The Lord of the Rings introduces many wonderful creatures to the fantastic world of JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth. Men, Elves, and Dwarves dominate the world, but many other people quietly populate it. The Ents, for example, are one of the oldest and most interesting species that live in the depths of Middle-earth.
Ents are enormous tree-like creatures that awaken during the events of The Two Towers. Very little is known about the ancient tree-men species that played a key role in the War of the Ring. There are only six known Ents in Tolkien's legendarium, but each is more interesting than the last.
6 Quickbeam is a more hasty Ent than his brothers
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Quickbeam was an Ent who slept in the Forest of Fangorn at the end of the Third Age. Also known by the Sindarin name Bregalad, Quickbeam was younger than many of the other Ents of Fangorn. His youth also gave him his characteristic “haste”, as he was much quicker to make decisions and take action than his older, more experienced brothers (though still rather slow by other people's reckonings). It was this haste that made him a quick ally to Merry and Pippin when they asked the Ents to help them fight against the evil Saruman at the Battle of Isengard. Quickbeam was the first to pledge himself to the cause, with his fellow Ent slowly joining in later. While he awaited the decision of his friends, Quickbeam sang a song to the impatient Hobbits.
Although he had a fiery temper, Quickbeam was generally known for his jovial nature, singing and laughing as he traversed the forest of Fangorn. Like the other Ents, Quickbeam was charged with caring for the natural world, particularly the rowans of Fangorn, including Carnimirë, Orofarnë, and Lassemista. The young Ent is known to have survived the Battle of Isengard, although it is unclear what happened to him afterward. Presumably, Quickbeam was able to return to Fangorn and age into an older, far less hasty Ent.
5 Leaflock is a particularly sleepy Ent in the forest of Fangorn
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Leaflock, also known as Finglas, was another Ent who lived in the forest of Fangord at the time of Merry and Pippin's journey during the events of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Along with Treebeard and Skinbark, Leaflock was one of the oldest Ents in the world at the end of the Third Age and had lived through many important events in the history of Middle-earth.
Due to his old age, Leaflock was slower to move than his brothers. He was also prone to sleeping for long periods, sometimes not waking for many months. Despite his tiredness, Leaflock was driven to rage by the sight of the destruction of Fangorn at the hands of the White Wizard. After the Entmoot, he joined the other Ents in charging towards Saruman's domain at Isengard, defeating the villain and winning a great battle of the forces of good. It is unknown what became of Leaflock after this battle.
4 Beechbone gave his life at the Battle of Isengard
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Little is known of Beechbone, one of the Ents who joined Treebeard's assault on Isengard in the year 3019 of the Third Age. Unlike the other Ents in The Two TowersBeechbone's Sindarin name is unknown. All that is truly known about the tree-man before his appearance in The Lord of the Rings is that he was considered tall and handsome for an Ent.
Beechbone took part in the attack on Isengard, led by Treebeard and two Hobbits from the Shire. However, he was killed when Saruman opened fire on the oncoming army. Caught in the blaze, Beechbone burned alive, becoming the martyr the other Ents needed to increase the fury of their attack and ultimately defeat Saruman. In Peter Jackson's live-action adaptation of The Two TowersBeechbone survives the fire, diving into the dam waters when the city floods.
3 Fimbrethil is the only known Entwife
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Fimbrethil was one of the Entwives of Middle-earth who were known to roam the forests during the First and Second Ages. Also known as Wandlimb, Fimbrethil was married to Treebeard in the First Age. However, she and the other Entwives disappeared from Middle-earth due to the events of The Two Towers.
From what fans can gather from JRR Tolkien's works, the Entwives were much more fiery than their male counterparts and refused to sit idly by as darkness enveloped their world. As a result, the Entwives' gardens were destroyed by Sauron during the Second Age, scattering them to the four winds. By the time of the War of the Ring, it is unclear what happened to Fimbrethil and the other Entwives.
2 Skinbark is one of the oldest Ents in the Lord of the Rings
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Skinbark was one of the three eldest Ents alive during the War of the Ring. Also known by the Sindarin name Fladrif, Skinbark lived in Fangorn Forest when Saruman the White began felling trees to fuel Isengard's industry. As the guardian of the land closest to Isengard, Skinbark and his charges suffered the most from Saruman's attack.
Devastated by the heavy losses he had suffered (including a grievous wound), Skinbark fled from his natural resting place just west of Isengard and took refuge in the higher slopes of the forest. There, he hoped to protect the birch trees of Fangorn, which he prized above all others. It is unclear whether he ever returned from the Fangorn Hills after Saruman's defeat.
1 Treebeard plays a key role in the War of the Ring
Curiosities about the Ent |
Awakened by the Elves during the Years of the Trees, Treebeard is one of the oldest characters in Middle-earth, perhaps second only to the mysterious Tom Bombadil. An Ent known in Sindarin as Fangorn, Treebeard was the spirit of Fangorn Forest, where he was first discovered by Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrine Took, two Hobbits of the Shire. He considered himself a “shepherd of the trees” and saw it as his responsibility to protect other Ents from harm.
In the early days, Fangorn was married to Fimbrethil, but she disappeared after Sauron destroyed the gardens of the Ente Wives in the Second Age. For thousands of years, Treebeard mourned the loss of the Ente Wives in song, hoping that he and the other Ents would one day find their missing partners. In the Third Age, it was Treebeard who summoned the Entmoot of Fangorn and eventually called his brothers to arms against Saruman and the fires of Isengard. They assaulted the wizard in his tower, defeating him and scoring a great victory for the forces of light in the War of the Ring. Treebeard survived into the Fourth Age, though it is unclear what happened to him after Sauron's defeat. It is possible that he spent the rest of his days in Orthanc, which had been declared Entland after the war, regrowing what had been destroyed by Saruman.