Every Episode of House of the Dragon Season 2, Ranked

House of the Dragon Season 2 has officially come to an epic and explosive conclusion, setting up the next phase of the Dance of Dragons. As the Greens and Blacks prepare for a full-scale war, audiences have been eagerly awaiting the previously announced third season of the hit game of Thrones prequel series.

House of the DragonSeason 2 takes things to a whole new level compared to the previous one, offering some of the best episodes of the entire franchise. While each episode of the season adds something valuable to the plot, some stand out from the others.

8 “Smallfolk” doesn't have much to offer like the rest of the season

Alicent Hightower (Olivia Cooke) is attacked by the common people in the House of the Dragon.

Episode Title:

“Little People”

Episode Number:


IMDb Rating:



Andriy Parech


Is Laenor Velaryon really dead in House of the Dragon?

Laenor Velaryon escapes alive in House of the Dragon. However, season two suggests that the character may have suffered a tragic off-screen death.

In “Smallfolk”, the people of King's Landing suddenly become one of the most important resources in the Dance of the Dragons. The royal family lives in luxury while the Smallfolk starve in the city outside the palace walls. Taking advantage of the situation, Rhaenyra sends food to the people of King's Landing, gaining their support and turning them against the Greens in one fell swoop.

While “Smallfolk” isn’t a bad episode, it is the weakest entry in season two. Despite the fast pace of the first half of the season, this episode slows things down considerably. While the dynamic with the Smallfolk of King’s Landing is interesting, things don’t really take off until the mob finally turns on Alicent and Helaena, resulting in a heartbreaking action sequence that saves the episode from being completely forgotten.

7 “Regent” Slows Things Down After Four Bloody Episodes

Aemond Targaryen (actor Ewan Mitchell) is in a dark castle in the second season of House of the Dragon

Episode Title:


Episode Number:


IMDb Rating:



Clare Kilner

After the Battle of Rook's Rest and Aegon's horrific wounds, Prince Aemond takes over as regent in King's Landing. He quickly proves himself a more capable, if bloodthirsty, ruler than his brother, giving Rhaenyra a difficult battle. Meanwhile, the rebel Targaryens on the other side of the kingdom work to gain allies in the Riverlands for their cause.

The first four episodes of House of the Dragon Season 2 was bloody and full of death, making “Regent” feel much slower in comparison. The series takes a break from the war to focus on more political activities that, while necessary to the overall plot, aren't as exciting as the action sequences in the season's earlier episodes.

6 “The Burning Mill” follows two feuding rulers on opposite sides

Aegon II Targaryen (actor Tom Glynn-Carney) in the small council room in House of the Dragon

Episode Title:

“The Mill in Flames”

Episode Number:


IMDb Rating:



Geeta Vasant Patel


How do dragons breed in Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon?

In Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, dragons are an essential weapon for House Targaryen, but why do they exist?

As the first battle in the Dance of the Dragons looms ever closer, “The Burning Mill” shows both of its opposing kings struggling with similar problems. Aegon tries and fails to gain the support of his small council, who seem more inclined to listen to his brother Aemond than their king. At Dragonstone, Rhaenyra also works tirelessly to gain the respect of her council, who question her every move.

“The Burning Mill” expertly shows the similarities and differences between Rhaenyra and Aegon. Both struggle to be seen and respected by their subordinates, but only Rhaenyra perseveres through the process. This dynamic is central to the plot of the series, giving the audience a reason to support Rhaenyra over her half-brother. While it ranks lower than other episodes, that's only because the season itself is so strong.

5 “Rhaenyra the Cruel” depicts the intense consequences of its characters' decisions.

Ser Criston Cole (actor Fabien Frankel) on horseback in season two of House of the Dragon.

Episode Title:

“Rhaenyra the Cruel”

Episode Number:


IMDb Rating:



Clare Kilner

After the horrific death of Prince Jaehaerys, war becomes inevitable in “Rhaenyra the Cruel.” Rhaenyra condemns Daemon's assassination attempt while the Greens do everything they can to profit from their tragic loss. The episode culminates in another heartbreaking assassination attempt by Ser Arryk Cargyll, who fails to kill Rhaenyra when her twin brother Erryk intervenes.

“Rhaenyra the Cruel” features a lot of great character work, including giving fans more reasons to dislike Ser Criston Cole. Characters are led to see the sometimes tragic fruits of their actions, with some admitting their mistakes while others double down. Fans come to see that there is good and evil on both sides of the war, and that the innocents are the ones who pay with their lives.

4 “A Son for a Son” is a deeply tragic season premiere

Episode Title:

“A son for a son”

Episode Number:


IMDb Rating:



Alan Taylor


Alicent has learned nothing from House Hightower's greatest failure

Alicent had a difficult growth path, but she makes the same mistakes with her children, giving them very little love to make them better people.

The long-awaited first episode of the season of House of the Dragon sees Rhaenyra reeling from the death of her son in the previous episode. As she tries to close, her enemies plot how to destroy her army before it is even fully formed. However, a seething Daemon prince is the one to make the next move, ordering the assassination of Aemond, which instead ends tragically with the murder of young Jaehaerys Targaryen in his bed.

Keeping game of Thrones tradition, “A Son for a Son” is shocking but still gripping, as the audience is forced to watch one of the most ruthless acts in the entire franchise. However, there's no denying that the season premiere raises the stakes and embroils the characters in a war. After everything that happens in this episode, there's no way to avoid more bloodshed.

3 “The Red Sowing” is incredibly terrifying

Hugh Hammer standing next to Vermithor in Dragon House.

Episode Title:

“The Red Sowing”

Episode Number:


IMDb Rating:



Loni Peristere

The penultimate episode of House of the DragonSeason two finds Rhaenyra rallying the Targaryen-sired Smallfolk of King's Landing in the hopes that some of them can claim a dragon to fight for her cause. Meanwhile, Daemon clashes with the new lord of House Tully, whose loyalty could make or break his claim to the throne.

“The Red Sowing” offers some of the most thrilling action of the game of Thrones franchise. The dragon reclaiming sequence is particularly heartbreaking, as the audience is placed in the middle of the fiery action to watch the carnage unfold. The episode pushes the story further than any other chapter in the second half of the season.

2 “The Queen Who Ever War” Previews What Fans Have Been Waiting For

Emma D'Arcy plays Rhaenyra Targaryen in House of the Dragon

Episode Title:

“The Queen Who Was”

Episode Number:


IMDb Rating:



Geeta Vasant Patel


The 25 Best Daemon Targaryen Quotes in House of the Dragon

Daemon Targaryen captivated audiences with his impulsive yet charismatic personality. He had some of the best quotes in House of The Dragon.

House of the Dragon The season two finale ratchets up the tension as both the Greens and Blacks gain major reinforcements for the war to come. While the Hightowers gather armies across the Narrow Sea, Rhaenyra finally wins the loyalty of Daemon, who gains a new perspective after receiving a vision of the future of Westeros.

The season finale is sure to be controversial for fans, especially since they were expecting an epic battle sequence. Instead, the show focuses on its characters' arcs as they prepare for war. “The Queen Who Ever Was” is an episode that will likely be appreciated just by rewatching it, as it perfectly sets up each member of the main cast for their roles in the Dance of the Dragons.

1 “The Red Dragon And The Gold” Gives Fans What They've Always Wanted

Episode Title:

“The Red Dragon and the Gold”

Episode Number:


IMDb Rating:



Alan Taylor

The first real battle of the Targaryen Civil War is fought in the season's fourth episode, “The Red Dragon and the Gold.” The episode follows the Green and Black armies as a battle erupts at Rook's Rest, culminating in the first dragon fight seen in the Seven Kingdoms since the days of Maegor the Cruel. Rhaenys and Meleys battle Aemond and Vhagar in the skies above the castle, but are outmatched and retreat. Rhaenys, however, returns to fight Vhagar one last time, sacrificing her life for the cause.

Looking back on season 2 of House of the Dragonits fourth episode is the undisputed highlight. The episode features epic aerial battles between its dragons and provides a thrilling conclusion to one of its fan-favorite characters. While there are many strong episodes in the second season, “The Red Dragon and the Gold” is the best of them all.

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