The anime series My Hero Academia follows the prestigious students of U.A. High School as they train to become heroes in an alternate world where roughly 80% of the population are born with some form of superpower, or “Quirk.” One of those students is the hot-headed and confrontational Katsuki Bakugo, whose spats with other classmates — particularly his long-time rival Izuku Midoriya, or as he likes to call him, “Deku”— are as integral a part of his character as his explosive Quirk and stylized costume.
Bakugo grows to have a changed perspective on heroism as he finally starts to see Midoriya as his friend. The various villains that he comes across only strengthened his perception of working with a team. Bakugo has been loved by fans, especially for his exaggerated reaction to things that make him mad. Despite his many faults, however, Bakugo’s still a “good guy,” and his dialogue includes some truly deep quotes about what it means to be a hero.
Updated September 15th, 2024 by Christy Mathew: My Hero Academia is a beloved franchise that continues to delight its fans with each new season. Katsuki Bakugo has always been a fan favorite and his popularity has only grown over time. The List is updated with more of Bakugo’s quotes that are inspirational to both fans of the show and the character himself. It has been rearranged to rank previous and present quotes and has been updated with more information to meet the CBR standards.
18 “Come At Me Seriously!”
Bakugo Feels Undermined if the Opponent Doesn’t Do Their Best
Bakugo’s pride in his Quirk is a huge driving factor in his personality and he can’t stand it if opponents don’t come at him with full strength. While seeming like a throwaway line, this particular quote is directed at Shoto Todoroki, who Bakugo beat during the Sports Festival arc by a slim margin. Since Todoroki wouldn’t use his fire powers. When challenging Todoroki to a swimming contest, Bakugo warned Todoroki to come at him full-strength with the implication that it was the only way he’d feel satisfied winning.
The quote showcases Bakugo’s frustration with people who are not giving it their all. He somehow perceives it as being undermined by the opponent and going easy on him. Bakugo has a strong desire to compete against people who will only give their best when fighting with him. By asking his classmates to come at him with their full might, Bakugo sheds the barrier of personal obstacles and motivates them to give their best, in his own brass way.
17 “I Only Look At Victory! That’s All!”
Bakugo’s Initial Perception of Being a Hero
Bakugo said this during the U.A. Sports Festival Arc during his match with Ochaco Uraka. If Bakugo had a motto for life, surely it would be this quote. The thirst for victory is precisely what Bakugo uses to propel himself to greater heights, allowing him to pull off his impressive feats. While it suggests he may be a bit nearsighted, victory is nevertheless what feeds his ambitions and drives his efforts.
For Bakugo, coming in second place is as good as losing, and steadfastly aiming for the top spot allows him to put in every effort as a fighter. While the quote is simple, it showcases Bakugo’s determination, his will to win, and his weaknesses, which often shape his decisions and actions. While this is not a good color for him, it’s exactly what keeps him focused and helps him strive to be the best of all his classmates.
16 “No Matter Who It Is, I Won’t…”
Bakugo Acknowledges His Rivals as Worthy Opponents
Bakugo demonstrated with this quote that he acknowledges Deku’s and Todoroki’s strengths and talents while simultaneously declaring his intentions to be number one. The hero’s initial dismissive behavior toward others has completely transformed as he considers Deku and Todoroki’s growth after the internships. He is obsessed with being number one and would go to any lengths. However, by acknowledging his rivals’ growth, he is willing to push himself to be better.
“No matter who it is, I won’t let them catch up to me, let alone get ahead of me!”
This quote nicely captures Bakugo’s passion to be the best pro hero. It’s not enough for Bakugo to be strong enough to enter the ranks of pro heroes; he’s also got a thirst to stay on top. He utters this line while speaking with Kirishima about Todoroki and Deku, arguably his biggest rivals, which is why Bakugo has been the worst friend in the anime as well. The quote from the hero encapsulates his evolving perspective towards his rivals, who he now sees as worthy opponents.
15 “I Won’t Do Something I Don’t Want To, Even If I’m Only Faking It.”
Bakugo’s Principles Are Stronger Than Ever
Bakugo solidified his stance as a hero by saying this when he was asked to join the villains. Sometimes, it’s hard to believe that he’s dedicated to being a hero — which is exactly what the League of Villains thought when they tried to offer Bakugo to join their ranks. But they were surprised to find that Bakugo wanted nothing to do with their organization, even though he’d be free to unleash his destructive power as a villain in a way he never could as a hero. Denying their offer with this quote enriched Bakugo as a character.
There’s no question that Bakugo’s fervor to be number one comes off as self-serving and arrogant. However, with this quote, Bakugo changed the audience’s initial perception of seeing him as a villain. He was the kind of character who fans would be skeptical about his stance if given a chance to become a villain. Bakugo did not back down, even if the potential consequence would be torture or death. This reflects the character’s changing heart from being a bully to showcasing his moral code.
14 “I’ll Beat You With An Indisputable Difference!”
Bakugo’s Competitive Spirit to Defeat Deku
After returning from their hero internships, Bakugo was more than angry seeing Deku’s improvement after training with Gran Torino. Bakugo noticed Deku took inspiration from Bakugo’s own fighting style, one of the many times the latter has taken inspiration from Bakugo, which further enraged him. As he felt increasingly threatened by Deku’s progress, he was also determined to put Deku back in his place. This quote signifies how passionate Bakugo is to be number one and that Deku’s improvement drives him to be a better hero.
10 Most Iconic MHA Bakugo Scenes
With his explosive personality and heroic heart, Bakugo is one of MHA’s most beloved characters – he has several iconic moments that hype fans.
The quote highlights Deku and Bakugo’s long-standing rivalry and friendship that helps them become better with each other’s improvements and powers. Bakugo tells Deku that he will defeat him with such a superiority in power and skill that the difference will be more than just a win by a small margin. The quote also sheds light on Bakugo’s insecurity as a hero and his willingness to prove himself as the number one hero.
13 “We’re Not Here To Make Friends, We’re Here To Fight!”
Bakugo Is All About Winning the Competition
Bakugo gives this quote as Class 1-A is about to give their performance at the U.A. Sports Festival. Not only is it highly indicative of his less-than-cheerful personality, but it also clearly shows his opinions regarding both camaraderie and competition. The quote was a major wake-up call to all his classmates who were not giving their best, thinking about making friends.
Bakugo makes it clear that when it comes to competition, they should all be serious instead of going easy on each other. It is made all the more interesting by the fact that Bakugo puts a lot of passion into his music, and, by the end of the performance, he’s even enjoying the good-natured “fight” and beginning to show some cracks in his stern exterior. The character eventually learns the value of teamwork and friendship.
12 “I’ll Become A Hero That Surpasses Even You!”
Bakugo Acknowledges Midoriya
Before Deku was enrolled in the Hero Program at U.A., Bakugo viewed him as a lesser entity to himself — and, to a degree, he still does. However, it’s clear by the time Bakugo gives this quote that the tables have turned in terms of raw power, and he’s actually somewhat struggling to defeat his ambitious childhood friend. The quote is significant in their rivalry and friendship, as Bakugo says this in a heated moment to Deku.
Still, he’s enough of a hero to know not to back down from a challenge, using his anger with Deku to push himself to become stronger. The duo’s competition is what majorly drives Bakugo to push himself beyond his limits and inspires Deku to be on Bakugo’s level. This is the moment the hero indirectly acknowledges Deku’s abilities and is determined to push himself to be the top hero between the two, highlighting the complex equation the duo developed over time.
11 “I Mean, I’m A Perfectionist.”
Bakugo’s Overconfidence as the Top Hero
In the very first episode of My Hero Academia, before hero-enthusiast Deku had even gotten a Quirk, Bakugo became furious with him, when he said that he wanted to apply to the U.A. Hero Program. Bakugo described himself as a “perfectionist” before declaring that Deku could never reach his level and shouldn’t even bother entering, in no uncertain terms. The hero has come a long way since this moment in the series, as he keeps evolving throughout the series.
This exchange is a major turning point for both Deku and Bakugo, and it showcases the tension between the two — especially how Bakugo feels threatened by Deku, even though he had no real reason to at that point. This is the initial glimpse at Bakugo’s arrogance and overconfidence in his skills and abilities. Despite this proud statement, Bakugo seems to be aware of his own personality.
10 “There’s No Way I Could Beat You Without Taking Any Risks.”
Bakugo’s Shift to a More Strategic Approach
There are occasional moments when Bakugo shows genuine respect for someone other than himself — in this case, All Might — and, despite their rarity, they do provide somewhat of an inside look at his true emotions. The quote was said by the hero when he and Deku had to defeat All Might in the final exam arc. Bakugo’s usual head-first approach takes a backseat here, as he acknowledges All Might’s power and the risks he has to take to defeat him.
The quote enables Bakugo to look outside his one-dimensional approach to a more strategic approach. He realized that the usual conventional tactics would not be enough to defeat the Symbol of Peace. The hero understands the need for calculated risks when it comes to the hero’s work. This also enables Bakugo to work together with Deku, which becomes a turning point for him.
9 “I’ll Win… Because That’s What It Means To Be A Hero!”
Bakugo Establishes His Motive of Being a Hero
Bakugo uttered this during the U.A. Sports Festival during his fight with Shoto Todoroki. He was specifically frustrated with Shoto refusing to use his fire powers during their match. The hero had only one intention, as he declared what being a hero meant to him. As this quote shows, becoming a hero is merely a formality for him now, and his sole reason for wanting to win is to progress in his journey. It’s still a good motivator, but it also makes Bakugo distinctly different from many of his classmates.
The students of U.A. Class 1-A all have different reasons for wanting to become heroes. Ochaco wants to help her parents, while Deku wants to become like his idol, All Might. Bakugo, on the other hand, was certainly inspired by All Might the same way Deku is. However, his desire to become a hero seems more based on his ego than anything else. This showcases what Bakugo’s perspective on being a hero was like, which has significantly changed since then.
8 “This Is My Quirk! I’m Not Going to Hold Back!”
Bakugo’s Willingness to Go Beyond His Own Limits
Bakugo’s idea of heroism and his understanding of his own power is what stems from the quote. The hero initially relied on his raw power without understanding the potential of his Quirk. Bakugo’s mindset enables him to push himself and explore what his powers can do. This can lead to the discovery of new techniques and strategies. Most importantly, this showcases Bakugo’s pride in his Explosion Quirk, one of the traits that has led him to be one of the most compelling characters in My Hero Academia.
Just like the hero, this quote is also a blunt and honest statement from Bakugo, who said he won’t hold back because he knows his Quirk. Much like the themes of the show, Bakugo showcases how one should not hold back just because of its innate talent. The hero motivates himself and his classmates with his willingness to push beyond his limits.
7 “I Break and Break Myself.”
Bakugo’s Ready to Endure Hardships to Be Number One
Bakugo certainly understands the reality of being a hero, as he is willing to suffer and break himself many times if it means he will get victory. With this quote, Bakugo solidifies that he is ready to go through difficult circumstances to win the way he chooses. The character’s resilience and willingness to endure hardships are clear through this quote. Bakugo stands out among his other 1-A classmates because of his determination to always be stronger.
“I break and break myself. Even if it means twisting myself, I’ll win the way I choose.”
Bakugo depicts a kind of self-awareness as he strives to be a top hero. Although he is a fan of All Might, he does not blindly follow his ideals. Instead, he is trying to outdo him and Deku while paving his own unique path to be the number one hero and Bakugo is willing to do that, regardless of the personal cost.
6 “This Man Is The Highest Wall In The World.”
Bakugo’s Admiration for All Might
Bakugo’s pride definitely gets the best of him sometimes, but he knows that All Might is the number-one hero, and, after just a few minutes of fighting him, he’s not going to dispute that. In much the same fashion as Deku, Bakugo views reaching All Might’s stature as his ultimate goal, the “highest wall in the world.” This quote demonstrates a sense of humility in Bakugo that’s never spoken out loud, while also showing his determination to overcome All Might.
Bakugo sees All Might as a powerful hero and the quote showcases his deep admiration for the Symbol of Peace. The hero’s goal is to surpass Deku and All Might as he strives to go beyond his limit. A lot of Bakugo’s inspiration while growing up was All Might as well. Considering his personality, he would never admire anyone — but with this quote, even that changed.
5 “Show Us With Your Actions, Not Your Mouth.”
Bakugo Believes in Actions More Than Words
When Shiketsu High student Seiji Shishikura tells the U.A. students that they “continuously act in ways that cause [the school’s] dignity to decline,” Bakugo has an answer for him. The hero tells him that rather than confronting them with mere words, he should prove his superiority through his actions. Bakugo is a guy who truly believes that actions speak louder than words, and he’d rather people prove their worth than brag about it.
Bakugo believes in a no-nonsense demeanor, as his belief is to showcase heroism through deeds more than words. The quote perfectly captures Bakugo’s personality of being more direct and action-oriented. Even though many of Bakugo’s quotes are simply thoughtful tidbits generated through blind rage, occasionally, he does have something poignant to say.
4 “I Will Be Number One With My Strength!”
Bakugo’s Will to Become a Top Hero
The hero said this during U.A.’s Sports Festival arc as he determines his way of becoming a hero. This contrasts with the idea Midoriya, his rival and friend, shares, but this is what makes them unique and creates more tension between them. Every quote by him, including this one, solidifies Bakugo’s character, which is more competitive than the rest. This kind of resolution is what pushes Bakugo to do his best at all times.
Bakugo has a grand goal to become the number one hero. With the addition of this particular quote, something can be said of his path to that goal that cannot be said of the paths of his classmates. He knows exactly how he’ll achieve it, as he has been confident in his own strength, which wasn’t at all surprising considering Bakugo obtained a powerful Quirk from a young age. He has high expectations of himself and others.
3 “You Can’t Just Sit Back and Wait for Things to Happen!”
Bakugo’s Determination to Work Harder
The saying from Bakugo is one of the few that is rather insightful. This quote demonstrates his approach to becoming a hero with determination and action. Bakugo believes in active efforts rather than waiting for things to happen to him, which explains his decision to always jump into a fight before thinking about it. This resonates with his approach of proactiveness in terms of heroism, showcasing his initiative for helping others or even confronting villains.
This quote also aligns with My Hero Academia‘s themes of putting in effort to achieve one’s dreams. It highlights the essence of the show that success comes to those who work hard for it. This quote surprisingly also resonates with Deku and his will to work hard rather than sit back after receiving the power of One for All.
2 “Even If There’s Nothing Left Of Me…”
Bakugo Aligns With All Might’s Ideals
Bakugo is fiery and determined, but he also has an internalized arrogance that drives his decisions. This doesn’t always turn out badly; in fact, it often leads to him getting the outcome he desires. This is the first time Bakugo showcases a little inspiration from Midoriya, as he says he will fight even if there is nothing left of him. However, the second part of the quote determines what makes Bakugo the way he is.
“Even if there’s nothing left of me, I will win the way I want to!”
Bakugo has finally caught up, as he understands the kind of sacrifice it requires to win. The hero’s words are starting to align with the ideals of Deku and All Might. Say what you want about his motives, but he’s willing to sacrifice everything if only to accomplish his goal, a trait that makes him one of the anime’s most resolute characters.
1 “If All You Ever Do Is Look Down on People…”
Bakugo Becomes More Self-Aware
Bakugo delivers his most profound quote in the least likely of situations — when he’s tasked with babysitting a group of young heroes-in-training. Speaking to the leader of the pack, who seems bent on putting down others, Bakugo gives a quote that shows that, while he’s still learning how to become the number-one hero, he’s on the right track, revealing a softer side of Bakugo that fans have come to accept.
“If all you ever do is look down on people, you won’t be able to recognize your own weaknesses.”
The quote showcases a surprising level of humility from someone who used to look down on others all the time. Bakugo’s maturity from the first quote he has ever uttered till now is significant. His dialogue talks about things that he once was a part of, like arrogance and lack of self-awareness. This new awareness is crucial for the hero’s growth to pave his way to the path of becoming a more well-rounded hero.