Dragon Ball is often seen as the pinnacle of power in the anime fandom. However, even though Goku may be the warrior to beat, but he is not even the strongest character in the Dragon Ball universe. Additionally, there are some characters in anime that not only surpass him, such as Tori-Bot, but could also likely take on the entire Dragon Ball universe single-handedly due to their remarkable abilities.
Even though Goku has become unbelievably strong in Dragon Ball Super, the fact is that he isn’t the strongest character in the series; that title goes to Zeno. Zeno has the ability to erase entire universes with a snap of his finger, but there are other omnipotent Gods in anime who could erase even him with no difficulty. Furthermore, those such as The Lord of Nightmares are resistant to his abilities, and thus pose an even greater threat to him.
Updated on August 6, 2024, by Natasha Elder: Dragon Ball still stands out as one of the most iconic franchises due to its renown. “Super Saiyan”is a phrase that is still used with frequency to denote powerful moments. Similarly, mimicking the “Kamehameha” move is commonly done when pretending to wield great power. Despite these facts, characters such as Yogiri Takatou have proven to be more powerful, as have others. As such, we have added more entries to the list, as well as more detail on why previous entries are able to defeat the entire Dragon Ball universe.
15 Saitama’s Limits Have Yet to Be Found
He is Powerful Enough to Accidentally Destroy a Moon

15 Modern Anime Characters Who Can Beat Goku
Dragon Ball’s Goku is one of the most iconic powerhouses in anime, but a few modern anime characters could hold their own against him in battle.
One Punch Man’s Saitama is an interesting case because, by all intents and appearances, he is a normal human. Despite his unassuming looks, however, he is incredibly strong, able to kill anything he faces in one punch. He often restrains himself against less threatening opponents, such as Speed O’ Sound Sonic, or gives others a chance to live out the challenges, such as Lord Boros, but it is clear that he is never really struggling and hasn’t yet reached his limit.
- Saitama’s training regime includes doing 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 squats and 10km of running a day in order to build his physical strength. To build his mental strength, he refused to use air conditioning during the hottest days.
Zeno is really the only true question when it comes to Saitama’s potential ability to kill the entire Dragon Ball universe give that Zeno is able to eliminate entire universes without thinking. However, Saitama has proven to be remarkably resilient against powers and abilities that decimate anyone else, which bodes well for his ability to overcome Zeno’s power, as well.

One Punch Man
The One-Punch Man webcomic debuted in 2009, and has since gone on to become a highly popular ongoing manga and anime series about an ordinary man who can take out villains with a single punch.
- First Episode Air Date
- October 5, 2015
- Video Game(s)
- One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows
14 The Antispiral is the Result of the Accumulated Consciousness of an Entire People
The Antispiral was created as a result of the Anti-Spirals’ elimination of their ability to evolve. He is able to fight against Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, a mech that is a threat on a galactic scale due to the fact that the entirety of a multiverse has been integrated into its body. In his attempt to overcome this threat, the Antispral merged two galaxies together, imbuing the galaxies with his own power to create an altogether new, terribly strong move. This power has distinguished Antispiral as one of Gurren Lagann’s best characters.
- Some of the Antispiral’s best abilities and skills include reality warping, probability manipulation and the ability to time travel.
In addition to his ability to combine galaxies, Antispiral is also able to travel through time. This enables him to fight against the Dragon Ball characters at their weakest points in time, easing his victory. Additionally, the Antispiral demonstrated his ability to mimic others’ abilities in Gurren Lagann the Movie: Childhood’s End, furthering his intimidating fighting capabilities.
13 Yogiri Takatou Can Kill With Just a Thought
With a Lack of Substantial Weaknesses, He is a Serious Threat
Yogiri Takatou is one of the protagonists in My Instant Death Ability is so Overpowered, No One in This Other World Stands a Chance Against Me. He follows the somewhat stereotypical isekai anime trope wherein he looks like an average hero, but is actually incredibly powerful. He has the unique ability to cause anyone’s death instantly, with no exception, with just a thought. His power is so strong, it even overcomes others’ abilities that are centered around preventing such a thing from happening.
- Yogiri Takatou has to go out of his way to not kill everyone around him, and thus dedicates part of his mental faculties to intentionally not killing everyone.
Additionally, it doesn’t matter how much faster the Dragon Ball characters are then Yogiri, as his ability automatically activates to protect him. So, anyone trying to attack will be dead before they lay a hand on Yogiri. With this in mind, it is highly unlikely that anyone in the Dragon Ball verse would be able to stand a chance against him.
12 Sailor Moon is in Charge of Protecting Earth From Evil Forces
In Order to Do So, She Has Access to a Wide Array of Impressive Abilities
The titular character from Sailor Moon, whose real name is Usagi Tsukino, but is better known by Sailor Moon, especially when she is defending Earth, looks like a regular high school girl. However, she is not only one of the strongest characters in Sailor Moon, but also in all of anime. With her ability to reincarnate as long as her Star Seed remains intact, Sailor Moon has as many chances as she needs to take down the Dragon Ball characters.
- Sailor Moon is entrusted with preventing the destruction of the Solar System.
Sailor Moon can even beat Zeni due to the fact that she is able to nullify others’ powers, as seen when she did so to Zoicite, thus freeing the thousands of people under his mind control. She can also erase others’ existence entirely through her Moon Sword, further proving that she is one of the anime characters capable of soloing the Dragon Ball universe.
11 Sung Jinwoo is the Best Hunter in Solo Leveling
He was Able to Grow Without Restraint Due to the Fact That He Was Selected as the Player of the System
Sung Jinwoo is not only the strongest hunter in Solo Leveling, but also one of the strongest beings in his universe, if not the most powerful. He has incredible strength, speed and durability that would allow him to match the physicality of the Dragon Ball characters, as well as mental abilities that would help him deal with Zeno. Between his ability to manipulate memories and hypnotize others, he could ensnare Zeno mentally before he would have the chance to destroy Sung’s universe.
- Despite being one of the strongest beings in Solo Leveling, Sung is not arrogant, as many others would be. This is most likely due to the fact that he deeply cares for his family, and also knows what it is like to be known as one of the weakest hunters.
While Sung is not completely immortal, he is ageless, which means he will always be in his prime. Furthermore, he is able to recover from any injury that isn’t immediately fatal, such as the loss of a limb, so he is definitely capable of taking large amounts of damage. He also can’t be poisoned, which means indirect attacks that depend on him succumbing to effects over time are ineffective, as well.
10 Anos Voldigoad is a Misfit Because of His Unbelievable Power
He Has to Actively Suppress His Power at All Times in Order to Not Destroy the Universe

Goku Vs. Saitama: Who Wins?
Many fans have debated how a fight between Dragon Ball’s Goku and One-Punch Man’s Saitama would go, with valid points for each side.
Anos Voldigoad, one of the characters in The Misfit King of Demon Academy is definitely a misfit in the Demon King Academy he attends. In fact, he’s a misfit in his entire universe, being that his power far exceeds anyone else’s within it. The fact that he is so powerful that he has to actively suppress his power in order to not destroy the universe through his mere presence is more than enough proof of his formidable power.
- During the Mythical Age, Anos earned the title Demon King of Tyranny due to the fact that he was extraordinarily cruel towards his enemies and exerted absolute power.
In terms of pure physical strength, Anos has destroyed countless universes using only his fist and even held an entire universe in his pinky — and that’s to say nothing of his magical powers. Even if Zeno were to try to erase Anos Voldigoad, he would not succeed in destroying Anos because he doesn’t need his physical body to exist.
9 The Beholder Exists Outside of Material Reality
He Created Universes as a Result of His Boredom
The Beholder from To Your Eternity, also known as The Man in Black by Fushi and his friends, exists in a void beyond all material things — even time and space itself. Growing bored with the nothingness he existed in, The Beholder created multiple realities and universes as a sort of project of labor, eventually choosing one to create the world as it appears in the show.
- The Beholder created the world that appears in To Your Eternity to be the opposite of the one in which he existed; Instead of being limitless, his created world would be able to grow on its own, but only so much as the created restrictions would allow.
The Beholder is so powerful that the only way he can possibly die is if he were to let himself die deliberately out of boredom. Unless he decides otherwise, he can continue to exist forever, with nothing, including the characters in Dragon Ball, posing a significant threat to his life. His ability to exist outside of reality, as well as control its existence, means that not even Zeno could erase him.
8 Akuto Sai Can Change Reality Itself
He Can Leave His Universe at Any Time He Chooses
Anime is full of powerful Demon Lords and Kings, and Akuto Sai is the textbook case of one. However, despite his powers and demonic nature, he genuinely doesn’t want to be perceived as a Demon Lord by his peers. The fact that he is humble doesn’t mean that Akuto Sai is a pushover, however. In addition to his fighting prowess, Akuto Sai is able to regenerate and is functionally immortal, meaning any attacks against him have little effect.
- Akuto Sai is able to manipulate both mass and space, can mimic the powers of others and has telekinesis.
Despite his lack of desire to be recognized for his power, by the end of Demon King Daimao, Akuto Sai has shown the ability to create anything that can be written down, even contradictory stories involving his own universe. Additionally, universe erasure abilities like Zeno’s would have no effect on Akuto as he is able to leave the fictional story that contains him behind entirely.
7 Rimuru Tempest Achieved the Rank of Demon Lord Because of His Superior Abilities
He is Also Immune to Existence Erasure
Rimuru Tempest is able to beat Zeno as he has ascended to the level of a demon lord in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, making him one of the most powerful beings in his world. He is not only immune to most types of attacks, physical or otherwise, but is also able to absorb others, and then use their skills for himself, making him continuously more powerful.
- In addition to his physical abilities, Rimuru is also highly manipulative, tricking his opponents into disadvantageous positions.
By the end of the That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Web Novel, Rimuru is able to eat thousands of universes and is immune to existence erasure — the same kind of existence erasure that Zeno uses on the twelve universes in Dragon Ball Super. Rimuru’s end stage in the Web Novel is far beyond anything Zeno or the Angels could imagine, let alone other Dragon Ball characters such as Goku.
6 Kami Tenchi Doesn’t Have Any Known Weaknesses
He is Also Omnipresent in a World Full of Powerful Beings
Kami Tenchi doesn’t actually have a name in Tenchi Muyo. Rather, Kami Tenchi is a fan nickname given to the nameless God of the Tenchi universe. The fact that Kami Tenchi is referred to as such is a good indicator of the impressive breadth of his abilities. In English, the word “Kami” translates to God or Deity, which also explains why the Guardian of the Earth in Dragon Ball is also named “Kami.”
- Kami Tenchi is able to time travel and is immune to damage, in addition to his other impressive abilites.
Unlike the Kami of Dragon Ball though,Kami Tenchi is an omnipotent being with no known weaknesses. Kami Tenchi is omnipresent, omniscient, and any other “omni” fans can think of. In fact, Kami is even higher than the all-powerful, all-knowing Chousin who watch over the Tenchi Muyo universe. The fact that he is so vastly superior in his own universe bodes ill for those in the Dragon Ball universe.
5 Haruhi Suzumiya is Able to Bend Reality to Her Will
Though This Ability is Activated Subconsciously, She is Still Very Powerful

15 OP Anime Characters That Could One-Shot Goku
Goku is often the measuring stick when it comes to overpowered anime characters, but there are some OP anime heroes who can beat Goku, no contest.
Haruhi Suzumiya comes off as your average — if a bit eccentric — teenage girl at first. However, she’s anything but average. In fact, Haruhi is an actual God that can create or destroy entire universes just by thinking about them. While she is not always aware of this power, she is no less effective for it being a subconscious ability.
- Haruhi is capable of accidentally destroying her world and creating a new one if she gets bored enough.
Haruhi is capable of bending reality however she sees fit, making characters like Goku or even Jiren seem childish in her presence. Haruhi is more like Zeno than most other Gods in anime, as she isn’t into combat and doesn’t use any physically powerful attacks. In all likelihood, Haruhi would end up befriending Zeno as she’d like nothing more than to find an otherworldly being to talk to, but if it came down to a fight, she would win.
4 The Lord of Nightmares is the Source of Chaos in the Slayers Universe
She Thrives in the Midst of Nothingness, Negating Zeno’s Effectiveness
The Lord of Nightmares is essentially the supreme deity of the Slayers universe. They have no definitive sex, although they took on the appearance of a woman in golden armor toward the end of Slayers Next, and are thus typically referred to in the feminine as a result. She is not only the creator of the four worlds described in Slayers, but is also the essence of them, indicating her significant power.
- Some of the Lord of Nightmares most impressive abilities include omniscience, immunity to damage, immortality, and spacial manipulation.
The Lord of Nightmares describes herself as “darkness beyond blackest pitch” and “the source of all chaos,” terms that just wouldn’t sound as cool coming from Zeno or Whis’ mouth. Since The Lord of Nightmares resides within the Sea of Chaos, a void beyond definition, Zeno would likely have a hard time erasing a being who literally thrives in nothingness.

The adventures of a teenage sorceress and her companions as they quest for gold and glory (especially gold).
- Release Date
- April 7, 1996
- Studio
- E&G Films
- Main Cast
- Megumi Hayashibara, Hikaru Midorikawa, Yasunori Matsumoto, Masami Suzuki, Lisa Ortiz, Crispin Freeman, Eric Stuart and Veronica Taylor
3 Featherine Augustus Aurora is Akin to a Goddess
Though She Has an Accessible Weakness, It Doesn’t Detract From Her Overall Strength
Featherine Augustus Aurora is an Endless Witch, as well as the Witch of Theater-Going, Drama, and Spectating. It should be noted that in Umineko When They Cry, the term Witch is more akin to a Goddess than a Witch in the traditionally held sense. In addition to having such powers as reality manipulation, invulnerability and immortality, Featherine only has one known weakness: the memory assistance device floating around her head.
- Featherine thinks herself so above humans that she doesn’t deign to acknowledge the names of those she interacts with.
Because Featherine has lived and died countless times and is completely one with all things, she requires this memory device to retain her individuality. If Goku or Vegeta were to break it, thus causing Featherine to forget her memories, she would likely become an entirely different person, though the memory device’s destruction would still have no effect on her transcendent existence itself, nor her power.
2 Ren Fuji is a Transcendent Being
He is Even Able to Manipulate Time
Ren Fuji is the main protagonist of the Dies Irae series. Ren inevitably reaches the state of a transcended human being, giving him the Nietzsche-inspired title of “Zarathustra Übermensch.” Ren displays incredible feats of power toward the end of the visual novel that push the boundaries of human understanding. For example, he can manifest a scythe that can immediately kill someone, despite any type of immortality or regeneration abilities that his opponent may hold, as long as they are hit in the neck.
- Ren also has the ability to manipulate souls, as well as regenerate himself after injury, making him functionally immortal.
Ren is even so powerful that he can stop time — even in places where the concept of time doesn’t exist. In that sense, Ren lies completely beyond the reach of ordinary Dragon Ball heroes, reaching a point of transcending concepts, an idea that would surely leave Goku scratching his head in confusion, as well as other characters such as Zeno scrambling for an effective attack.
1 Gojo Satoru is Acknowledged as the Strongest Sorcerer
His Ability to Deflect Damage Makes Him Almost Invulnerable

Can Any of the Big Three Anime Protagonists Actually Defeat Goku?
Can Naruto, Ichigo, or Luffy take down Ultra Instinct Goku?
Gojo Satoru isn’t known as the strongest sorcererr in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe for nothing. While he is capable of being defeated, it takes lots of planning and advanced knowledge of his abilities for his opponents to pull it off. If he began confronting the Dragon Ball universe, they would most likely not be prepared to deal with him. Not only is he fast enough to appear as though he is teleporting, thanks to his abilities, but he can stop any kind of attack from touching him. This high defense is very difficult for most Dragon Ball characters to overcome.
- Gojo was the first person to manifest both the Six Eyes ability and the Limitless technique in four hundred years, marking him as uniquely powerful even before he proved himself.
Additionally, his Domain Expansion ability is one that could quickly entrap and eliminate tougher opponents, such as Zeno, given the that the technique is inescapable. Gojo isn’t just remarkably powerful, however. He is also a great strategist that quickly absorbs new information. Thus, he would be able to identify and target the weaknesses in the Dragon Ball characters.