Dome Keeper gets a major update that increases replayability and helps create better worlds

Katharine (RPS in peace) thought Dome Keeper's mix of tower defense and mining was both “thought-provoking” and “perfectly crafted” in her review. So it's great news that the developers have somehow taken that otherwise excellent dome and expanded and made it even more brilliant. We're talking new guild quests, new gadgets, better world generation, a new world, new monsters. The list is huge, and it's designed specifically for improved replayability – take that, Las Vegas Dome.

Titled “A Keeper's Duty,” the update aims to provide “more run variety and greater replayability.” Take on new Guild Quests, which are essentially special challenge runs. You'll choose a mission with specific conditions and objectives, like landing on a planet where “only monsters shoot bullets,” and you'll have to figure out how to handle it. Complete the quests and earn badges that you can then spend on permanent rewards: three gadget offers instead of two, the ability to reroll gadget offers, and more.

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There's a new “Droneyard” primary gadget that helps take the tedium out of transporting resources from the mines to your dome, as drones will do it for you. The garden also spawns two types of drones: combat and parasitic, with the former firing missiles and the latter attaching to enemies to make them more vulnerable to attack.

As for the new monsters, there's a monster called the breeder that constantly produces new ticks. If you shoot it, it'll harden up a bit and make life a little more difficult. Otherwise, there's a new glass cannon called the torturer that fires a giant laser but turns into a soft bastard when it charges. Timing is critical then, because you need to blast it while it's in its vulnerable state, or you'll get cooked.

Thanks to a major engine update (godot 3 to 4), the game now has better map generation. Previously there were a lot of blob shaped maps, now there will be maps of many more shapes and sizes with new interesting structures.

There are a bunch of extra changes I could go into here but I won't because it's going to be a one-day effort. You can see them all on Steam if you want to soak it all in.

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