The following contains major spoilers for Phoenix #2, on sale now from Marvel Comics.
One of the Marvel Universe’s greatest forces is having a particularly unpleasant family reunion.
Phoenix #2 finds the titular hero in the midst of one of the most harrowing hunts he's ever been a part of, as the Dark God Perrikus makes his way across the cosmos and past worlds he'd just saved from total annihilation. After some much-needed rest, Jean immediately springs back into action in an attempt to rescue what appears to be a traveler marooned in a dying spaceship. Surprisingly, the lonely wanderer is more than capable of handling things on his own, though he is happy to see his daughter-in-law again after so long away.
Phoenix #2
- Colors by DAVID CURIEL
- Letters from CORY PETIT of VC
- Designed by JAY BOWEN
- Main cover by YASMINE PUTRI
Chris Summers, better known as Corsair, made his debut in 1977 The X-Men #104 by writer Chris Claremont and artist Dave Cockrum. Father of Scott, Alex, and Gabriel Summers, Chris and his wife Deborah were separated from their children when the plane he was piloting was targeted by a passing Shi'ar starship. While Chris managed to save Scott and Alex from the attack, he and his wife ended up becoming prisoners and harems of the Shi'ar Emperor D'Ken. For Deborah, this meant a tragic and gruesome death shortly after her unborn son was taken from her, while for Chris it meant a sentence of hard labor in the mines.
Eventually, Chris took on the mantle of Corsair and led a prison break along with other inmates who would become his crew of Starjammers. Over the next few years, the Starjammers made a name for themselves as cosmic pirates and freedom fighters. It wasn't until the X-Men were called upon to help repair the M'kraan Crystal that Corsair was reunited with Scott, who by then was a true veteran in his own right as the leader of the world's premier team of mutant heroes.
Phoenix is one of several series currently airing as part of Marvel From the ashes event, which follows various mutants in the wake of the end of the Krakoan era. Among these are multiple team-up titles including The X-Men by Jed MacKay and Ryan Stegman, Factor X by Mark Russell and Bob Quinn, The Mysterious X-Men by Gail Simone and David Marquez, Force X by Geoffrey Thorne and Marcus To, and New York by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly and Francesco Mortarino. While the first four of these titles all focus on a legitimate team of mutant heroes, New York instead reunites Kamala Khan, Sophie Cuckoo, Anole, Prodigy and Laura Kinney, aka Wolverine, through a series of unlikely circumstances.
Phoenix Issue #2 is now on sale from Marvel Comics.
Source: Marvel Comics