Dragon Ball Heroes With The Most Evil Backstories

Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball continues to reinvent its characters after four decades of captivating, heightened storytelling. Dragon Ball has been able to endure for so long because it’s not afraid to take risks with its characters and shake up the status quo when it’s appropriate to do so. Dragon Ball has courageous heroes like Goku and Gohan whose moral center rarely wanders.

However, it’s also a series that loves a good redemption arc and firmly believes that even the worst individuals deserve second chances. Goku’s endless empathy and trust has helped turn many villains and evil individuals into valuable allies. Not every enemy can turn over a new life, but it’s gratifying to see that those with tragic pasts and wicked backstories can still help improve the world and contribute towards the greater good.



10 Most Overpowered Dragon Ball Heroes, Ranked

Dragon Ball has its fair share of endlessly overpowered heroes who are too strong for their own good.

10 Tien & Chiaotzu Cut Their Teeth At A Twisted School Of Martial Arts

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball, Episode 82, “The Rampage Of InoShikaCho”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball, Chapter 113, “Return To The Tournament”

The original Dragon Ball has a lot of fun with the idea of dark doubles and the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament becomes an exciting opportunity to pit Master Roshi’s top students, Goku and Krillin, against Master Shen’s prize pupils, Tien and Chiaotzu. Master Shen used to be Master Roshi’s best friend when they both studied under Master Mutaito. However, the two suffered a tragic falling out that pushed Shen to develop the Crane School of Martial Arts. Shen has duplicitous interests and he’s more interested in asserting dominance and eliminating the competition than he is in genuine growth as a martial artist.

Tien and Chiaotzu get caught up in Shen’s teachings and have no idea that they’re a part of something sinister until they spend some time with Master Roshi and his ilk. Tien and Chiaotzu are genuine villains and their filler episode introduction even presents them as scheming con artists who trick communities out of hundreds of thousands of zeni in exchange for their “protection.” Tien and Chiaotzu have come a long way since their wicked Crane School origins, but their past still clearly haunts them in many respects. Tien still refuses to truly train under Roshi because he views it as a betrayal of his Crane School upbringing.

9 Oolong Is A Sinister Shapeshifter Who Victimizes A Small Village

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball, Episode 4, “Oolong The Terrible”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball, Chapter 5, “Oo! Oo! Oolong!”

Goku shouts Piggy to Oolong in Dragon Ball Episode 5.

The original Dragon Ball really embraces Akira Toriyama’s gag comedy roots and there are many fantastical and silly creatures who come out of the woodwork during the first story arc. Oolong is an anthropomorphic pig shapeshifter who becomes a reliable supporting player throughout the franchise. However, it’s easy to forget that Oolong is actually quite wicked and manipulative when he’s first encountered by Goku and Bulma. Oolong has been using his shapeshifting abilities to terrorize Aru Village into submission and steal the villagers’ daughters.

Oolong masquerades as an intimidating demon, but his time with Goku forces him to cycle through numerous transformations until the truth comes to light. Oolong realizes the error of his ways by the end of his first episode, but he still exhibits some questionable behavior throughout the original series, such as pretending to be Bulma. Oolong’s evil past is hardly apocalyptic and it doesn’t lead to anyone’s death. It’s still a surprisingly dark origin story that shouldn’t go overlooked.


Why Future Gohan is the Most Tragic Character in the Entire Dragon Ball Franchise

Dragon Ball is full of wronged characters with difficult lives, but there’s a strong case to be made as to why Future Gohan is the most tragic.

8 Emperor Pilaf & His Pilaf Gang Enter The Franchise As Megalomaniacal Monsters

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball, Episode 1, “The Secret Of The Dragon Balls”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball, Chapter 18, “Who’s Got My Balls?!”

Pilaf malevolently schemes in Dragon Ball Episode 11.

Emperor Pilaf and his Pilaf Gang – Mai and Shu – deserve credit for being Dragon Ball’s first official villains. Pilaf may not be physically intimidating, but he makes up for his lack of strength and size through impressive resources, powerful mech machines, and creative means of torture. Pilaf is consistently treated like a joke throughout his Dragon Ball run, even after he tries to align himself with Demon King Piccolo, but he’s still after the Dragon Balls for deeply disturbing reasons. Pilaf wants to use the Dragon Balls to rule the world and inflict his cruel beliefs onto society, which fortunately never comes to pass.

One of the bigger surprises in Dragon Ball Super is that a misguided Dragon Ball wish turns Pilaf and his gang into children, who wisely decide to team up with Goku and friends. Pilaf, Mai, and Shu are still largely comic relief throughout Dragon Ball Super, but they’ve gradually gone on to serve a greater purpose. Pilaf has become a tech expert who assists Bulma at Capsule Corp. He’s responsible for Goten and Trunks’ Saiyaman X-1 and X-2 watch gadget that helps them quickly transform into their superhero alter egos. Mai has also become one of Trunks and Goten’s peers at Blue Hal High and the object of Trunks’ awkward crush. Future Trunks’ timeline also presents Future Mai as one of the strongest Resistance fighters, so she clearly cleans up her act in that alternate timeline, too.

7 Gamma 1 & Dr. Hedo Devoted Their Lives To The Corrupt Red Ribbon

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 92, “New Androids”

Gamma 1 and 2, with Dr Hedo, in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.

Red Ribbon Army were a malevolent militaristic force back in the original Dragon Ball that Goku manages to defeat and force into ruin. Red Ribbon rises from the ashes and launches its return several decades later in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. Dr. Hedo, the grandson of Dr. Gero, creates multiple series of Androids before he achieves state-of-the-art perfection with Gamma 1 and Gamma 2. The tragic irony of these individuals is that Dr. Hedo isn’t aware that he’s doing anything wrong. Magenta, Red Ribbon’s current leader (and the son of Commander Red), tricks him into believing that they’re doing just work.

The same is true for Gamma 1 and Gamma 2, who view themselves as superheroes who are trying to right the wrongs that have been caused by individuals like Piccolo and Gohan. This misinformation causes tremendous fallout, which culminates in the activation of a deadly bio-weapon, Cell Max. Dr. Hedo and his Gamma Androids eventually learn the truth and help the heroes in their fight against Cell Max, but Gamma 2 perishes in the battle through a heroic self-destruct maneuver. Gamma 1 and Dr. Hedo have since pledged allegiance to Bulma and Capsule Corp, where they will hopefully be able to apply their genius and powers for good.

6 Broly Possesses Prolific Power That’s Been Abused & Weaponized Against His Will

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Super: Broly; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 42, “Battle’s End And Aftermath”

Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan, is a fan-favorite character who was the primary antagonist in three separate Dragon Ball Z movies. Dragon Ball Super properly canonizes the character in its first feature film, but presents him as a much more humane and misunderstood figure. Broly, as an infant, gets banished to Planet Vampa because King Vegeta worries that his incredible strength will overshadow his own son’s strength. Broly lives a difficult life in this desolate destination and his father, Paragus, tortures him and makes sure that his life lacks any meaningful attachments, since he considers them to be weaknesses. Broly and Paragus are eventually intercepted by the Frieza Force, where they become official members, but are turned into Frieza’s powerful pawns. Frieza tries to use Broly to eliminate Goku and Vegeta and manipulates him to become a blunt tool of destruction.

Frieza even kills Broly’s father in order to push him past his limits and trigger his Legendary Super Saiyan transformation. Broly becomes a wild, rampaging liability who nearly kills Goku and Vegeta before they fuse into Gogeta. Broly has learned how to properly channel his emotions. His training on Beerus’ Planet alongside Goku and Vegeta has helped him learn the true value of friends and family. Broly is officially a hero at this point in Dragon Ball Super, but there’s still a slight concern that he might snap and reignite his terrifying killer instinct.


10 Dragon Ball Villains Fans Love More Than the Heroes

Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball is full of powerful villains, but some leave such an impression that they’re even more popular than certain heroes!

5 Android 18 & Android 17 Are Created For Malevolent Mass Destruction

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Episode 133, “Nightmare Comes True”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 155 (Dragon Ball Chapter 349), “The Androids Awake!”

Androids 17 and 18 prepare for city destruction in Dragon Ball Z.

Evil Androids have become par for the course in Dragon Ball. However, Dragon Ball Z goes all out in this department with eight different Androids who are programmed to cause chaos and exterminate Goku. Androids 17 and 18 receive the most attention since they’re literally fuel that’s required for Imperfect Cell to achieve perfection. Androids 17 and 18 gleefully take lives, including that of their creator, Dr. Gero, while they also inflict punishing pain to Vegeta and Piccolo.

Curiously, these two Androids survive the Cell Saga’s events and 18 even becomes Krillin’s partner and the mother of their child. Android 17 stays in obscurity for much longer, but pledges his life to wildlife preservation on Monster Island before he’s recruited to fight for Universe 7 in the Tournament of Power, where he manages to win the battle royale brawl and save the multiverse. It’s a beautiful turn of events for two artificial humans who were designed to destroy and take lives.

4 Vegeta Has Shed His Wicked Ways & Villainous Vengeance To Become One Of Dragon Ball’s Greatest Heroes

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Episode 5, “Gohan’s Rage”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 10 (Dragon Ball Chapter 204), “The Needs Of The Many”

Vegeta charges up his Galick Gun in Dragon Ball Z.

Vegeta is one of Dragon Ball’s ultimate redemption stories and it’s nothing short of incredible that he’s evolved from Goku’s evil rival to a loving father, husband, and one of Goku’s best friends. Vegeta initially shows up in Dragon Ball Z for nefarious purposes and to accomplish what their fallen Saiyan comrade, Raditz, couldn’t. Nothing is sacred to Vegeta and he’s even willing to execute his own partner, Nappa, once he outstays his welcome and proves to be dead weight.

Vegeta loves to assert authority and intimidate others with his Saiyan Elite strength, whether that translates to a planet’s destruction or making sure that his opponent is terrified during their final moments alive. It takes empathy, death, and love to change Vegeta’s ways – and even then he has occasional moments of regression – but he’s become someone who truly loves the Earth and is willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good. Vegeta has also taken great strides to pay for his past sins. He feels genuine shame and remorse over the atrocities that he caused on Planet Namek and works to right these wrongs.

3 Piccolo Is Born Into This World To Kill Goku & Doom The Planet

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball, Episode 123, “Lost And Found”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball, Chapter 161, “The Fist Of Son Goku”

Piccolo breaks Goku’s limbs in original Dragon Ball's 23rd World Tournament.

Demon King Piccolo is one of the original Dragon Ball’s most evil individuals and he spends his final moments giving birth to a devious double who is supposed to carry on his antagonistic agenda. King Piccolo gives birth to several Mutant Namekians, but Piccolo Jr. is created for the express purpose to execute Goku and take over the planet so that King Piccolo can get the last laugh. King Piccolo is responsible for the deaths of Master Roshi, Chiaotzu, and he even destroys Shenron after he gets what he wants.

Piccolo isn’t exactly the same as King Piccolo, but it’s implied that they share many memories and that Piccolo is the reincarnation of his demonic father. Piccolo’s opportunity to get revenge on Goku comes to a head during the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. Goku defeats Piccolo and even gives him a Senzu Bean to heal his wounds, but Piccolo still swears vengeance. In a surprising twist of fate, Goku and Piccolo are forced to work together to bring down Raditz, which forever unites these two enemies as friends. Gohan, Goku’s son, helps Piccolo feel like a man, rather than a monster, and he officially becomes a hero and one of Dragon Ball’s most courageous and selfless individuals.


10 Former Dragon Ball Villains With the Best Character Development

The greatness of Dragon Ball’s narrative shines through in its redemption arcs; showcasing how even the worst villains can grow to become true heroes.

2 Beerus’ Takes Extreme Joy In His Destructive Purpose

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Episode 1, “A Peacetime Reward Who Gets The 100,000,000 Zeni?!”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball SD, Bonus Chapter 1, “Battle Of Gods SD”

Beerus stands on King Vegeta's head in Dragon Ball Super.

Dragon Ball has gradually added celestial deities of increasing intensity into its lore, which has gone on to reach new heights through Dragon Ball Super‘s introduction of Gods of Destruction, Angels, and even Zeno the Omni-King. Lord Beerus is Universe 7’s God of Destruction and a chaotic individual who enters the series with the hopes of being adequately challenged by a Super Saiyan God. One might argue that Beerus isn’t technically evil since he’s just fulfilling his role as a God of Destruction.

However, flashbacks have indicated that he can be particularly petty and spiteful. He seems to relish King Vegeta’s humiliation, he slaps Bulma in the face, and it turns out that he’s actually the one who is responsible for Planet Vegeta’s destruction. Beerus has grown into an essential ally and mentor to individuals like Goku and Beerus as they learn how to control their godly ki. However, this doesn’t change the fact that Beerus has destroyed countless planets, wiped out entire populations, and nearly destroyed the Earth during his battle against Goku.

1 Majin Buu Is Evil Incarnate With Eons Of Blood On His Hands

Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Episode 232, “Buu Is Hatched”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 266 (Dragon Ball Chapter 460), “The Djinn Awakens?!”

Majin Buu is an ancient evil who wreaked havoc on the universe for millions of years and personally battled multiple Supreme Kai and even absorbed the Grand Supreme Kai. Buu is Dragon Ball Z‘s final antagonist and he’s infinitely more dangerous than Frieza and Cell combined. He turns multiple heroes and innocent individuals into candy, his Human Extinction Attack wipes out most of Earth’s population, and his Planet Burst maneuver literally destroys the Earth.

Buu is as evil as they come and it’s understandable when Vegeta exhibits reservations over Hercule’s request to keep “Good Buu” around. Buu’s evil side has yet to spawn, but it’s still technically possible. Buu has become a valuable hero who has assisted Universe 7 during the Zeno Expo and in the battle against Moro. That being said, more often than not, he just likes to sleep. Laziness is at least an improvement from mass murder.

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