delivers A Brutal Barrage Of Constant Attacks

Gohan fires ki blasts at Frieza in Dragon Ball Z.

Gohan’s Gekiretsu Madan is an intense variation of his signature Masenko attack that makes its debut during his passionate battle against Frieza on Planet Namek. The Gekiretsu Madan specifically draws from Gohan’s rage and hidden potential in order to release deadly successive energy blasts that are meant to overwhelm the opponent. This technique, which is also sometimes referred to as Continuous Ki Blast Wave and High-Speed Hammer, is typically used by Gohan during his youth.

However, it makes an eventful return when Seven-Three copies Gohan’s techniques and turns the attack back on him and Piccolo. It’s been a while since audiences have seen Gohan use the Gekiretsu Madan, but it’s still clearly a technique that he remembers if Seven-Three can copy it. The Gekiretsu Madan is really just fast and furious energy blasts, so there’s no reason why it wouldn’t be even more dangerous in Gohan’s Beast mode, especially since the transformation taps into Gohan’s anger.

6 Gohan’s Super Explosive Wave Is An Excellent Way To Clear Out Crowds

The Super Explosion Wave is an upgraded version of the standard Explosive Wave. It’s a reliable technique where the user charges energy around their body that culminates in an explosive energy sphere that surrounds them and expands. It’s a brilliant tactic, both in an offensive and defensive sense, and anyone who comes in contact with the Super Explosive Wave’s energy receives incredible damage. It’s a highly effective attack for clearing out a room that’s filled with threats, which is exactly when Gohan uses it when he’s surrounded by Babidi’s soldiers.

The Super Explosive Wave appears in every Dragon Ball series and it’s not an attack that’s only utilized by Gohan. Everyone from Piccolo to Frost to King Vegeta makes use of this powerful ability. The Super Explosive Wave’s size and strength comes down to the user’s power, which means that it could be cataclysmic when performed by Gohan Beast. Gohan would likely have used this attack if Cell Max produced hordes of Cell Juniors. One could even argue that the sheer destruction of Gohan Beast’s aura upon his initial transformation could even be a form of the Super Explosive Wave.


Is Gohan Beast Stronger Than Beerus?

Dragon Ball’s Gohan Beast is getting a lot of attention, but is the Saiyan’s new transformation stronger than God of Destruction, Beerus?

5 Gohan’s Explosive Madan Is A Short-Range Blast Of Destructive Doom

Gohan charges his Explosive Madan attack during his fight with Dabura in Dragon Ball Z.

Gohan’s Explosive Madan, also referred to as the Explosive Power Demon Flash, is a short-ranged version of his Masenko attack that has the potential for even greater destruction based on how it’s used. The Explosive Madan is performed similarly to the Masenko in the sense that Gohan raises his hands above his head and charges energy from his palms, which are then thrust forward in order to deliver a short, highly dangerous burst of energy. The Explosive Madan has a shorter range than the Masenko, but the blast that it generates is substantially larger.

Gohan first makes use of this attack during his battle against Dabura, but it also makes a powerful return in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F.’ Gohan uses the attack to take out Frieza’s army of endless soldiers. Gohan’s Explosive Madan is a popular technique for the Saiyan in various Dragon Ball video games and a Beast mode variation would surely be deadly. Gohan’s use of this technique as an adult confirms that it’s still on his mind and a valuable tactic for him.

4 Gohan Beast’s Purple Lightning Beast Kick Is A Mighty Blow That Decimates Its Target

Cell Max gets knocked out by Gohan Beast in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero creates a lot of cathartic symmetry between Gohan Beast’s battle against Cell Max and Gohan’s original fight against Cell. In the latter, Gohan launches a deadly rush attack kick — his Explosive Demon Impact — at Cell. Gohan Beast upgrades this maneuver into his Purple Lightning Beast Kick, which completely knocks Cell Max’s wind out. The Purple Lightning Beast Kick is similar, but deadlier than Gohan’s Demon Flash Strike, both of which are used against Cell Max. Gohan Beast delivers an aggressive kick to the target’s abdomen, which is amplified through a flash of lightning.

Upon making contact, Gohan Beast channels increasing amounts of energy into the kick in order to propel the opponent great distances. Gohan Beast’s Purple Lightning Beast Kick has already found its way into several Dragon Ball video games, including Dragon Ball Heroes, Dragon Ball Legends, and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. It’s one of Gohan Beast’s stronger abilities, even if it’s not a projectile energy attack.

3 Gohan’s Super Masenko Is An Overwhelming Energy Blast That’s Served Him Well

Gohan launches a Super Masenko in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in Dragon Ball Z.

Gohan doesn’t have that many original attacks, so his Masenko technique stands out and becomes a fitting reflection of what he represents as a fighter. Gohan’s Super Masenko is a superior version to the standard attack that’s first revealed during his Hyperbolic Time Chamber training with Goku in order to demonstrate just how much stronger he’s become through this intense experience.

The Super Masenko is performed the same as the standard version, but there are crackles of electricity that get released as excess energy before the ki blast is finally fired. The Super Masenko would become even stronger when performed by Gohan Beast and it’s likely that he’d even develop a superior version of the attack that’s reflective of his new transformation. Hopefully, future Gohan Beast battles will bring the Super Masenko into the mix.


10 Strongest Dragon Ball Super Characters Gohan Beast Could Destroy

While Goku and Vegeta are both unmatched, Gohan Beast has now emerged as the strongest Z Fighter surpassing them both in Dragon Ball Super.

2 Gohan Beast Could Elevate The Ultimate Kamehameha To Unprecedented Power

Gohan fires an Ultimate Kamehameha in Dragon Ball Super.

The Kamehameha is Dragon Ball’s most popular technique and dozens of variations of it have been introduced over the course of the franchise. Gohan has experimented with several different Kamehameha techniques and his Ultimate Kamehameha seems to be his strongest application of this power. It makes a lot of sense that the Ultimate Kamehameha, when performed by Gohan Beast, would evolve into a Beast Kamehameha or some other version of the attack.

It’d be no different from when Ultra Instinct Goku activates his Divine Kamehameha. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero doesn’t feature any Kamehameha from Gohan, but they will surely be present in his future endeavors. It’d be especially sweet to see Gohan Beast and Ultra Instinct Goku use another Father-Son Kamehameha attack in the battle against Black Frieza.

1 Gohan Beast’s Special Beam Cannon Is An Even Deadlier Version Of Piccolo’s Signature Technique

The strongest attack that Gohan Beast has used in battle is his unique version of the Special Beam Cannon that completely destroys Cell Max and pierces through his body. It’s quite poignant that Gohan defeats this villain and solves his problem through the use of Piccolo’s signature technique, rather than the use of a Kamehameha. Piccolo is Gohan’s greatest mentor, so Gohan Beast’s ability to take one of Piccolo’s abilities and push it to powerful new places is a great reflection of their relationship.

The Special Beam Cannon is an essential skill when someone needs to be eliminated. It has deeper penetrative powers than Gohan’s other attacks and its application in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is a truly dazzling display of strength. The Special Beam Cannon will likely continue to be Gohan Beast’s ultimate technique, but it’d also be nice to see him incorporate some of Piccolo’s other attacks into his arsenal, like the Hellzone Grenade.

Goku, Vegeta and the gang are posing on the Dragon Ball Super poster.

Dragon Ball Super

With Majin Buu defeated half-a-year prior, peace returns to Earth, where Son Goku (now a radish farmer) and his friends now live peaceful lives.

Release Date
January 7, 2017

Masako Nozawa , Takeshi Kusao , Ryô Horikawa , Hiromi Tsuru


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