Dragon Ball Heroes is a card-based arcade game that debuted in 2010 and was relaunched in 2016 under the updated title, Super Dragon Ball Heroes. In addition to the ongoing video game, Super Dragon Ball Heroes has expanded to include a manga and anime series that are designed to promote and tie-in with the video game. Super Dragon Ball Heroes produced 56 episodes across six years before finally coming to an end with its Demon Invader Saga. Dragon Ball DAIMA is set to be the next major chapter in the series, and could very well benefit from canonizing Heroes‘ unique concepts.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes is a promotional series designed to sell a product, but the anime explores sincerely interesting ideas and is responsible for creating (and fleshing out) some surprisingly deep characters. Although Heroes is best known for indulging in ridiculous battles between multiple versions of the same characters – such as Super Saiyan Blue Goku versus Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Goku – the anime’s cast is its heart and soul. DAIMA shouldn’t pass up this opportunity.
10 Mechikabura Helped Create The Demon Realm & Reigned Supreme As The Dark King
Anime Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Episode 20, “Decisive Battle! Time Patrol Vs The Lord Of Darkness”; Manga Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission!, Chapter 2, “Dark Dragon Ball”
Dragon Ball DAIMA has revealed that the Demon Realm will be a major setting and that the anime is ready to unpack the dark dimension’s hierarchy, like the Demon Supreme Kai. DAIMA will introduce several original Demon characters, including Degesu, Gomah, and Dr. Arinsu. It stands to reason the anime will help canonize several established Demon denizens from Dragon Ball Heroes. It’s hard to discuss the Demon Realm without touching upon Mechikabura, the realm’s former Dark King and a powerful entity who had a hand in the Demon Realm’s creation.
Mechikabura is elderly when he’s first encountered in Dragon Ball Heroes, but he becomes a central threat after he wishes for his youth to be restored. Mechikabura was a candidate to become the Supreme Kai of Time before he headed down a dark path. Mechikabura has the power to transform any Demon Realm member into a Demon God, which could prove to be a pivotal plot point in Dragon Ball DAIMA. Mechikabura has a rich enough history and such extreme powers that he could easily be DAIMA‘s main antagonist. He could very well be the one who is responsible for transforming Goku and company into children.
9 Kamin & Oren Are A Neo Machine Mutant Tuffle Duo Ripe For Revenge
Anime Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Episode 6, “I’ll Settle This!! Into Operation! Ultra Instinct!”; Manga Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission!!, “Universal Conflict”
The Saiyan-Tuffle War is proper Dragon Ball canon, but some of the biggest examples of its fallout and the Tuffles’ attempts at revenge have only ever been explored in non-canon material, such as Dragon Ball GT, Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, and Dragon Ball Heroes. The latter introduces Kamin and Oren, two Neo Machine Mutant Tuffles from Universe 6 who are basically their realm’s equivalent to Baby.
Kamin and Oren were created to be the ultimate artificial beings, but they become so powerful that they’re turned into a liability by their universe, so the Neo Machine Mutant Tuffle pair retaliate. Kamin and Oren are a strong duo that prey upon Caulifla and Kale and then turn their efforts to Androids 17 and 18 after they fuse into Kamioren. Neo Machine Mutant Tuffles and their parasitic powers remain one of GT‘s more interesting ideas and DAIMA could help make them canon.
8 Fin Is An Aggressive Android Majin Built For Destruction
Anime Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Episode 47, “A Turbulent Super Space-Time Battle From Dark King Demigra’s Demonic Grasp!”; Manga Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission!, Chapter 11, “Complete Resurrection”
Fin is particularly special since he’s actually an Android Majin who is Towa’s deadly creation. Fin bears a heavy resemblance to Kid Buu when it comes to his erratic and rabid behavior, as well as his ability to absorb other individuals to become stronger. Fin is a chaotic force of nature who feels appropriate for the can of worms that Dragon Ball DAIMA is ready to open through its Demon Realm excursion.
Fin also frequently operates in tandem with Towa and Mira, so their presence could be a package deal. Due to his unusual hybrid DNA combination, Fin technically achieves Super Saiyan 4. Dragon Ball DAIMA could use Fin as a way to canonize Dragon Ball GT‘s standout transformation, or alternatively have Fin experience his own version of Super Saiyan Blue.
7 Hearts Is A Supreme Being Invested In Eviscerating The Gods
Anime Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Episode 6, I’ll Settle This!! Into Operation! Ultra Instinct!”; Manga Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission!!, Chapter 6, “Universal Conflict”
Hearts is a unique change of pace – he’s a rogue player who strives to liberate mortals from the restricting limitations that Gods (particularly Zeno the Omni-King) place on existence. Hearts labels himself as the God Hater and even becomes an unlikely ally to Goku during the New Space-Time War Saga.
Hearts is incredibly powerful from the start, but he becomes even more impressive after his transformations into Super Hearts and Perfect Hearts, the latter of whom is the result of Super Hearts absorbing the Universe Seed. Perfect Hearts considers himself to be the Ultimate Godslayer, which is an appealing concept for Dragon Ball DAIMA to explore, since Gods and Demons are both central to the story. Hearts could be introduced as a threat to Shin and Kibito, only to gradually become an ally as his focus shifts to Degesu.
6 Majin Ozotto Is A Planet-Consuming Monster Hungry For More Power
Anime Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Episode 51, “The Demon Invader Arc Begins! A Black Shadow Strikes The Earth!”; Manga Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission!!, Chapter 1, “Prison Planet”
Majin Ozotto and Hatchiyack were arguably Dragon Ball’s two most obscure villains before Heroes shined a light on both and made them slightly more popular. Majin Ozotto is a curious case as he’s a villain designed by Akira Toriyama, but only appeared in a niche arcade-exclusive video game from 1994, Dragon Ball Z: V.R.V.S. Ozotto’s central gimmick is that he can shapeshift into any character who he has consumed – similar to Majin Buu’s abilities – while also splitting himself into multiple cloned copies who can divide and conquer.
Dragon Ball Heroes got a lot of mileage out of Ozotto by making him the main villain in the series’ Demon Invader Saga, where his compulsion for consumption leads to him eating entire planets. Majin Ozotto is demonic in nature and so it wouldn’t be impossible for Goku to encounter and awaken this threat during his Demon Realm adventures. Majin Ozotto could be an episodic threat that amounts to a fun Easter Egg for Dragon Ball’s more hardcore fans or something that foreshadows greater dangers to come in a future Dragon Ball Super movie or the series’ ongoing manga.
5 Towa Is A Brilliant Demon Scientist Who Harbors Resentment Over Dabura’s Death
Anime Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Episode 20, “Decisive Battle! Time Patrol Vs The Lord Of Darkness”; Manga Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission!, Chapter 1, “Dispatch! Time Patrol”
Towa is one of Dragon Ball Heroes‘ most compelling Demon characters because of what’s accomplished through her sheer brilliance. Towa is a Demon Goddess scientist who creates Mira, Fu, and Fin, all of whom are also respectable Demon threats in their own rights. Towa is also Dabura’s sister, which gives her a personal reason to resent Goku and Shin. Dragon Ball DAIMA‘s exploration of Towa could also add greater depth and context to Dabura in the process.
Dabura is one of the most important canonical Demons to appear in Dragon Ball, which makes Towa a natural gateway character to navigate through this unknown territory. Powerful female characters – let alone villains – are few and far between in Dragon Ball, so Towa’s appearance could help fight this trend. Towa made her debut in Dragon Ball Online and she even shows up in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, which flirts with how to make her a canon character. There’s clearly a lot of interest in doing more with Towa and DAIMA has the potential to do so.
4 Chilled Proves How Far Back Tyranny Runs In Frieza’s Family
Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Episode Of Bardock; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball: Episode Of Bardock, Chapter 1, “Chapter 1”
An easy way to get more mileage out of a character is to introduce various family members looking to get revenge for their fallen ilk – case in point, King Cold and Cooler. King Cold and Cooler both get plenty of love in Dragon Ball Heroes, as does the family’s ancestor, Chilled. Chilled was originally introduced in Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock, a playful OVA that sends Bardock back in time, makes him the first Super Saiyan, and puts him up against Frieza’s predecessor.
This amounts to a fun “What If?…” scenario, but it wouldn’t be difficult for DAIMA to work Chilled into the plot. Chilled could be stuck in the Demon Realm for various reasons and Goku’s escapade triggers his escape. Chilled looks like a smaller version of Frieza, which makes him an appropriate threat in this kid-sized anime series. It’d be quite entertaining to see Mini Goku and Mini Vegeta take on Chilled and once again reiterate the power of Super Saiyans. Chilled becoming a canon character would also be helpful to the series as Dragon Ball Super’s manga heads into its Black Frieza showdown.
3 Mira Is An Artificial Demon With Dangerous Delusions Of Grandeur
Anime Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Episode 20, “Decisive Battle! Time Patrol Vs The Lord Of Darkness”; Manga Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission!, Chapter 1, “Dispatch! Time Patrol”
Mira is an artificial Demon created by Towa who possesses the DNA of some of the universe’s strongest fighters, almost like a frightening update to Cell. Mira is driven to be the strongest being in existence, which is why he longs for Goku’s DNA, and he gets quite close to his goal when he succeeds Dabura as the Demon Realm’s Demon King. Mira is a prominent villain in the Dragon Ball Xenoverse series before he gets his due in Dragon Ball Heroes.
Mira’s Demon status, as well as his obsession with Goku, make him a suitable character who could show up in DAIMA. It’s worth pointing out that Mira looks extremely similar to Dragon Ball DAIMA‘s Glorio. It’s unclear if this is merely coincidence or if there’s actual connective tissue between the two characters. Glorio might be Dragon Ball DAIMA‘s version of Mira or a hint that this deadly Demon King will show up before the anime is over.
2 Chronoa, The Supreme Kai Of Time, Is A Perfect Fit For DAIMA
Anime Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Episode 20, “Decisive Battle! Time Patrol Vs The Lord Of Darkness”; Manga Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission!, Chapter 1, “Dispatch! Time Patrol”
It’s been exciting to see Dragon Ball get ready to flesh out the Kai hierarchy as the series’ universe continues to grow bigger. Beyond Kai and Supreme Kai, there are now Grand Supreme Kai, Gods of Destruction, Zeno the Omni-King and more. Chronoa is the Supreme Kai of Time and a unique Supreme Kai who looks after Other World’s flow of time, guaranteeing that there are no major aberrations.
A Supreme Kai of Time makes a lot of sense, especially since Dragon Ball has explored concepts like time travel, alternate timelines, and a multiverse. Chronoa is a major character in the Dragon Ball Xenoverse series, but she’s been expanded on even further in Dragon Ball Heroes, especially when it comes to her past and her former allies during her Supreme Kai of Time candidacy. Dragon Ball DAIMA will give a lot of attention to Shin, Universe 7’s Supreme Kai, as well as Degesu, the Demon Realm’s Makaioshin – a Demon Supreme Kai. This would be a smart opportunity to also canonize the Supreme Kai of Time and Chronoa’s Time Patrol, too.
1 Demigra Is Mechikabura’s Successor & Wants To Destroy The Timeline
Anime Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Episode 29, “Push Forward To The Battlefield! Dragon Ball Heroes”; Manga Debut: Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission!, Chapter 1, “Dispatch! Time Patrol”
The two biggest Demons to come out of Dragon Ball Heroes are Mechikabura and his successor, Demigra, and Dragon Ball fans would be elated if either of them made an appearance in DAIMA. Concept art for Demigra first appeared in Dragon Ball Online before he would go on to become a major villain in both Xenoverse and its sequel. Demigra’s origins precede Heroes, but the series makes him stronger than ever and a playable character for the first time.
Demigra ostensibly accomplishes what Mechikabura has been after when he becomes the Demon Realm’s new Dark King and nearly destroys history itself so that he can start things over and steal away Chronoa’s Supreme Kai of Time title. Demigra may be too big of a character to fit into Dragon Ball DAIMA, but it would also make sense for him to be the one who is pulling the strings in the series. If nothing else, Degesu and Dr. Arinsu should at least allude to Demigra and be working for him if he doesn’t explicitly appear.