What's with the monster-eating mechanics in games lately? Last week it was carnivorous post-Soviet elevators, now it's retro fantasy RPGs that eat themselves. In Super Dungeon Muncher, you're a diminutive hero navigating a corridor-like map filled with fireball traps and collapsible platforms, spinning coins and patrolling monsters. That's the “Super Dungeon” part. The “Muncher” part refers to the fat red monster that's swallowing the entire level behind you.
Like our own The Maw, Muncher is a creature that moves according to its own understanding of time and physics. You and all the creatures on each dungeon map are locked into a grid and take turns, like Shiren The Wanderer. But Muncher exists in real time, reaching out with his voracious hands to grab the edges of the map and drag everything down his throat. It's like rewinding a printer's video, only printers have better table manners.
As well as staying ahead of the Muncher's gnashing molars, you'll also need to perform traditional RPG tasks like buying new weapons and kit from quickly munching shopkeepers, finding keys for locks, and destroying or bypassing obstacles like trees or cracked blocks. Speed is key, but you can also delay or even deter your greedy foe by feeding them less tasty treats like toilets.
Super Dungeon Muncher is out today on Steam and eventually on Itch.io and Google Play. For a more wholesome form of edible gaming, check out the creations of former LA Noire developer Jenn Sandercock.