30 Characters Who Could Take Down Dr. Manhattan

Dr. Manhattan was the only person with actual superpowers and the most powerful being in Watchmen, created by Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons, and John Higgins. Since the original Watchmen series, DC Comics has expanded the world with story arcs like “The Button” and miniseries like Doomsday Clock by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, and Brad Anderson, which brought Manhattan and Watchmen characters into the mainstream DC universe.

Jon Osterman was a nuclear physicist caught in a radioactive particle test that turned him into an omniscient godlike being. He has nearly unlimited powers, including cosmic awareness and matter manipulation. However, one major weakness is he cannot feel or understand humanity. There are smart and powerful beings from both DC and Marvel Comics who can beat Dr. Manhattan.

30 Dream Can Control Anyone

First Appearance: The Sandman #1 (1989)

Morpheus appears in DC's The Sandman.

  • Ruler Of The Dreaming
  • Complete Control Of Dreams
  • Third Oldest Of The Endless



10 Best Green Lantern Variants In DC’s Multiverse

The main DC universe is filled with unforgettable Green Lantern characters like Hal Jordan, but the multiverse has also introduced powerful variants.

The Sandman is a legendary comic right up there with Watchmen. One thing both comics have in common is powerful characters. The Sandman stars Dream, a member of the Endless who is an anthropomorphic representation of the concept of dreams. This gives Dream complete power over the consciousnesses of anyone. Within dreams, he’s among the most powerful beings in the universe, but even outside of dreams, Dream is more powerful than gods.

Dr. Manhattan’s powers give him complete control over matter and energy, but Dream isn’t made of anything he can mess with. Even if Manhattan could destroy Dream’s physical form, Dream would reincorporate. On the other hand, Dream can affect Manhattan, and while Dream doesn’t like fighting, he would easily defeat Dr. Manhattan.

29 Lucifer Morningstar is the First Fallen One

First Appearance: The Sandman #4 (1989)

Lucifer Morningstar in a club in DC Comics

  • Former Ruler Of Hell
  • Nightclub Owner
  • Created His Own Universe
  • Even The Endless Fear Him

Lucifer Morningstar is second only to the Presence in the DC Multiverse. His first appearance in The Sandman showed his power in the grand scheme of things. Even Dream feared Lucifer and treated him with the utmost respect. Lucifer never lifted a finger against Dream, but the fear and menace of Lucifer’s presence were obvious.

Eventually, Lucifer left Hell behind and opened up a nightclub. Lucifer had many amazing adventures and even created his own universe. Lucifer isn’t made of anything Dr. Manhattan would understand, which would be his downfall. Dr. Manhattan has no defenses against the power of the first fallen.

28 Death is Destined to be the Last

First Appearance: The Sandman #8 (1989)

An image of Dream and Death from The Sandman #8

  • The Anthropomorphic Personification Of Death
  • Has Her Own Realm
  • Will Be The Last Being In The Universe
  • Even Gods And Forces Of Nature Fear Her

Death is the second oldest of the Endless. When the first living thing was born, the potential for death became a reality and Death awakened. Death has changed a lot over the eons. She was once as dour and frightening as everyone expected the personification of death to be. At some point, Death changed and became a perky goth, treating the souls she takes with love and respect as she brings them to the next world.

Death may not seem formidable, but she is destined to be the last being in the universe. Everyone is afraid of her. Even the Fates themselves backed down when she told them to. Dr. Manhattan is used to being the only true immortal in the room, but because Dr. Manhattan is alive, he can die. That gives Death ultimate power over him. With a touch, Death could end Dr. Manhattan.

27 Perpetua Helped Create the Multiverse

First Appearance: Justice League #8 (2018)

Perpetua as The Mother of the Multiverse in DC Comics

  • Creator Of The Multiverse
  • Nigh-Omnipotant Power
  • Mother Of The Most Powerful Beings In The DC Multiverse

Perpetua is the creator of the DC Multiverse. She’s one of the Hands, but she hated her fellow Hands. Perpetua weaponized her Multiverse, but the Hands defeated her and imprisoned her outside the Source Wall. She broke back through in the modern day and trounced the Justice League, working with Lex Luthor and the Legion of Doom to persuade the people of the Multiverse to choose Doom.

Perpetua is the mother of the Monitor, Anti-Monitor, and the World Forger. Dr. Manhattan is powerful, but he doesn’t have the imagination to use his power to hurt Perpetua. Perpetua could easily blink Dr. Manhattan out of existence if she wanted to. Manhattan is powerful, but Perpetua created him—she could destroy him.

26 Captain Adam Can Alter Reality

First Appearance: Final Crisis: Superman Beyond 3-D #1 (2008)

Captain Adam and Superman in the Bleed

  • The Most Powerful Being On Earth-4
  • Reality-Altering Powers
  • Knows That He Exists In Fictional Universes

Captain Adam is from Earth-4, which is more closely based on the Charlton Comics that inspired characters like Captain Atom and Dr. Manhattan. Captain Adam first appeared when Superman joined the crew of the Ultima Thule and fought to save the Bleed from Mandrakk. He possesses powers over quantum energies and can manipulate the building blocks of reality itself. Adam also knew about the comic book universes he lived in and could look beyond the panels to interact with the reader.

Captain Adam is actually more powerful than Dr. Manhattan because of his reality altering ability. It would be an interesting battle between them, but in the end, Captain Adam’s greater power would allow him to win. Captain Adam would even find the whole situation quite amusing.

25 The Spectre Is A Vengeful Spirit

First Appearance: More Fun Comics #52 (1940)

  • The Spectre is faster than Pre-Crisis Superman
  • He travels between any realm of the living and dead
  • Spectre possesses divine powers gifted by God

Since he is now in the DC universe, Dr. Manhattan is an overpowered being in a world full of superpowered people. While Manhattan has the powers of a god — as shown in Doomsday Clock — the difference is that the Spectre is actually a god.

The Spectre is the vengeance of God, one of the most powerful beings in DC Comics. He is who God sends when he seeks anyone who has crossed him. Dr. Manhattan’s frequent manipulation of reality could garner the wrath of God. The Spectre can manipulate reality like Manhattan, and the two would try to blink each other out of existence.

24 Galactus is the Devourer of Worlds

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #48 (1965)

Galactus sits on his throne surrounded by fire in Marvel Comics

  • Galactus devourers entire worlds for sustenance
  • He creates Heralds by gifting them the Power Cosmic
  • Galactus was created in a universe that existed before

Before DC Universe: Rebirth, Dr. Manhattan likely wouldn’t hold a candle to Galactus. The biggest argument in favor of Manhattan in this fight is that he took out Pandora, a cosmic entity in DC Comics, so he could theoretically do the same with Galactus.

However, if he is hungry enough, Galactus can wipe out multiple star systems. He was also created from the destruction of the universe. Manhattan was created in a lab accident, so much more energy flows through the Devourer of Worlds. Galactus can manipulate reality and molecules and could absorb Manhattan’s energy. He may be unable to eliminate Manhattan, but he could beat him in a fight.

23 Molecule Man Has the Same Powers As Dr. Manhattan

First Appearance: Fantastic Four #20 (1963)

Molecule Man summons cosmic energy in Marvel Comics

  • He can warp reality and travel through hyperspace
  • Molecule Man and Beyonder’s battle nearly destroyed all reality
  • If he dies, Molecule Man’s body could explode, taking the universe with him

Dr. Manhattan can become godlike, a transcendent being that can see into the past, present and future. Molecule Man is a mutated human, but he can control all energy and matter. He is the most dangerous threat on Earth, rivaling a multiverse being like The Beyonder.

There was a retcon for Molecule Man that depowered him somewhat and could make this a closer fight. That said, the most recent version of Molecule Man is nearly as strong as the Living Tribunal. With the right focus, Molecule Man can do everything Manhattan can. They would throw no punches, but all reality would certainly feel the effects of their showdown.

22 Darkseid Is…

First Appearance: Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen #134 (1970)

  • Darkseid battled the Anti-Monitor one-on-one in “Darkseid War”
  • Darkseid’s Omega Beams can send people through time and space
  • He controlled all life using the Anti-Life Equation in Final Crisis


Thanos Vs Darkseid: Who Is Really Stronger?

Darkseid and Thanos have often been compared to each other, but which one of these two villainous powerhouses is actually stronger?

Manhattan manipulates particles, molecules, and more to shape them according to his will. However, Darkseid warps reality with the Omega Beams. While Manhattan can transform things using the laws of physics, Darkseid transcends those laws.

In Doomsday Clock, Manhattan feared Superman would destroy him. If Superman possessed this power in the main DC Comics continuity, surely Darkseid, in his strongest form, would be powerful enough to destroy Dr. Manhattan, especially with the forces of Apokolips at his heels.

21 Dark Phoenix is a Corrupted Being

First Appearance: X-Men #101 (1976)

Phoenix Force grasping a planet in its claws

  • The Phoenix Force controls all life forces in the universe
  • Phoenix created a black hole that destroyed a solar system
  • Phoenix can use host bodies and enhance their own abilities

Comparing Dr. Manhattan’s power to the Dark Phoenix’s is like comparing two nuclear bombs and wondering which one is stronger. While Manhattan recently proved that he could remake entire worlds at a whim in DC’s Rebirth era, Phoenix can create new worlds and destroy them all when they serve their purpose.

Phoenix is pure life force and the sum of all psionic energy. The Dark Phoenix—a corrupted being who believes all life is expendable—could instantly wipe out the entire universe, including Dr. Manhattan.

20 Imperiex Can Destroy Universes

First Appearance: Superman #153 (2000)

Imperiex-Prime fights Superman in DC Comics.

  • He is the embodiment of entropy
  • His energy blasts can create black holes
  • He was created during the Big Bang

Imperiex’s power is so immense that it essentially rivals the Big Bang. That is an immense amount of energy and strength that rivaled his biggest foe, Superman. He is living energy stored in a vessel, much like Dr. Manhattan’s body that possesses his energy.

Imperiex’s power is so strong that Lex Luthor needed to assemble all the world’s governments, superheroes, and Doomsday to even have a chance against him. Even then, they still struggled immensely. If that is what it took to stop him once, Dr. Manhattan would have a tough chance against Imperiex himself.

19 Superman Prime One Million Made Him Stronger

First Appearance: DC One Million #4 (1998)

Superman Prime shines golden in DC: One Million

  • Superman Prime absorbed solar energy for thousands of years
  • Superman cannot age thanks to the solar absorption
  • He can gift portions of his godlike power to others

When it comes to the DC Comics universe, many readers consider Superman to be the strongest hero. The only thing holding Superman back from conquering the entire world is his morality, as the Injustice comic book series showed. Add on 15,000 years under the power-enhancing yellow sun, and Superman Prime One Million is born.

In the Doomsday Clock storyline, Dr. Manhattan is unsure about his recent actions as he has seen a future where a battle between himself and Superman could end everything. If Dr. Manhattan is worried about Rebirth Superman, he would be terrified of Superman Prime from DC One Million.

18 Anti-Monitor Can Reset the DC Universe

First Appearance: Crisis On Infinite Earths #2 (1985)

DC Comics' heroes battle the Anti-Monitor in Crisis on Infinite Earths

  • The Anti-Monitor used his antimatter cannon to destroy whole universes
  • Nekron used the Anti-Monitor as the Black Lanterns’ Central Power Battery
  • Anti-Monitor draws his unlimited power from the antimatter universe

Dr. Manhattan changed everything in DC Rebirth. However, he isn’t the only being to manipulate the DC universe. Flash and Reverse Flash created the New 52 after Flashpoint, and before that, the Anti-Monitor threatened the entire DC multiverse in Crisis on Infinite Earths. With antimatter energy, the Anti-Monitor reset DC Comics.

Who would win a fight between Dr. Manhattan and the Anti-Monitor? For one thing, the Anti-Monitor has reality-warping power, which would hinder much of what Manhattan is capable of. With his antimatter cannon up and running, the Anti-Monitor could destroy the multiverse and everyone in it, including Dr. Manhattan.

17 Odin, The All-Father is a God

First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #85 (1962)

Odin stands between Loki and Thor in Marvel Comics

  • Odin enchanted Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir
  • Odin possesses godlike strength, speed, and magical invulnerability
  • Odin prevented Ragnarok

Dr. Manhattan has powers that basically make him a god. However, Odin is a god and, therefore, is at a level that some have only assumed Manhattan has reached. Odin has all the powers of Norse Gods. However, his biggest power-up comes from the Odinforce, which makes him one of the most powerful beings.

At one time, Odin battled Seth, the brother of Osiris, and their battle shattered entire galaxies and even reignited dying suns. With this Odinforce and weapons available in Asgard, Odin is a powerful, imposing physical fighter who could stand against Dr. Manhattan’s nuclear powers.

16 Green Lanterns Can Exploit Dr. Manhattan’s Biggest Weakness

First Appearance: Showcase #22 (1959)

  • Power rings can create constructs of anything they imagine
  • They are fueled by willpower
  • There are countless Green Lanterns

It may seem odd to state that anybody from the Green Lantern Corps could defeat Dr. Manhattan. However, this is not outside the realm of possibility. The Lanterns are powered by human emotions, which Dr. Manhattan has historically had difficulty understanding.

When he had access to Guy Gardner’s ring, he found it difficult to comprehend how they worked. While it would be a difficult fight, it is not out of the realm of possibility for the Lanterns to use Dr. Manhattan’s biggest weakness to take him down. They are powered by will, while Dr. Manhattan is fueled by logic.

15 Loki is the God of Mischief

First Appearance: Venus #6 (1949)

Loki in Vote Loki

  • Loki is the half-brother of Thor
  • He possesses a wealth of magical powers
  • He is part-Frost Giant

While his half-brother Thor might be the God of Thunder, Loki does possess many other powers that he does not. Loki has shown that he can project energy, teleport, hypnotize, and much more. Loki has caused a lot of headaches for not only Thor, but the entirity of the Marvel Universe’s biggest heroes.

He can also manipulate anyone, something which could exploit the weakness of Dr. Manhattan’s lack of humanity. Loki’s manipulation and other powers over sorcery could prove vital in a battle against Dr. Manhattan. He is a strategist and does not do anything without planning it out first, making him a tremendous and interesting foe.

14 Doctor Fate Is One Of DC’s Most Powerful Mystics

First Appearance: More Fun Comics #55 (1940)

  • Nabu is the most powerful Lord of Order and Chaos
  • Doctor Fate used magic to knock out a Silver Age Superman
  • Fate can open portals between realms and banish demons

Dr. Manhattan’s powers are based on science. What happens when Jon battles someone with magical powers? Manhattan proved he could deal with magical beings since he could manipulate things and help cause the imprisonment of Mr. Mxyzptlk using Jor-El. Doctor Fate is a different story.

Doctor Fate can inhabit the astral form, and Manhattan has no powers to deal with that. Can magic harm Dr. Manhattan the same way it can Superman? Much about Manhattan’s potential vulnerability to magic is unknown, but a powerful magic user like Doctor Fate could easily test Manhattan’s limits.

13 Doctor Strange is Marvel’s Sorcerer Supreme

First Appearance: Strange Tales #110 (1963)

Doctor Strange flies in Marvel Comics

  • Doctor Strange is a master of the mystic arts
  • Strange can travel and manipulate the astral plane
  • Strange erased the world’s memory of Peter Parker’s identity as Spider-Man in “One Moment in Time”

While Doctor Fate is the master sorcerer from DC Comics, the equivalent at Marvel is Doctor Strange. He is the Sorcerer Supreme and has taken on beings of immense power like Ghost Rider, Mephisto, and Dormammu. Even The Beyonder admitted that Strange might be more powerful than the Molecule Man.

Strange is the master of the mystic arts. Like Dr. Manhattan, Strange can manipulate time and space. While Jon achieves these manipulations through science, Stephen manipulates the universe through magic. Manhattan needs to learn more about magic to stand a chance against Strange.

12 Professor Xavier is One of Marvel’s Strongest Psychics

First Appearance: X-Men #1 (1963)

Professor X sits in his X-Mansion

  • Professor Xavier’s existence prevented “The Age of Apocalypse”
  • Xavier can copy, store, and reignite the minds of all mutants on Krakoa
  • Xavier, using Cerebro, could kill everyone on Earth

Dr. Manhattan’s biggest downfall is a mental uncertainty that often impedes his potential. In Watchmen, Ozymandias manipulated and coerced him to do what he needed. Manhattan’s lack of humanity is a weakness that Charles Xavier, one of the most powerful telepaths in the Marvel universe, could easily exploit.

House of X presented a Charles Xavier willing to do whatever it took to save mutantkind. Professor X completely shut down Magneto’s mind and forced the Dark Phoenix deep into Jean Grey’s subconscious. He could shut down Manhattan quickly if Jon didn’t see it coming.

11 Thanos Could Defeat him with the Infinity Gauntlet

First Appearance: Iron Man #55 (1972)

  • Thanos’s natural strength is on par with the Hulk’s
  • Thanos, wielding the Infinity Gauntlet, manipulated reality
  • In the “Thanos Wins” arc, a future Thanos defeated Marvel’s heroes



Every Member Of Thanos’ Black Order In The MCU, Ranked

Thanos’s minions, The Black Order, weren’t as dangerous in the MCU as in the comics, but even then, some of them stand out from their peers.

Assuming that Thanos has the possession of the Infinity Gauntlet, he could theoretically defeat Dr. Manhattan. Manhattan has a weakness to tachyons, and the Infinity Gauntlet offers access to similar faster-than-light particles that hypothetically exist outside the laws of physics.

Both men are personally responsible when they lose. In the Infinity Gauntlet comic, Thanos only lost because he did not believe he was worthy of the gauntlet’s powers. In Watchmen, Dr. Manhattan lost because he was convinced that Ozymandias was right. If Manhattan believed losing was right and Thanos believed he needed to win, the Mad Titan could achieve that victory.

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